[3.14] Cospri's Malice CoC Ice Nova Inquisitor - League Starter.

How did you go about getting the currency for hh?
Coldlucidity wrote:
How did you go about getting the currency for hh?

Valdo rest Harbinger farming in the simplist but would take the longest quickest would be fully juiced 100% delirious maps just search YouTube for both and you'll find plenty of videos on both
Last edited by Taz47 on Feb 21, 2021, 6:30:49 AM
Hey, I would be interested to know whether I have to use ice Nova or Vaal ice nova.
The written guide says ice nova, the path of building guide says vaal ice nova.
Hi really enjoying the build so far. I am currently working on the Watcher's Eye
cause my crit is carbage ^^.
Anyway im still struggling not with dmg but with random one shots I simply cant find a solution any suggestions here is my pob


Thanks in advance :)
Use Vaal ice nova, ice nova is what will be triggered by the crit and when you hit a legion or dense area you can hit Vaal ice nova for extra damage. Exactly like how Mjolner builds typically take Vaal arc, you don’t hit it often but at times it is really nice and costs nothing extra (until you start min maxing and have to determine what is the better option).
Hello, really enjoying this build. Spent about 35-40 ex on getting it setup and have a few questions. I am on XBOX so i cant share my profile but i have pretty much all the required gear and recommended gear.

I seem to be having issues with stun's I am using brine king and have the first option also but the only times i have died was from multiple stuns over and over. is there anything else taht can help me with that? I dont have the Replica soul belt so i am using the Glorius jewel and was wondering it i need to get a belt with stun on it.

Second, i have a Vaal chest with good ES(650ish) but i cant seem to get the 4G 1B 1R combo. tried the crafting bench and best i could get was 4G 2B so i am not using INspiration but critical strike support for now. Any better way to get that?

According to the skill info for Cyclone, i am sitting at 80.6 crit chance before any power orbs. Am i going over taht once my 5 power orbs spin up? not sure if i should lose my crit support gem for some other blue gem for more damage.

Thank you for the guide! I'm loving this build.

I feel like I'm missing something with the breakpoints though. With onslaught up your PoB shows 8.58 for the attack rate. Reading through the CoC bible it looks like between 14% and 51% ICDR we should be trying to stay just under 7.57 APS?

https://pastebin.com/E83LU5iJ is my character. Still have a few levels to go and I seem to have capped crit without the watchers eye.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. It feels slightly clunky and I'm thinking that is from the lower attack speed.
korzon3k wrote:
whats the difference comparing to assassins version ?

I have the same question
What is the basic 5 link setup for Cyclone before I get watcher's eye and awakened cast on critical strike
how is this build doing currently? considering switching over from ice nova hierophant after i put about 100+ex in it the build. Might sell everything and respec.

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