3.16.0b Patch Notes (restartless)

Will you guys do something about Ballista Totems? Its unplayable right now...
What about the bug that makes the portal at the bottom of the map device always up (as you come back from the map the portals from the upper side are "used", not the one at the bottom I used to enter).
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Haven't had a crash since the patch deployed. Thank you for your prompt fix!
Could you guys make it so traps transfer into Nightmare like totems,Mines, etc. please?
Kieren_GGG wrote:

3.16.0b Patch Notes

This patch contains some improvements to the Scourge League, tweaks to the damage dealt by some monsters, and fixes a variety of small- and medium-importance bugs.

Scourge Improvements

Upon encountering a Boss in Nightmare, the drain of blood from the Crucible is now paused for 5 seconds.
The Tainted Mythic Orb can now unpredictably upgrade Corrupted items to Unique items even if their item level is lower than when it would normally be able to drop. Prior to this change, the orb would fail to apply to the item if there were no valid Unique items to upgrade to.

The damage of Ravenous Bloodshaper's Blood Orb and Spike Barrage skills has been decreased.
The damage of Demon Herder's Vomit and Beam skill has been decreased.
Reduced the number of Monsters with Proximity Shield that can spawn in some Scourge encounters.
The Corruption Absorbed progress bar now displays underneath items stored in the Blood Crucible, without you having to hover over them.

Other Improvements

The damage of Baranite Thaumaturge's ground explosions has been decreased. This change does not affect Baranite Thaumaturge Spectres.

Bug Fixes


Makes sense to reduce damage as hotfix till they maybe improve the visuals.
Sadly bad visual clarification of monsters abilities again, like Metamorph or first iteration of Delirium.

Oh, and Baranite Thaumaturge's ground mines got nerfed again. They are especially dangerous in indoor maps with narrow passages.

Also i read the bug fixes but when is the Elemental Overload fix coming? It has tooltip issues for selfcast and plain does not work with mines,traps and totems. And yes i'm aware that the buff is now a diamond in the skill bar.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Oct 27, 2021, 5:41:18 AM
After this patch my FPS dropped in half.
Even in my hideout, I used to have 160-170 FPS and now I have 80-100.

Anyone else with the same issue?
No crashes before this patch, have now had 5 in the last couple of hours.

Upon re-entering a zone after one crash I noticed my crucible meter wasn't increasing with killing monsters. Pressed V and I entered the upside-down world. I expect the meter was already full when I crashed and the visual representation only showed an early remaining artefact.
Jadran wrote:
What about the bug that makes the portal at the bottom of the map device always up (as you come back from the map the portals from the upper side are "used", not the one at the bottom I used to enter).

I fixed this by rotating my map device.
now I have crash to dekstop thanks GGG

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