The Starfall theme makes its debut today with the new Starfall Weapon Effect! This stunning Weapon Effect gives your weapon a dazzling white glow. Alongside this Weapon Effect are the Demonic Orb of Storms Effect and Mystic Burning Arrow Effect. Check them out in their videos below or get yours here!

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Grinding Gear Games
Starfall = for those who missed the Orion supporter pack or couldn't afford it.
Last edited by Pro#1622 on Aug 2, 2021, 9:37:05 PM
Should’ve made they mystic shot for ice shot… :/
Pro wrote:
Starfall = for those who missed the Orion supporter pack or couldn't afford it.

This made me LUL cool mtx thou
brings a new Burning Arrow mtx right after you nerf the ignite to the ground

Great business logic I should say...
leniusxue wrote:
brings a new Burning Arrow mtx right after you nerf the ignite to the ground

Great business logic I should say...

And if they released it in 3.14, people complain about pay-to-win or some such nonsense. Poor GGG; damned if they do, damned if they don't :(
Not another of these "cosmic" and "celestial" themed MTXs pls
Starfall already seems promising...

Pro wrote:
Starfall = for those who missed the Orion supporter pack or couldn't afford it.

Exactly my thoughts aswell. Not a bad thing, though.
Chima wrote:
leniusxue wrote:
brings a new Burning Arrow mtx right after you nerf the ignite to the ground

Great business logic I should say...

And if they released it in 3.14, people complain about pay-to-win or some such nonsense. Poor GGG; damned if they do, damned if they don't :(

It's more evidence they don't just do things straight for the intention of profit, like the "Complaints Community" would ignorantly argue against. /yawn
I bought the Orion support pack and I must say the Starfall is really close to it but definitely not the exact same. In my opinion it's just different enough, mostly because it trails white while Orion trails black which greatly changes the actual effect. I honestly really like the Starfall effect but have enough weapon effects from support packs already, I do hope to see more Starfall themed MTX though. Mystic Burning arrow is cool and might be fun in a league or two when it inevitably gets buffed again.

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