[3.25 READY] Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush - Crush the Atlas - SSF Compatible

Immortal007 wrote:
Thanks a lot for the guide - this build is great.

Only thing i didnt like was having mana for only one 'swing'. Sometimes when i hit nothing it sucks because no mana regen. i specced into dread banner reservation and this made it smoother (for me) so that i these stuff-ups werent so punishing as i have 86 unreserved mana.

Do you think the timeless jewel i have is ok? only has 1 x double damage but im not sure how often these are rolled with more than one clsoe by?



Yeah, there's some issues with that when you don't run lifetap but you have a very minimal damage loss if you swap Pulverise for Lifetap. The endgame version gets 100% impale chance without impale support so we can socket in lifetap that way and get around those issues. The aoe on Slayer is enough for mapping and you don't need the aoe for bosses really, so i'd recommend to swap to that. Remember that you can also just leap slam onto someone to get your mana back too.

The gem looks good! Remember you can search for gems using 'find timeless jewel' in PoB. The 5% DD is the only thing i list, but you can make much better ones like higher % DD, lots of fortify, or defensive things like life and phys taken as fire.
Heya, just wanted to drop some appreciation.

Out of all the builds I've played so far def by far my fav!
Second time rolling with it this league, tried swapping to another build halfway through, but I just kept logging onto my SC char. x)

Almost reached my 40/40 goal and decided to craft a perfect shield.
Took a week to find a nice base with % armour, but it was worth the wait.

I know this sounds insane, but I hit the prefixes on the very first resonator (just 1 dense).
Had to make it up on the suffixes though, took me 10 Aislings and a lot of Prefixes Cannot Be Changeds.

See y'all next league, probably on SC again! <3
I don't know if this is absolutely min/maxed but i like shield crush. I got 45 mil dps 180k-200k ehp depending on if stationary on not.

I went warlod/redeemer chest with frenzy on hit with +2 amulet and 2 physical damage clusters. Threw a precision is empty green socket on prismatic eclipse and made a eater mana reservation helm with flat accuracy. put precise technique on relic. This only saves 3 passives so its feasible to do without relics.

This build can do big dam if anyone was wondering.

Thanks for updating the guide for this league, I do appreciate it! I was going to run this on ssfhc as a league start and ill let you know how it goes.

I had a couple of questions:

How much will I struggle if I cannot drop prismatic/carnage heart?

Will I need to play the build with presice technique to carry my damage early and swap later?

I wanted to try get some ailment immunity, so run the panths until I get some gear. Or would you suggest a better way?

The new crucible nodes on the offhand/shield seem insane, multiple armour multipliers in the range from around 40% up to 60% are available, some might have slight drawbacks, but the possible DPS gains seem absolutely crazy.

Excited for another league of shieldcrush! :D
Want to try it in ruthless, any cons?
Hi, thank you for showing this skill and build.

This is going to be my 5th or so league with shield crush, I'll try to scale it with lightning damage if possible ( crucible weapon passive ), hopefully work out!
Tracinta wrote:

Thanks for updating the guide for this league, I do appreciate it! I was going to run this on ssfhc as a league start and ill let you know how it goes.

I had a couple of questions:

How much will I struggle if I cannot drop prismatic/carnage heart?

Will I need to play the build with presice technique to carry my damage early and swap later?

I wanted to try get some ailment immunity, so run the panths until I get some gear. Or would you suggest a better way?

Hi! Sorry for taking a while to respond. I have been travelling since league launch and haven't had a computer to get on the forums.

Precise technique is not used for the levelling process. Just running the steel skills and keeping your weapon up to date with the vendor recipe should be enough to go to early white maps.

Ailment immunity is handled in this build through flask automation, but you can also use the pantheon and the new passives on the crucible trees as well.
DurLagDT wrote:
Want to try it in ruthless, any cons?

Run the determination setup for auras, it'll be safer for you. The leveling might be rough because it is ruthless, so running steel skills should be helpful.

As far as I know there are a few shield crush builds floating around Ruthless and most of them use the Searing Exarch shield as their bis (since its very good for defenses).
Just have to tell, have a blast with this build.
And yes, you can craft in Crusible some sick shields.

GL all =)

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