[3.14] "Budget" aura-stacker / semi-aurabot

xyeno wrote:
kaeleb85 wrote:
Hi xyeno!
Your build caught my attention because I'm nostalgic about the golden times during Delirium :D and I want to build again an aurastacker.
I have 50ex and a lvl93 Herald of Agonoy Arakaali's fang Guardian.
Are my budget and my character level ok to build again the glorious Aurastacker?
Thank you!

Sorry for the delayed response.

I am currently not really playing the Ultimatum League so I'm not sure on gear prices. I have a feeling that 50Ex should be enough to get you started.

It won't feel like the old aura stackers with 10k ES and 15 casts/sec; however, as you upgrade gears slowly, you will notice the difference.

No problem!
Anyhoo, I gave it a shot and it feels great! I don't have bottled faith yet but I really like how the build works, the only (little) issue I have is that it lacks a bit in single target damage... but I suppose it will be fixed after Bottled Faith and Intensity. BTW I killed all the conquerors (AL9) and Elder / Uber Elder. Next step, Sirus :)
Swapped to the build early after a lucky find and I'm already loving it. However, what's the point of Dread Banner? It's impale chance only applies to attacks. Everything else in your build is so well thought out there has to be some mechanic I'm missing.

Thank you!
kaeleb85 wrote:
No problem!
Anyhoo, I gave it a shot and it feels great! I don't have bottled faith yet but I really like how the build works, the only (little) issue I have is that it lacks a bit in single target damage... but I suppose it will be fixed after Bottled Faith and Intensity. BTW I killed all the conquerors (AL9) and Elder / Uber Elder. Next step, Sirus :)

MasterWilhelm wrote:
Swapped to the build early after a lucky find and I'm already loving it. However, what's the point of Dread Banner? It's impale chance only applies to attacks. Everything else in your build is so well thought out there has to be some mechanic I'm missing.

Thank you!


As for anomalous dread banner, I am using it because I have 1 extra gem socket available but I do not have enough RMR to use another herald. It also acts as 1 extra "aura" to increase phys dmg reduction (from ascendancy point). Anomalous version has you take 2% less dmg from enemies which adds more tankyness.

If you don't have gem socket or mana to reserve, it is 100% not necessary. Think of it as chocolate sprinkles on your ice cream.
Thank you for such an detailed answer you are awesome ! :)

I will try both EK and Sparks variant to check which suits my playstyle better.

Cheers and keep up the good work !.
just one question, stupid as it may seem. how o have hotkeys for all your auras or do you keep switching spells to turn them all on?
just one question, stupid as it may seem. how o have hotkeys for all your auras or do you keep switching spells to turn them all on?

I use weapon swap. I think Jix explained this in his/her Aura-stacker scion guide.

1) You dual wield some random weapons from act 1 vendor. You can use +gem quality if you want to lvl up empower/enhance/enlighten gems.
2) While pressing Control button assign auras to 5 keys and mouse right click.
3) Release Control button then assign 5 more auras to keys and NOT mouse clicks.
4) Swap back to Nebulis + Prism Guardian.
5) While Pressing Control button assign auras to 5 keys.
6) Release Control button then assign your main spell, flame dash, smite, righteous fire as however you wish to do so.

You can use this if you die and want to reserve auras again quickly.
thank you sir, and perhaps i missed it but what pantheons do you choose?
Thanks for the build guide, I rolled into it recently and with a pretty barebones gear setup (buying everything as quick and cheap as possible with some cheap corrupts where I could get them) it seems to be working fine. Price/performance is good for the little currency I put into it and when I clear out some more old gear I can start investing properly.

The only major problem I ran into is that EK without any pierce or chain just feels terrible for clearing dense packs, for example red blighted maps with pack size were impossible and t16 ulti was a bit sketchy too. I swapped an ES jewel for a poacher's aim and swapped alpha's for an ES helm with +1 pierce, I lost max res and raw dps from it but it was worth it for the clearing. When I can afford it I'll get a +2 aoe gems/pierce helm but for now I think it's an okay trade. For the shavs I'll just have to wait until the necessary corrupt comes on the market to finish capping res or move purities into corrupted boots if I can get them. I also can't run an aspect yet because I screwed up my attributes and had to craft strength on my belt instead but I'll eventually fix that, also I swapped smite for flesh and stone because I can never remember to proc it anyway and blind gives a lot of survivability.

Also if you have any recommendations for good nebulis mods let me know, I'm not sure if flat added damage (2-4 cold per 10 dex maybe?) or more %elemental mods are better. I'm just using a cast speed corrupt I got for 6c right now.
thank you sir, and perhaps i missed it but what pantheons do you choose?

I use Soul of Solaris and Soul of Tukohama, but they are up to your preference. The build already has 45+% phys dmg reduction at low budget for hit dmg of 3500. However, I still wanted to add more phys dmg reduction so that's why I chose Tukohama.

_grove_ wrote:
Thanks for the build guide, I rolled into it recently and with a pretty barebones gear setup (buying everything as quick and cheap as possible with some cheap corrupts where I could get them) it seems to be working fine. Price/performance is good for the little currency I put into it and when I clear out some more old gear I can start investing properly.

The only major problem I ran into is that EK without any pierce or chain just feels terrible for clearing dense packs, for example red blighted maps with pack size were impossible and t16 ulti was a bit sketchy too. I swapped an ES jewel for a poacher's aim and swapped alpha's for an ES helm with +1 pierce, I lost max res and raw dps from it but it was worth it for the clearing. When I can afford it I'll get a +2 aoe gems/pierce helm but for now I think it's an okay trade. For the shavs I'll just have to wait until the necessary corrupt comes on the market to finish capping res or move purities into corrupted boots if I can get them. I also can't run an aspect yet because I screwed up my attributes and had to craft strength on my belt instead but I'll eventually fix that, also I swapped smite for flesh and stone because I can never remember to proc it anyway and blind gives a lot of survivability.

Also if you have any recommendations for good nebulis mods let me know, I'm not sure if flat added damage (2-4 cold per 10 dex maybe?) or more %elemental mods are better. I'm just using a cast speed corrupt I got for 6c right now.

Projectile pierce is not necessary but as you mentioned it is very high QoL bonus. I currently run a spark setup so I just bought AQ Spark for +2 pierce but for EK, you can get it as veiled craft on helmet, hunter prefix on boots, or the poacher's aim jewel. I think poacher's aim jewel is by far the cheapest way to get it. As for Nebulis, of course the best is explode mod then 10% double damage mod. After those two, you will need to punch stuff into PoB and grab what is the best dps increase. I am using one with fire dmg to spells for ignite (for Cinder flask). If you have another source of fire dmg to spells, I'd say stick to cast speed and generic cold/light spell damage. However, even before looking at spell damage, make sure your Nebulis is 20/20 or close to 20/20 on the 75%+ cold/light res mods. 1% difference is actually 15% difference.
Hey, loving the build so far. I used this to influence my own EK aura stacker. I'm having 0 issues with map clearing, basically any content, with the exception of some map bosses and all the conqs/sirius. Seems like my dps output is not good enough, like at all. Can you let me know what i can do to improve my build?


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