[PlayStation] Content Update 3.15.0 -- Path of Exile: Expedition

That's weird - my timer still has 50 minutes remaining.
"There has been a patch that you need to update to. Please restart Path of Exile".. but there's no patch to be updated to..the problem is that Sony might take a while before the file is available to everyone and we won't get an realistic opening date... is GGG looking at this issue?
PS game is 3.15.0 ,but the server need 3.15.0c ????????????
Time's up and we can't log in as it asks to download a patch unavailable on console.
The server should have been live by now but I am still getting an error saying I need to patch even though I am at the latest version. Could we please get an answer to whats going on?
Cannot connect to game.
GGG where is the GAME???
Ps5 off
GGG where is the GAME??? PS5 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Any GGG Official words on this issue?

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