0.10.5 Patch Notes

Serefkana wrote:
omgthisnamesux wrote:
Can someone from GG shed some light on how the Critical Strike changes mentioned in the patch notes impact existing builds/combos?

Specifically, does this mean that Spark + Fork, the spark will only crit the first target it hits now... and after the Fork will no longer crit other targets?
It means Crit works the way it has ALWAYS worked for multiple hitting skills. Like LMP+FreezePulse, 1 pulse crits, all 3 do. It doesn't crit, none of them do. It's always been like that. Now they're just making it more streamline/across the board, or just clarifying it for the new Gems.

Except the action of multi-strike may take longer than a single spell cast making melee builds have longer time between crits than spell casters.
Patch is pretty awsome and all, every week theres some good changes coming in. However a rework or change to the current trade system is info that i am waiting for personally. Honestly can not stand this terrible system. Have no problem using the forums or even the awful trade chat, however once you are actually able to find an item to buy or your selling an item to a buyer, GL finding a time where both can meet for a trade... I dunno how many items i've attempted to purchase only to either out level the item or find/buy another item somewhat similar but not better just because it was better then waiting a week + to make a simple trade. And the "Auctions" people run can get a little out of hand as well. Starting to see most people run these auctions for min of 72hrs to a week...Even if you have the highest bid and their has not been any bids after the first hour. Crazyness! :)

Anyway some info, on this largely talked about topic from GGG would be great.
IGN: Aufs_TR_Mine
04/04/2013 Last night, I got to level 32 with my Witch H_I_L_D_Y call.
Today, 04/05/2013, after the last upgrade path, I just logged into my account, when I see that I lost about 90% (ninety percent) of my items, except for some jewelry, pots HP and Mana, and some gems skil useless.
I do not know if the upgrade path is related to the loss of my items, but would like something done about it, and wondering if this happened to anyone else but me.

Thank you for your attention
jaumpedru wrote:
04/04/2013 Last night, I got to level 32 with my Witch H_I_L_D_Y call.
Today, 04/05/2013, after the last upgrade path, I just logged into my account, when I see that I lost about 90% (ninety percent) of my items, except for some jewelry, pots HP and Mana, and some gems skil useless.
I do not know if the upgrade path is related to the loss of my items, but would like something done about it, and wondering if this happened to anyone else but me.

Thank you for your attention

Sounds like you maybe got hacked. I would message support. Its at the top of the screen. "Contact support".
Viper Strike: Intentionally does not work with Melee Splash at the moment.

Build I planned for over week wont work ='(
Guess I dont roll new char

DOT will be bad 4evah
Last edited by Jyssi#3843 on Apr 5, 2013, 4:10:21 PM
way to go GGG. looks nice patch.
666DalmatiaN wrote:
Viper Strike: Intentionally does not work with Melee Splash at the moment.

Build I planned for over week wont work ='(
Guess I dont roll new char

DOT will be bad 4evah
It says "at the moment", just wait a week or 2. One of the main reasons the patch was delayed was because of how overpowered Viper Strike was with the new Supports.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
"Multistrike is currently a world drop support gem."

this is confusing.. is multistrike a support gem or a skill of its own?

Drahken wrote:
"Multistrike is currently a world drop support gem."

this is confusing.. is multistrike a support gem or a skill of its own?

Support gem... It clearly stated that it is a world drop only support gem, like Chain, GMP, ect.
IGN: PervyMonk
MadAzN wrote:
Drahken wrote:
"Multistrike is currently a world drop support gem."

this is confusing.. is multistrike a support gem or a skill of its own?

Support gem... It clearly stated that it is a world drop only support gem, like Chain, GMP, ect.

so then it works with cyclone?

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