Chance to Flee
On-Hit effects are rolled on Hit.
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Personally I think this gem needs a complete overhaul. Since it is useless against rares/uniques/exiles and players, u constantly have to swap it with another gem in these fights. Most white mobs are already dead before they flee or get stunned, which cancels the flee. Magic mobs are even a bigger issue. Thanks to their 50% chance to avoid flee, they rarely flee at all unless u have a maxed out chance to flee gem and some gear. The ones that do flee, get just as the whites stunned for most of the time if u deal heavy damge.
The only way I can think of using this gem, is a low damaging aoe skill against big packs to get some distance between u and them. Which could be exactly where this support gem is designed for, since it can be overpowered quite easily. But since one big aspect of the game is build diversity, I do think it should be changed. Therefore, my suggestion is to make it a fear effect like a curse that can only be applied on hit and is real short by itself. By making it an effect with a duration, it can be modified by other support gems and passives. Stun doesn’t cancel the flee, but just interrupts the movement and thus the distance they travel. The duration or chance could be effected by the amount of damage based on the max life, like they are more feared. A visual indicator could be shown when feared. The duration or chance could be increased with level progression of the support gem. Personally, I would go for duration with level progression. Increased chance will make it only less effective on low levels, which in my opinion is something u don’t want. The higher the level of the opponent, the more hits u probably need to kill it. Therefore the duration, if based on life, would be less without progression. By making it a curse, it could be used on whites/magics/rares/unique and even players for pvp. The mobs with the affix Hexproof (immune to curses), are immune to fear as well. It can be used by mobs in the game against u. Players can use a Warding flask to be immune for a short duration or even get rid of it. By making a tanky build, the chances of getting feared should be less. So by making the chance based on life, the chances of getting a magic/rare or even unique cursed will be automatically less. The biggest balance issue is the basic chance it should have, since being fear locked will be overpowered. The only way to discover this, is by testing it. This is just a suggestion, I would love to get some feedback on the idea and hopefully u will take in consideration. Last edited by SpiritNrJ#1794 on Mar 20, 2014, 5:04:37 AM
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I was thinking over how this gem currently works, what people have said about it, and how it could possibly work.
Its obvious why such a powerful effect does not work on rare and unique enemies, yet generally speaking, the mechanisms in this game are crafted in a way so that the effect diminishes on harder enemies, not be eliminated. With this in mind, it seems quite clear that if the effect in general is too powerful for unique enemies, then the effect of 'flee' or 'fear' should change to something that can effectively scale. I considered a few options here, but it was hard to not come up with something simulating the concept of 'fear' that did not become a clone of another existing effect. For example, movement and attack speed reduction would be a real example of fear, yet that is pretty much exactly what cold damage does without a chance to freeze (and its arguable that fear can do that too) It could increase the chance for attacks to miss, but that would just steal from evasion rating. The only thing I came up with was the idea that a frantic enemy, in the heat of battle might hit an ally instead of targeting the player. It could have reduced damage to avoid obvious problems, and in situations where there are no nearby targets, could involve simply searching for a target. It would work a lot like being stunned, in that tougher enemies would be 'frantic' for a LOT less time than a less powerful enemy. The other advantage of this idea is, while unique enemies could obviously one-hit most normal mobs, it would not usually give a huge advantage to the player, because they could already kill them with ease. In reverse, when a white mob is far more likely to be 'frantic' for longer, even if they did target the unique in the pack, their typical armour/resistance values would prevent any significant damage from taking place. Most of the time, the effect would only cause the enemy mobs to waste time, very similarly to the effect of stun. You could try allowing the effect to stack in duration upon being applied multiple times, but have the base duration caused by one single proc of 'frantic' on say a normal mob to be about 0.2 of a second (less for higher mobs), with quite low chance to apply on hit, making it something that would have to be applied and proc'ed massively to have serious consequences for most mobs. | |
garbage skill that needs improvements
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So does this gem work in pvp?
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biggest problem with this gem is, hooking on mobs.
if i hit a mob thats next to me, and i am vaal pact watching that mob run uncontrollably away from me is kind of a problem, and since i imagine any meele is in that same boat, i don't really understand it's purpose other then to give you an option that might be somewhat useful if ai didn't go bananas once it was under a status ailment. |
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" I don't think this gem is best used with a melee charachter. It's probably meant for ranged charachters. |
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Yay! As of 2.0 this gem is no longer "Chance to Desynic"
I think I accidentally theory crafted a build that would legitimately use this. It's a heavy strike reverse nockback build that should be able to hold mobs near it and if used with a cwdt ice nova chance to flee. This would make it so if lots of mob were hitting me they would try to run but could never reach there flee destination because heavy strike would pull them back. This might actually be crazy in practice so I will be back with the results of how it works. Besides, if it does turn out to be ridiculous it would be very self empowering to know I was able to get chance to flee, the worst gem in the game, nerffed. The biggest problem I see is I probably will be hitting so hard I stun the mobs and they don't run. I would ask for that to be removed because A) it would allow a single person to use the gem instead of no one B) Stun builds don't care if they don't interrupt flee as they should be perma stunned anyway. Oh yeah, also just going to voice the thing that has often come up with chance to flee. You gave EE a cool effect, could you please give fleeing an effect, it does not even have to be that pretty. Yes, you could make the case that the mobs running away is an effect in of itself but in the same line that it is satisfying to hit a mob and have it give a visually indicator that you lit it on fire, it is a more pleasant experience to get a visual reward for using the status effect. I do love me some good quad cursed shocked mobs.... Mmmmm.... I'll post again after the one current one month to talk about how the gem did in practice. "ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator |
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The biggest problem is, hitting them cancels the flee.
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" Are you sure about this? I have not taken the time to get a quality Chance to Flee yet and my attack speed is only four and a half per second, I am aiming for ten, but I have found when a rare trys to flee it is pulled next to me and can't escape but it still trys to flee wile I bring down its health. In practice I think hitting does not cancel flee, unless the gem works differently. "ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator |
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