[3.14] Cospri's Malice CoC Ice Nova Inquisitor - League Starter.

Which has better dps/clear? Mjorn or Cospris version of this build?
Also how do you apply sanctuary of thought? Just pause every once and a while while cycloning? Or is it mostly via spammin sulphites?
How is this doing in ultimatum?
Anyone playing this build with cospri?
Any way to make it work with Cospri without Corrupted blood? Price is high actually to get it
So I decided to try and make it work with Petrified Blood.

Surprisingly it works great! Survivability way higher then in regular version. And thanks to Pain Attunement we're getting pretty much same DPS, also with Prism Guardian we can fit one more aura (for now I'm using discipline, but I'm thinking about Zelatory, we can fit it with Enlighten or Charisma)

Another option - instead of Prism guardian we can try to use Daresso's Courage, it gives crazy amount of block.

My current PoB if someone interested (work still in progress) https://pastebin.com/sGAZZjE2

And here is T16 map example: https://youtu.be/SkSR3Ll51wk

Sirus A5 fight: https://youtu.be/yoC2kSO-n9s
Last edited by skiminok1989 on Apr 22, 2021, 4:05:51 PM
Playing this in 3.14. Had a very slow start and don't have a tremendous amount of time to play. Just above level 80. What is the best quality of life items or combination for early mid mapping. Feel slightly squishy at the moment but dps is good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, i'm prepping to switch to this build after i collect all core items.

Just a question: Replica Soul tether vs Gkorious Vanity. What is more preferable and why?
skiminok1989 wrote:
So I decided to try and make it work with Petrified Blood.

Surprisingly it works great! Survivability way higher then in regular version. And thanks to Pain Attunement we're getting pretty much same DPS, also with Prism Guardian we can fit one more aura (for now I'm using discipline, but I'm thinking about Zelatory, we can fit it with Enlighten or Charisma)

Another option - instead of Prism guardian we can try to use Daresso's Courage, it gives crazy amount of block.

My current PoB if someone interested (work still in progress) https://pastebin.com/sGAZZjE2

And here is T16 map example https://youtu.be/SkSR3Ll51wk

Very fucking good idea, one of the best of the thread, stay upgrading this POB,im gonna try your way
So far I enjoyed the build a lot !
Makes fun and good DPS, but even after the soul tether it feels not that tanky and I get one shots a lot, is there something to replace the vortex setup for something for the defense ? Next I wanna try to farm for Prism guardian, since it was recommended in a post above.

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