[3.25 READY] Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush - Crush the Atlas - SSF Compatible

Thanks for the gg guide!

Question on upgrading shield after Lioneye's Remorse:

For the rare 2k-2.2k armor and life recover per block mods, is it better to chaos spam or essence of dread spam? Given limited currency, which has more cost efficient way of rolling both flat armor + % armor + life % recovery per block?

And has harvest crafting for this league become nerfed before so it won't be viable anymore?
UchihaVegeta wrote:
Thanks for the gg guide!

Question on upgrading shield after Lioneye's Remorse:

For the rare 2k-2.2k armor and life recover per block mods, is it better to chaos spam or essence of dread spam? Given limited currency, which has more cost efficient way of rolling both flat armor + % armor + life % recovery per block?

And has harvest crafting for this league become nerfed before so it won't be viable anymore?

In regards to 'efficiency', the best option would be using defense rerolls in Harvest followed by Dread spam.

Dread spam is good because of the guaranteed flat armor mod, as that's the best mod we can get out of all of them (assuming you can craft %increased armor on). From there, we have the option to reroll suffixes from Harvest (despite it being rare) for getting life% on block for our shield once we get a warlord or shaper shield.

When it comes to an influenced shield, the warlord shield is better than the shaper shield as well. It has a smaller mod pool than shaper shield does.
OMFGaTaco wrote:
UchihaVegeta wrote:
Thanks for the gg guide!

Question on upgrading shield after Lioneye's Remorse:

For the rare 2k-2.2k armor and life recover per block mods, is it better to chaos spam or essence of dread spam? Given limited currency, which has more cost efficient way of rolling both flat armor + % armor + life % recovery per block?

And has harvest crafting for this league become nerfed before so it won't be viable anymore?

In regards to 'efficiency', the best option would be using defense rerolls in Harvest followed by Dread spam.

Dread spam is good because of the guaranteed flat armor mod, as that's the best mod we can get out of all of them (assuming you can craft %increased armor on). From there, we have the option to reroll suffixes from Harvest (despite it being rare) for getting life% on block for our shield once we get a warlord or shaper shield.

When it comes to an influenced shield, the warlord shield is better than the shaper shield as well. It has a smaller mod pool than shaper shield does.

There's a number of things I ran into trouble with:

Influenced item cannot get 'defence harvests'; and if I forego essence spam, and use chaos spam to try get something half good, then craft on the rest with either reforge keeping suffix or prefix, which should I keep? the recover 3-5% life per block suffix, or the flat+%armor prefix?

Also with your method just above, do you mean to use warlord/shaper orb on the defence harvested non influence shield first?

Edit: I mean't there's no longer "Remove def add def" or "aug def won't be able to be used on influenced items" anymore.

But you can still do "reforge def mods more common" on a influenced item.

However, that has to be done after the dread spam as the dread essence would reforge it altogether again.

So Idk how.
Last edited by UchihaVegeta on Jul 31, 2021, 1:59:49 AM
What part of the ambidexterity applies to crush shield? just attack speed?
Updates and Plans:

Currently lvl 84:
By not taking tireless and relentless I was able to free up passive points for 1 large cluster with 3 notables and 2 small clusters within it.
(Feed the fury, martial prowess, and prodigious defence, and two fettles)

By lvl 90 relentless can be taken again
By lvl 98 respeccing out of relentless, a second large cluster jewel with 2 small cluster jewels can be taken via the marauder side with 2 armor % travel nodes to it.

Currently lvl 84 with ~270k sheet dps ~1.2m pob Lion Roared/incombat dps, 68/68 block/spell block, 67% raw phys dmg reduction, overcapped 90+ fire/light res, over 150 cold res, -47% chaos res and 5.1k hp.

By lvl 98 will have 6k hp and whilst current stats is without uber lab, so with it will be 70/70 block and way more dps. (dps from the new clusters and divining and min maxing watcher's eye etc)

Let me know what you think.
(P.S. medium clusters don't seem to have any of the guide mentioned preferred notables in the trade search, am I doing something incorrectly? Or can someone point me in the right direction in examining which medium cluster notables are useful for this build, thanks!)
Any thoughts if this is a Viable Weapon alternative ?
Turbopuschel1 wrote:
Any thoughts if this is a Viable Weapon alternative ?

Prismatic eclipse is better but it is a good alternative if you play SSF and cannot find one.
Looks like the build creator bailed on this character for a totem build.

I just reached red maps on this build and it's been smooth sailing. lvl 84 with 8 total deaths, 4 of which were 100% me just not paying attention and could have been avoided, the others just typical PoE random 1 shots.

Still have plenty of room for upgrades. going to focus on a better shield next i think. shaped %life on block is bonkers expensive though so I'll probably not get that anytime soon unless I get a lucky drop

DotsandDashes wrote:
Looks like the build creator bailed on this character for a totem build.

I just reached red maps on this build and it's been smooth sailing. lvl 84 with 8 total deaths, 4 of which were 100% me just not paying attention and could have been avoided, the others just typical PoE random 1 shots.

Still have plenty of room for upgrades. going to focus on a better shield next i think. shaped %life on block is bonkers expensive though so I'll probably not get that anytime soon unless I get a lucky drop

So I'm not allowed to play a second character because I want to do more than one build this league? Sounds kinda harsh if you ask me.

My character for Shield Crush is level 89 and i'm taking a break at the moment, but I have no plans on bailing on this build.
Buckman wrote:
What part of the ambidexterity applies to crush shield? just attack speed?

We use it solely for the attack speed. The main post has been updated to provide more clarity.

Turbopuschel1 wrote:
Any thoughts if this is a Viable Weapon alternative ?

I'd say probably not. Throwing it into PoB gives us about a 4.5% dps loss. If you're wanting to run it yourself then feel free though, and let me know how it fares!

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