Content Update 3.15.0 -- Path of Exile: Expedition

this is so sad alexa play despacito
Lunde wrote:
Thank god they nerfed everything. The power creep has been going on for years. The game was stupid easy and a joke.

This is the best thing that has happened PoE since 3.0

Try killing maven and uber atziri before you give your expert opinion mr pro gamer
I think Diablo will decimate this game, lol. Literally will turn POE to shreds
change is scary
Looking forward to play! I like the changes especially the flask change. Making the game harder is the right choice so the grind will be even more challenging now.
Kinda funny thats the peoples motivation to write bad things and crying is more present than peoples who just dont mind or are even happy with the changes as me. We are a very interesting species :). I dont get the people anger. Its hard to imagine that they are actually raging infront of their PCs instead of chilling and checking out what these changes actually mean. I guess GGG has enough fonds to hire some smart people so the rebalance will make sense somehow.
Anyway see u on Friday!
tehehe tehehehe te te hehe

i got my bike fixed today.

looking forward to playing!
You tell me to do this
He tells me to do that
You are all bastards
Go fuck your mother
Minor RIP 29% more from bonechill to every cold dot, nice! Why bother mentioning that in nerffesto.
fukuruku1 wrote:
Looking forward to play! I like the changes especially the flask change. Making the game harder is the right choice so the grind will be even more challenging now.
Kinda funny thats the peoples motivation to write bad things and crying is more present than peoples who just dont mind or are even happy with the changes as me. We are a very interesting species :). I dont get the people anger. Its hard to imagine that they are actually raging infront of their PCs instead of chilling and checking out what these changes actually mean. I guess GGG has enough fonds to hire some smart people so the rebalance will make sense somehow.
Anyway see u on Friday!

Man writing like that, maybe you should write the next patch notes.
Peepo Fu*king Shake
thanks mr cringe wilson, now I can enjoy white maps on my cleave build

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