Wrecker's 3.14 Minion Champ(ion) (not a guide, sorry!)

Awesome internationalfish! That's cool. I'm glad you like it. I'm playing with different ideas of this build right now. I'm trying Dominating Blow instead of Bladestorm for a bit (obviously without Lifetap). I have SO many ideas for the Champ. It's really hard to choose.

Thanks! I was actually going to ask if you had any specific preferences for Bladestorm replacements.

To me, the build HAS to be able to take damage standing still for a bit. Easily. We'll see.

It seems to be reasonably tanky in low-level maps with random gear and low-level gems, so hopefully starting from zero and leveling them naturally will have it going a lot more smoothly by the end of the acts.

I did throw on an unset ring for flame dash, just because even with movement speed on the boots as well as somewhere else (can't recall exactly where just now), I was ending up in a bit of trouble with tougher packs, and usually like to have that around for jumping up and down ledges anyway.
Last edited by internationalfish on Jul 8, 2021, 6:18:29 PM
Can I try using Cyclone instead of Bladestorm or is there any specific reason I should stand still? Thanks Wrecker's!!
Thanks! I was actually going to ask if you had any specific preferences for Bladestorm replacements.

It seems to be reasonably tanky in low-level maps with random gear and low-level gems, so hopefully starting from zero and leveling them naturally will have it going a lot more smoothly by the end of the acts.

I did throw on an unset ring for flame dash, just because even with movement speed on the boots as well as somewhere else (can't recall exactly where just now), I was ending up in a bit of trouble with tougher packs, and usually like to have that around for jumping up and down ledges anyway.
Awesome thanks for the feedback!

Viduka wrote:
Can I try using Cyclone instead of Bladestorm or is there any specific reason I should stand still? Thanks Wrecker's!!
Cyclone should work no problem with the build. There isn't a reason to stand still specifically. I just meant that the build needs to be able to be tanky enough that standing still to attack isn't going to be an issue.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Hi, been playing poe since 2013 and have never been able to play end game. Untill now. I swapped this toon out at lvl 69. As a standard toon, I had some uniques and found a mace and helm that worked well together. The helm has 25% to ground slam so I thought why not. I had to change the tree a little for the mace but not much. WOW OHHHH WOW I found some intresting sinergy with Vaal Ground Slam and Seismic Cry. Put SC on left click, VGS on middle, and GS on right. Hold left click to move and will auto cast SC, while still holding left tap or hold right on mobs. When you feel like it and have souls use middle instead of right. I am lvl 79 and can do T16 maps. I've had lvl 90 toons and could barely do 14-15.
Like Nicemoki, I've followed your other builds but couldn't get the hang of them. This build is fantastic. If you could look my toon and tree over I would appriciate it. Not sure how to link character. Name is Still_Gor.
Really cool build my dude. I'm saving this for the new league. I needed a solid SSF minion starter build, and I've not played a champion for ages.
Clearly we have to wait for the patch notes, but I'm fairly concerned that builds making significant use of CwDT (or any other trigger, really) are going to hit a wall in 3.15 thanks to triggered skills now costing mana (apparently more mana because they're triggered, in at least some cases), particularly when coupled with high-reservation auras...
Gorclan wrote:
Hi, been playing poe since 2013 and have never been able to play end game. Untill now. I swapped this toon out at lvl 69. As a standard toon, I had some uniques and found a mace and helm that worked well together. The helm has 25% to ground slam so I thought why not. I had to change the tree a little for the mace but not much. WOW OHHHH WOW I found some intresting sinergy with Vaal Ground Slam and Seismic Cry. Put SC on left click, VGS on middle, and GS on right. Hold left click to move and will auto cast SC, while still holding left tap or hold right on mobs. When you feel like it and have souls use middle instead of right. I am lvl 79 and can do T16 maps. I've had lvl 90 toons and could barely do 14-15.
Like Nicemoki, I've followed your other builds but couldn't get the hang of them. This build is fantastic. If you could look my toon and tree over I would appriciate it. Not sure how to link character. Name is Still_Gor.
Hey Gorclan! I'm glad you're liking the build so much! You've done an awesome job with your modifications! I'm glad you're able to be so successful with it! Level 79 in a T16 is amazing! Nice work! I took a look at your gear and it's pretty awesome :). Nothing much to say there except that I wish I had your gear :).

The 3.15 reveal was crazy so I'll have to play this character, among others once the content is actually out to see if this current setup needs any tweaks. Thanks for such kind praise!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Jul 17, 2021, 12:06:39 AM
Wraith405 wrote:
Really cool build my dude. I'm saving this for the new league. I needed a solid SSF minion starter build, and I've not played a champion for ages.
Awesome! Thanks Wraith405! I'll have to try it out with all of the 3.15 changes to see what needs to be tweaked, but I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks! I hope it works well for you.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Clearly we have to wait for the patch notes, but I'm fairly concerned that builds making significant use of CwDT (or any other trigger, really) are going to hit a wall in 3.15 thanks to triggered skills now costing mana (apparently more mana because they're triggered, in at least some cases), particularly when coupled with high-reservation auras...
100% internationalfish. 100%. The build may even need to go to a one-handed setup for the sake of have Clarity with Arrogance or something. Such huge changes coming for sure. Gameplay will be the best tester for it for sure. Good post.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
Sorry, it may not be particularly compelling, but playing this build and then seeing the new Reaper gem made me think that low-cost minions like phantasms and Herald summons might end up providing a whole lot of food for a reaper. So having the base minions here around with fewer support gems and using Reaper as the main might end up providing similar cannon fodder but also keeping it simple to play. Just a thought. :)

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