Can anyone help me out? I don't do a lot of damage and my survivability is terrible. any help would be appreicated. thank you
Posted byCutePanties#1434on Jun 3, 2022, 10:13:11 PM
CutePanties wrote:
Can anyone help me out? I don't do a lot of damage and my survivability is terrible. any help would be appreicated. thank you
I am anything but an expert, but your gear doesn't have nearly enough life on it. Virtually all the life rolls are mediocre at best. Focus on getting tier 1 or 2 life rolls on all your rares.
Also, two inspired learning seems like a luxury you can't afford right now. I'm not sure that they stack, but, even if they do stack, that's not a good use of your resources at this time.
IlyaK1986 wrote:
tyczek1221 wrote:
The build overall is pretty fun for mapping, however it really sucks at bossing (sirus, and better bosses). Survivability is pretty nice, even without determination, but the lack of single target damage is really sad. It is my first build ever on which I could not kill maven.
That's what Vaal LS is for.
Yea maybe it helps on map bosses, but it does not even kill mini bosses on maven
Last edited by tyczek1221#4929 on Jun 4, 2022, 1:46:45 PM
Posted bytyczek1221#4929on Jun 4, 2022, 1:45:07 PM
Hey, can you tell me what me next upgrade should be damage wise? My character profile should be public. I currently have 4 ex and 1095 chaos.
I had a lot problems with the elder slayers, swapped to determination instead of anger. Its much smoother now.
Should I change something in my talents?
Posted bykeu11e#4157on Jun 5, 2022, 5:25:38 AM
keu11e wrote:
Hey, can you tell me what me next upgrade should be damage wise? My character profile should be public. I currently have 4 ex and 1095 chaos.
I had a lot problems with the elder slayers, swapped to determination instead of anger. Its much smoother now.
Should I change something in my talents?
* You should take Critical Mastery (shock effect)
* You have two Diamond Flasks, they don't stack (get Jade Flask or something)
* You (or someone else) added eldritch influence on Blizzard Crown. Buy one with natual implicit and DO NOT add those embers/ichors on it
* Do add eldritch influence on boots. I'd probably buy better boots before though
* Buy gloves with eldritch influence strike and perhaps temple mods
* Buy Stygian Vise and decent jewel for it
* At least craft life on your shaper ring
* Anoint your amulet. Use Divine Judgment, that's super cheap anoint for 50% inc damage. After you get better one (pref Aul's), anoint +1 Frenzy Charge
Posted byWermine#1485on Jun 5, 2022, 6:58:10 AM
Wermine wrote:
keu11e wrote:
Hey, can you tell me what me next upgrade should be damage wise? My character profile should be public. I currently have 4 ex and 1095 chaos.
I had a lot problems with the elder slayers, swapped to determination instead of anger. Its much smoother now.
Should I change something in my talents?
* You should take Critical Mastery (shock effect)
* You have two Diamond Flasks, they don't stack (get Jade Flask or something)
* You (or someone else) added eldritch influence on Blizzard Crown. Buy one with natual implicit and DO NOT add those embers/ichors on it
* Do add eldritch influence on boots. I'd probably buy better boots before though
* Buy gloves with eldritch influence strike and perhaps temple mods
* Buy Stygian Vise and decent jewel for it
* At least craft life on your shaper ring
* Anoint your amulet. Use Divine Judgment, that's super cheap anoint for 50% inc damage. After you get better one (pref Aul's), anoint +1 Frenzy Charge
Thank you very much! I will work off the list :)
Posted bykeu11e#4157on Jun 5, 2022, 11:55:39 AM
iunewind wrote:
takeitez wrote:
iunewind wrote:
Level up my build, most mandatory - i miss "Force of Nature" (10% elem penetration) passive in my first setup and its help much. Most of maps ok now.
"Early endgame" looks big problem with very same reason - too low dps. Guaridans take forever with a 50% chance of not killing at all, because the portals run out sooner.
My build seems to suffer greatly from lack of elemental penetration.
I'd say that your current claw is...very very bad. The claw should have been your first major and most cost-effective upgrade, especially in this league where good claws are cheap as hell and easily crafted with recombinators. The guy saying "your claw is mediocre" was just too polite, so you didn't realize the importance of a good weapon.
Also, you are lacking Herald of Ice, which is a big boost to your DPS. Use Herald of Ice, and swap out added cold into added lightning in your 6L.
Thanks for the tips. I was planning to swap the claws for a one with elem penetration and you additionally convinced me.
Also added herald of ice instead of precision.
This setup is good for red cards and early guards without mods, but next steps its a pain. For example guards with atlas mods are already a problem - I went to hydra, atlas mod summoned minotaur and almost every minotaur jump out is onehoot.
Also I didn't notice that I took a passive on the 85vlv shaper and go to fight... and that's without a chance. Very low damage on him and again onehot if not the first then the each second attack.
How to farm with this build? Its statics when deal damage, and in the video guides I've seen it was compensated by very fast kill and good selfhealing. Yea, its nice self healing but most of my deaths on bosses are oneshots. How to deal with this?
Am I missing something in the defensive mechs? For now im use Grace and defiance banner auras.
Boss-fight defense mechanics (which is different from mapping defense mechanics):
1. Ultra-high DPS to kill boss before boss can do anything dangerous.
2. Avoid one-shots by capping spell suppression at 100% and take at least some armour (10k+ armour should be enough) by adding granite flask and use determination instead of grace. Evasion is completely useless against bosses, because their dangerous moves are almost exclusively spell damage.
3. Healthy HP pool (4k+) and max resistance are also effective to prevent one-shots.
Posted bytakeitez#4951on Jun 6, 2022, 3:41:29 AM
any idea what i can do too do more dmg or die lesser?
Posted byDarkVolteer#3288on Jun 6, 2022, 5:15:37 AM
I am playing ls for the first time.
And i have some questions.
Is there a good way to get immun to stun ? I feel l Get stun locked very often.
Do you think iron Reflexes is worth it if you go full Armour?
Posted byxasipo#1645on Jun 6, 2022, 5:31:20 AM
xasipo wrote:
Is there a good way to get immun to stun ? I feel l Get stun locked very often.
You can try the lab enchant on boots with "80% chance to avoid being stunned if you've killed recently" and see if it feels better.
El Psy Kongroo. Last edited by Zimtdrop#2181 on Jun 6, 2022, 6:17:31 AM
Posted byZimtdrop#2181on Jun 6, 2022, 6:16:56 AM