Will Ultimatum Become a Core Game Mechanic?
Giiid choice!
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
― Aristotle |
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" The usual mistake of paying for a "unknown closed box" without knowing what it contains. When will you learn that it pays AFTER judging the job? My work is always paid AFTER, and always if the customer is satisfied. Why do you get fooled so trivially? In this case the fault is yours, not GGG's. As for Ultimatum, I'm not interested, by now POE is a total garbage content where you don't even know what happens on screen .... total absence of QOL .... potion based pianist effect .... politics of "one -click = one shot "... graphic / technical performance malfunctioning .... first month ALWAYS as an alpha tester (it would be lucky as a beta!) .... what's the fun?!?.. what?! The chronic inability shown by different leagues to balance the game has reached the pinnacle of ridicule, just see that every league has sensational exploits .... the items dropped are now insignificant, crafting is nauseating for how inconstant and modified it is that you have to take a degree every 3 months to understand it, and honestly I broke up with watching streamers explaining whether the chicken or the egg came first in a somewhat questionable way. It is also necessary to talk about the latest ethical issues which have proved very questionable. I am waiting for POE2, but I will not support the current philosophy of GGG and the current poe. Sorry for my bad English. it's not my language |
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Where Sharknado?
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Content Bloat is a real thing back in my day Leagues were the main thing you would test in leagues now they are 3 month Standard leagues refresh economy wipes each league that favour people who play 8-14 hours per day I used to be one of them.
If we disregard All the technical problems the league faced at the beginning and over the first 2 weeks the league itself was very fun. First mini-game like boss you introduced that was hard early on then a breeze once geared I can see he was never intended to be hard. And those voice lines pure gold it was actually a pleaser being told I was a single round challenger Having a feature that allowed us to pause during combat if we reached a certain threshold was a pleasant change even because it allowed you to save your character/XP if things got too real and opt out for the reward (In the end I would facetank every wave) While it was great that combat would pause and we could click to level up our gems on the PC. Can we simply have the console feature with automatically gem level up already, they have had that for a few years now please give us that Quality of Life already. For Ultimatum to return, we would want to shift the balance back so that the Trialmaster's offers are the main reward for doing the encounter I agree that the Taskmaster should hold the best rewards. Problem is when you say you will balance loot rewards you make it even more grindy then it needs to be. All you have to do is make Hateforge a legacy unique standard only item and remove it from the drop table, it instantly keeps the cool changes you've done to help balance out Vaal skill gems in 3.14 which was perfect! Keep the same rewards in the first 1-6 stages if your struggling or just want the item early on and choose to opt out( just take item and leave) you should NOT have a loot explosion. For players that don't grind a lot that 1-4c, or that good rare item really helps them out to someone like me it makes zero difference. The league for me was 8/10 challenges were fun to get and not that grindy even if Taskmaster was bugged for the first month. |
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Remove Heist !!
It is like playing a side game that isnt related to PoE as we know it. IGN : Iss_Limit_Less
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I'm glad it's not going core on a count of there already being way too much to be doing. that being said of all the leagues to leave out you chose this one lol.
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I'm good both ways on Ultimatum going core, I saw trial master probably 6 times in the 3 weeks I played, skipped a few because I felt the final reward wasn't worth it and I wasnt aware of Hateforge at the time (within the first week and a half), and 2 of the 3 times I killed him (3rd one I killed him, but died at the end and the loot was stuck in the arena) luckily not Hateforge stuck in the arena or that'd be a sadge day on reddit. But I do believe some leagues need to be trimmed imho.
As for Ultimatum itself, Eh?! Lots of Chaos but never got anything more then a single exalt as a reward, and that was maxing out most trialmasters on T14-T16. In terms of reward, I felt more rewarded picking my options from ritual. In terms of speed, I felt the INITIAL start for ritual was faster especially mapping when the frost rituals weren't messed with and the monsters were spawning in the center rapidly, but then after they messed with it I dreaded and hated most Ritual encounters as things felt....delayed. But also everything in Ritual (yes this includes pre nerfed harvest) was more fun to me in general. As for Ultimatum, the ONLY 2 good positives out of that league for me was the Lab Changes, and Syndicate changes. Alva's temple was fine also but in terms of individual league mechanics I dreaded doing most of it even with the so called "buffs". I just felt overall more things were worse then they were better. But thats probably because there were a TON of things hit and not clarified enough during the patch notes which ended up being negative. Maybe that's the intention, but as a player (which is subjective) it didn't feel "good" to me personally. As for the Ultimatum encounters, fun but quickly repetitive as I enjoyed the difficulty, but felt more dread the more I wasn't rewarded beyond chaos spam. My opinion obviously. As for this new league, I just hope it's not another league of nerfs, and the content feels fun with some quality of life changes (fingers crossed for consolidated loot drops for a change instead of a bunch of individual drops). On top of that, would like to see some reworks and buffs to specific skills and league mechanics, maybe a 20 to 25% boost in heist currency atlas drops, a raise in harvest crafts from a minimum of 4 (previous 21) to maybe a minimum of 8 per plot. Some changes to the Atlas passives (alot of them just feel bad and some atlas zones are just less desirable). And some boosted drop rates for league specific rewards (as I feel targeting some leagues felt worse farming now then when the specific league initially launched). That's what I would want to see. Sure the reveal should be poggers, but patch notes is what I'm waiting on to see if I skip a season or not. Last edited by xRev703#5439 on Jun 30, 2021, 6:04:27 PM
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I dont understand GGG concept, Path of exile is already too complex for a new player, so you keep making the game even bigger? it is nice to add such mechanic like betrayal, harvest, delve to the core because they are really huge addition to the game, they add new crafts way for example, but ult, tell me what it can add? nothing in my opinion
I hope GGG focus on fixing exist problems, such the huge amount of mops in juiced map which cause crash game, or the too much visual effects like in the ult circle which makes you blind |
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So clueless. They saw retention numbers and assume its because the league mechanic sucked and not their other decisions. JFC GGG is out of touch.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer 3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life. |
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Good Choice to let it die - or improve!!!
well done GGG |
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