Community Event: Havoc Blitz 2

Please buff saboteur trapper and chieftain warchief totems. Thank you, peace in the world, Wooooooo!
Marinxar wrote:
Streamers always take the prizes, as the game is balanced around them. Worst part is, they get paid for us watching them take all the prizes.

How are these races balanced around streamers? Plenty of people who have won a lot of races did it before streaming you know..
Just don't get hit 4Head
mietze007 wrote:
what about a event that new players can also have fun and have real chance to win?

What about this prohibits new players from having fun?
Just don't get hit 4Head
Exiled_MasterofDeath wrote:
Good luck an all if this is your thing but TBH this was not the news post I was hoping for. Give us some 3.15 news to get hyped about please!!!

You do realize that this isn't created/worked on by GGG, right? You're asking community members for 3.15 news :)
Just don't get hit 4Head
Havoc6 wrote:
Mindelo wrote:
What about some events for people that are not racers?

I have non-racers in mind when designing these events.
Is there something specific you would like in an event like this?
Or do you desire GGG created events (which I am not affiliated with or in charge of).

Something that is hard-capped and doesn't require super speeding skills, example could be:
- The push: every new character starts at level 12 and cannot level further - the target of the league - to push the story/game as far as you can with this limited character (which has gems/items/skill points restrictions);

Yeah I know. Just eager for some news on the new league. Was already sad we didn't get anything on 24 June. Anyway, nothing to do but wait I guess.
Last edited by Exiled_MasterofDeath#7124 on Jul 1, 2021, 9:16:16 AM
Excellent intro :D
Bjorn_Angannon wrote:
Tainted_Fate wrote:
i mean its useless even by MY standards (ive done 100 40/40 multiple leagues)

Hmmm interesting considering there've only been ~28 or so leagues since launch, and you've only been playing since mid 2017. :)

Level 100...

So many people looking to kneecap someone and doing it to themselves.
Bjorn_Angannon wrote:
Tainted_Fate wrote:
i mean its useless even by MY standards (ive done 100 40/40 multiple leagues)

Hmmm interesting considering there've only been ~28 or so leagues since launch, and you've only been playing since mid 2017. :)

nah man i've skipped some trash leagues! actually like half of them! like synthesis, bestiary, harvest, blight, ULTIMATUM etc ;) but i definitely can be sweaty stinky no-lifer, you better should not doubt about it.
dead game
bring back 3.13
Nice & Pog! Ty

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