Going through 100 pages of six link items cause
"Socket:r-r-r-g-g-b" is way to specific. They need to overhaul the system or add a way to say you don't care what colour the sockets are, does this exist ? I have tried using a for any but that didn't work
Last bumped on Jun 21, 2021, 11:28:06 PM
Snow3767 wrote:
Going through 100 pages of six link items cause
"Socket:r-r-r-g-g-b" is way to specific. They need to overhaul the system or add a way to say you don't care what colour the sockets are, does this exist ? I have tried using a for any but that didn't work

Why can't you just recolour the item?
Why does specific socket colour matter so much when you have access to bench crafting sockets, harvest manipulation and even betrayal.
I would also like to note that they're somewhat addressing this in PoE 2 with how gear no longer has to be linked and its the gems themselves that are linked... so it is something they're actively working to fix...
You didn't read my post clearly
I am asking if there is a way to sort out the auction to look for only 6 linked chest pieces, instead of having to filter specific colors.
You should have worded it better then.
Just have sockets always on.
There isn't a good way to filter this atm and I doubt that will change before poe 2 since after poe 2 they don't need to implement it 🤷
That's a great idea to keep your player base happy. Make them wanna kill themselves for 2-3years before the next game comes out
It's pretty easy to search for 6links though man... just go to options and highlight "always show sockets"
Then search for the base you want and presto cuts the time down.

Alright, try and find me a replica shroud of the lightness. A headhunter belt,

Or a six link chest piece with triple resistance 30+% a life roll 100+ with life %
Thats really not that hard, replica shroud glows red so if you have anything filtered it stands out like a sore thumb.

Have sockets showing and filter life, fire , light, cold or chaos any combination and you'll be fine. Also why do you need so much res on your chest you're wasting precious influence mods.

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