[ 3.20 ] KissMeQuick's 💀 Assassin Reap 💀 — T16 100% No HH 💸 1 Shot Sirus in 1 Click 💸 Feared Done

Hello, I loved how this skill looks and I want to play with it but are you planning or enriching the build as a guide? Like leveling, early unique options for newbies like me?

Pob also gives me error, no idea why..
Last edited by Elloktrik on Apr 15, 2021, 10:04:11 AM
Elloktrik wrote:
Hello, I loved how this skill looks and I want to play with it but are you planning or enriching the build as a guide? Like leveling, early unique options for newbies like me?

Same here, loving how the spell looked in the trailer and would love to see a guide that goes a little in-depth for at least a levelling section and alternative budget gear for a more casual player like myself that doesn't farm millions of chaos orbs. Nonetheless I really like the idea of this build and will definitely follow this whereever it's headed!
Skill looks really good.

tbqh I think the flat damage is the way to go. If it stacked like exsanguinate, then perhaps the DOT would be good to build into, however from my view the DoT is nice added damage, but scaling the initial hit seems easier and better :)

Hope you stick with Assassin, it looks like a real solid build atm. Just wish Reap was in PoB atm.

The new node, Vitality Extraction, could be a good early anoint?
Hi! Im will aswell start with Reap ^^ But my idea will be LL Scion, with petrified blood. Im looking for your reports about your progress, as im interested how will work your assasin version :D
luckstar53 wrote:
How is life cost going to be? 6linked, 5 stacked with 46 base life cost?
interesting... Is it still hurts as in the video shown?


Hard to tell as there are no numbers on the screen, again have to wait til PoB (:

Elloktrik wrote:
Hello, I loved how this skill looks and I want to play with it but are you planning or enriching the build as a guide? Like leveling, early unique options for newbies like me?

Pob also gives me error, no idea why..

Yeap, you can check my Reave build to see what to expect.


Use the community version of PoB.


Cruefire wrote:

Same here, loving how the spell looked in the trailer and would love to see a guide that goes a little in-depth for at least a levelling section and alternative budget gear for a more casual player like myself that doesn't farm millions of chaos orbs. Nonetheless I really like the idea of this build and will definitely follow this whereever it's headed!

Cool! It'll be a journey :P

Sparhawk87 wrote:

Hope you stick with Assassin, it looks like a real solid build atm. Just wish Reap was in PoB atm.

The new node, Vitality Extraction, could be a good early anoint?

Yap, I will stick with Assassin as it seems to be the best damage and tankiness.

Vitality Extraction definitely is a very good early anoint, won't beat Constitution later on though.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick on Apr 15, 2021, 10:16:47 AM
Valandin wrote:
Hi! Im will aswell start with Reap ^^ But my idea will be LL Scion, with petrified blood. Im looking for your reports about your progress, as im interested how will work your assasin version :D

Very nice!

I don't think Petrified Blood will work good with most setups due to dots and spells bypassing it 100%.

I assume you'll go Pathfinder with some heavy investment into flask cluster jewels?
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
Very nice!

I don't think Petrified Blood will work good with most setups due to dots and spells bypassing it 100%.

I assume you'll go Pathfinder with some heavy investment into flask cluster jewels?

Petrified blood tells that it prevents from hits, so each spell which hitting should be affected aswell. So like Fortify, only DoTs should be really dangerous.

About Pathfinder, im not sure yet. I am taking Glad asc for sure, as 25% more phys DoTs damage and block chance. In final version, im thinking about combo of Mask of the stitched demon and The Ivory Tower
Last edited by Valandin on Apr 15, 2021, 10:27:53 AM
I already use fork one. The one without fork is hard to come by on the internet. I tested copying raw data from other people's pob and they worked sir. I will try again tomorrow, please dont abandon the build :)
500 hp cost not a problem for assassin in 5 link?
Last edited by adneze93 on Apr 15, 2021, 11:44:02 AM
When will you flesh out the guide KMQ? In particular leveling part :) i am having anxiety about how to level best lol

Never played a "phys" assassin before so no clue how viable it'll be
Last edited by Nevzat on Apr 15, 2021, 12:13:33 PM

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