Test Guild, Please Ignore <REDDIT> actively recruiting for POE 1 & 2 (EA)!

Oops! -- got double posted.
Last edited by Invictissimus#6675 on May 6, 2021, 5:50:11 PM
Would like to join! IGN: Meical_
Hey, I added you on discord. My discord is Fancy#0420. I am interested in joining.

* Are over the age of 18 - Yup
* Can understand and comprehend English (we are not strict on this) - Yup
* Will reach out if you ever need help with anything - Definitely
* Will join our discord, where we all chat and discuss anything and everything - Of course
I would love to join if possible - I'm very active in-game, Discord, and on Reddit, too. Also, would love to learn from others and give back however I can! Zenbro IGN - Added you on Discord as Zenwell!
Last edited by Nicekush#2883 on Oct 14, 2021, 11:56:26 PM
I am once again asking for your financial support.
Also we still have spots
this info is long gone.
Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Feb 7, 2022, 9:40:50 PM
Bump + still spots
I'd like to join if possible.

-Are over the age of 18 - Yes
-Can understand and comprehend English (we are not strict on this) - I can
-Will reach out if you ever need help with anything. - For sure
-Will join our discord, where we all chat and discuss anything and everything. - Yes

IGN is Turca, Turca#3746 in Discord.

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