📌 Armchair Meta guild is recruiting again!

Account Name:lorddrake123
Character Name:ZoroThePirateBanger
Time Zone:GMT
Year/Month started playing PoE:September
Highest Level:87
Account Name:keevonnn
Character Name:laaanaaaa
Time Zone:CST
Year/Month started playing PoE:2015
Highest Level:85
invites sent! welcome to the guild :D
Hellouu :)

Account Name:intundo
Character Name:GOTYAO
Time Zone:EU tALLIN +2
Year/Month started playing PoE:November 2021
Highest Level:
Level 75 Archmage Hierophant
@intundo - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
I'm excited about the endless delve. What build to play though?
I think I'm going to play CoC inquisitor.
Can wait for the endless delve! The endless Heist and Delirium are also dope! Not sure about the atlas invasion though - we'll wait and see.
Account Name: Quote720
Character Name: QuoteDCCXXI
Time Zone: Pacific
Year/Month started playing PoE: 2021/September
Highest Level: 97
@Quote720 - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!

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