[3.14] Indigon Cast on Crit Ice Nova/Spark Pathfinder - Very tanky, fast, very high DPS

ElLoco2836 wrote:
YanJJ wrote:

Nothing missing really you miss out on a bit crit chance/attack speed/crit multi. With manastorm you come prettyt close to beam's pob. There is no point to get to 50-60m sirus dps when clearing imo so might as well just put ice spear for freezing pulse/hydro. When you doing bosses

Or if you actually going the essence worm(zealotry/hatred which ever suit you) and still balance your res (which will cost significantly more since now you lose 1 ring and still need to balance your res)

however the build has 100% uptime on bismuth so there no need to worry about res too much imo as long as you press bismuth but ofc that is an budget alternative to not have your res capped).

Then you will be able to take your dmg to next threshold thank to essence worm

There is also route where you can cap your crit without kalisa and then getting a better gloves like algor mortis/null and void/shadow and dust/breathstealer etc.

Thank you for your detailed answer :)
I`m wondering where I miss out on crit chance though?
The only thing is that my bottled faith has 0.03 less than beams.
My gloves though have 0.06 more base crit.
The attack speed I`m missing is 1% from Cospris and the roll from watchers eye, because there is none on the market with those stats.
Then there is 8% crit multi, which beam has through perfect rolled jewels.
All those little differences have that high impact on dps? That`s why I was asking if I missed something or maybe did setup my pob in a wrong way.

Going the Hatred/Essence Worm way would result in a lot more dmg, right?
I have enough currency left to throw at the built so I might look into it.
Having played a cold bv pathfinder last league, I really enjoy using this mechanic again. That`s why I sold my juiced Ele hit and Headhunter. I just want to scale this boi as high as I can :D
But since I didn`t know where to start and saw those juicy 60mdps of beams pob, I thought I`d start at the same point and then see where it gets me.

I think you are missing workaround for Kalisa base crit btw, check the configuring pob for your character section. You need to add +2% to critical strike chance on one of your items
My builds:
My site:
Hello guys, sorry am still quite lost. Played around with my configurations and with my current items.

My effective trigger rate is still really low despite having a woke CoC, am so lost right now on what to do to further improve my effective trigger rate, could anyone please take a look at my PoB if you have time? Thank you so much!

Last edited by drigorin#4995 on Jun 7, 2021, 8:44:40 AM
drigorin wrote:
Hello guys, sorry am still quite lost. Played around with my configurations and with my current items.

My effective trigger rate is still really low despite having a woke CoC, am so lost right now on what to do to further improve my effective trigger rate, could anyone please take a look at my PoB if you have time? Thank you so much!


You dont need to spec to essence sap if you have mind drinker. Just get blood drinker or extra frenzy charges.

You can also spec into dazzling strikes to cap your crit chance increasing the Effective trigger rate

Mostly done with the build and tried to min max it with my jewels. Pretty insane build so far and kills mostly any boss in seconds. Decided to take 2 medium cluster for Aoe, but can be swapped with dmg ones or ones with more flaks effect duration


xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
Mostly done with the build and tried to min max it with my jewels. Pretty insane build so far and kills mostly any boss in seconds. Decided to take 2 medium cluster for Aoe, but can be swapped with dmg ones or ones with more flaks effect duration


Really nice, Nice to see someone pushing ice nova dmg to over 100m imo. Have you check if you have enough to swap out gloves/hatred for zealotry.

Imo if you can still cap crit I think you would have love the replica kalisa or those rampage gloves.
Last edited by YanJJ#1695 on Jun 9, 2021, 1:02:03 PM
YanJJ wrote:
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
Mostly done with the build and tried to min max it with my jewels. Pretty insane build so far and kills mostly any boss in seconds. Decided to take 2 medium cluster for Aoe, but can be swapped with dmg ones or ones with more flaks effect duration


Really nice, Nice to see someone pushing ice nova dmg to over 100m imo. Have you check if you have enough to swap out gloves/hatred for zealotry.

Imo if you can still cap crit I think you would have love the replica kalisa or those rampage gloves.

Didnt checked it, but should be possible. All I can say after playing 25 different coc builds already, is that if you have to relly on bottled faith to be crit capped it will feel shit during mapping unless you dont care to press bottled faith every second when you move. The only way to be crit capped without bottled faith would be for me to swap the 2 aoe medium cluster for crit cluster. Make sure you will feel it when aps synergize with the cdr. If you have like op double the aps then the cd is ready for ice nove, it will feel less clunky.
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
Mostly done with the build and tried to min max it with my jewels. Pretty insane build so far and kills mostly any boss in seconds. Decided to take 2 medium cluster for Aoe, but can be swapped with dmg ones or ones with more flaks effect duration


Hi kami, just wanted to ask how you are ramping indigon mana spent since you're not using archmage on vortex?
Hi, thanks for the great build!!! I'm in a trouble with my damage, seems to low for what I invested (about 200ex)

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/HjJk47N0
WiddleNigglet wrote:
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
Mostly done with the build and tried to min max it with my jewels. Pretty insane build so far and kills mostly any boss in seconds. Decided to take 2 medium cluster for Aoe, but can be swapped with dmg ones or ones with more flaks effect duration


Hi kami, just wanted to ask how you are ramping indigon mana spent since you're not using archmage on vortex?

I have no problems keeping up the mana spent, it takes a bit longer in the beginning, but with sigil of power, arcane cloak, vortex, blood rage and cyclone you should spent enough mana on bosses. On speed clearing I probably dont have all the time max mana spent, but that isnt necessary with so much dmg we already have. Thats also why I decided to stay on the habingers shield and didnt go for mana storm or something else
First of all:
Thank you both, beam and yanjj for your answers :)

So I changed some parts of my gear to push my trigger rate.
Now I`m sitting at 7.56 trigger rate/effective trigger rate - its the same value now.
Crit is capped with bottled faith, Accuracy is also at 100%.

I have a question regarding instances of skills in pob:
What does that effective trigger rate of 7.56 on my ice nova allow me to set as instances to reflect my true dps?
With Hydrosphere it should be 3 instances because it`s 2.5/s as OP writes in his pob. Is the base trigger rate for ice nova the same as hydrospheres?
Also: where exactly can I find that 2.5/s base trigger rate?

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