Ultimatum Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information
Right now they are the best game in this Genre so they can do what they want and we will still play it.
That said, it is fairly obvious that they are more and more disconnected from the players. Chris Wilson's YOLO comment on Exalted orbs is one such example. For me that is very similar to the "Do you not have phones" except the actual backlash for GGG wasn't there. Not yet. Watched a video recently where the youtuber wondered if there are two teams at GGG. The one that understands what is good for the game and is actively trying to pursue that. And the opposing team that tries to get in their way. It felt like he had inside information it felt so on point. Of course, I doubt that he did. I'll continue to play while I enjoy it. Really did enjoy last league for the expansion. Tried a few of the competition games in the last month of this league and while some of them are really fun, they don't have enough meat to them yet. I've never felt the need to go look at other games in this genre before. Shrug, they will do what they want to and the player base will stick around till one of those games grows up. If they grow up. |
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PoE is not doing great. The game dies on PC and Console 6 weeks in. 90% of the player base they think they have on PC are bots.
A great game would not die 6 weeks into a league. If a game was great people would be playing it everyday and never stop. I stopped playing my Toxic Rain Pathfinder 4 weeks ago. I wanted the new toxic rain MTX in the mystery boxes and I was planning on starting the same class as my starter in next league. I could sense every poison build would get a nerf so I held back on droping money on mystery boxes to get the new Toxic rain Mtx. I knew I would never play Toxic rain again and stopped playing as I just wasted y time perfecting a build i'll never play again. Games nothing but a waste of time. It's also not very fun. Its just a massive grind in a 1-2 month span and after you loose everything start again. |
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WOW really hype for the new league!!! can't wait for a bigger WRIST vs. Rewards experience
Padoru Intensifies
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So do players have paper hands or diamond hands? I hope diamond hands in play...
https://media.tenor.co/videos/c35d27ca00392a2e924421d5b7fde247/mp4 |
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" You can play standard. |
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I have a Long set of Questions for the Development Team regarding the direction of the game ... do you all hate "The Tank" Archetype? I`m new to Path of Exile ... since Delirium League and I see a massive shift towards don`t get hit mechanic ... somehow this should not be a game you enter and have a couple of hours of fun ... it should be a game where you enter and have thousands of hours on 3rd party websites learning about the game and 3rd party tools to be able to play the game and it's disappointing ...
for example: stat stackers builds does not feels good until you have the maximum(95%) best on it to play it it just feels trash no build feels good if you don`t have almost everything maxed out and all the crafts are done or bought .. why? the spellslinger was one of the only skill that felt good and then it got nerfed for no reason at all it was not breaking the game or anything except them 2 builds ... the worst part is that there were 2 builds in the entire game that actually used it and you could have just nerfed them skills...or for the rest of the community that are saying this for years ... your lvl-ing process is not fun... it's fun the first and maybe the second time but then it's just bad and there is no other way around it and the game actually starts in maps it's not like you get something nice during lvl-ing and you can use it in the end game .. except for the crazy lucky ones that get a mirror or something I have spent over 3000 hours in 3 leagues and for me, that is a lot considering I have a family and a job I love your game however if you people don`t decide on a direction with it and want to make it harder and harder and mechanics on top of mechanics please share that with the rest of the class ... I would really appreciate it if you would not nerf that much and offer more options for the rest of us .. stating that some builds/skills are OP is not real it's just something you tell yourself to sleep better at night but realistically that is just a joke and a bad one the reality is that some builds just feel bad and clunky to play now that is the real truth and well it would indeed look bad for the rest of the community to say it ... the reason why people play Toxic Rain or ED Contagion or Blade Vortex is that it feels good to be played otherwise everyone would play SLAMS Champion and be done with it ... the reason why people were playing Detonate Dead, Volatile Dead and all this is that it just feels good to be played ...so stop taking the options away add more options give more possibilities and for goodness sake ALLOW US TO TAKE some HITS I don`t understand the logic of 25.000 armor and 25.000 Evasion and 80% Resists and you get 1 shot by a mouse or by anything for that matter ... I was going to say something about Graphics and UI but I know that you guys don`t care because of POE 2 and until then we must suffer ... But people, please understand that when a player joins the game and sees daggers with lower attack speed than axes and then they see 2 handed axes / 2 handed clubs with more attack speed than daggers .. they will assume this game is in BETA ... it was my first impression of the game when I saw that the attack speed of 2 handed axes are higher than the daggers and there is a lot of stuff like this trough the game ... that makes no sense at all NEVER A DAGGER WILL BE SLOWER THAN A AXE, SWORD ETC I understand this on uniques(legendary) it has a special feature but on white items? Despot axe 2 handed 1.40 Demon dagger 1.20 Please understand that this is an ARPG and the only thing you have is a mouse and 5 keys at best ... and people just wanna have fun there is nothing fun in The Potions system where you press every 4 seconds 5 keys that is just not fun and the community is saying it for years .. from my readings I can tell that you guys have a problem admitting a mistake or I don't know because most of the changes this league are exactly what the community it's been complaining for years. Coming back to the skills nerf ... some people myself included don`t want to play 6 builds/year... I just don't, I hate playing something else. so if you want to make other builds/skills powerful that is just fine but nerfing is not unless we are talking about Aura Stackers / Aura Bots / IMMUNE Builds then yeah fine ... kill them but nerfing builds because some player played with a team and a whole team managed to make a build that is broken .. well that is next lvl stupid there is no other way to put it ... Yes Spectres were nice and OP with 9999 exalted invested in them, but really they were just fine and weaker than other builds that have not been touched until this day Ball Lightning was doing more damage than any other skill in the game :) Really that was breaking the game? All these changes look like someone saw 2-3 videos on youtube of some team and assumed that you just walk around the town and you get lvl 6 awakened gems and 6tier 1 items all over and then yeah let's nerf this ... it just feels like you people don't know the game .. 3 leagues to nerf Head Hunter interactions, 5 leagues to Nerf Necro Gluton, How many to nerf Slams? :) I really hope someone reads this message and offers some information to the community because just assuming us all idiots and assuming that we believe what you guys write on patch notes with (unacceptable power lvls, too easy defences, skills performing too good ) that is not right and you all know it |
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" "I enjoy this game and continue to play it but Chris wilson is a bad man". lol |
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" they probably want players to forget everything and everyone except the game and the developers. And they were in the game 48 hours a day. |
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Great fun reading all the posts from the salty people who say they will quit but will still put in 100's of hours this league.
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