[PS4] 3.13.1 Patch Notes
Is the Arcane Surge bug fixed on console?
If you use lvl 20 Arcane Surge and take Hierophant's Arcane Blessing or Arcane Capacitor from a skill tree your lvl 20 bonuses will be overridden by lvl 1 |
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So the pros who had the knowledge and time to use unlimited poison sextant/golden rule combo, get to have the unfair advantage of being wealthy easily, while the rest of us have to fight twice as hard to get to that point?
Thats pretty dissapointing And i just gave you my money over a week ago...... Now im having buyers remorse |
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What is with a fix for the flicker strike desync? I mean I don't have that much time and thought I go with a flicker build this season. Now where I am at this point to use the unique items I realized the ps4 or even the ps5 can't handle it pretty well. So its a server/client problem and not hardware. I don't have the time, the power or even enough currency to create a new char. Hope it will get fixed asap
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" Flicker barely works on high-end PCs. Even when it does work, it's considered a meme-build or a motion-sickness test. It has never worked on console. Not in a way that would be satisfactory to do serious maps with. We can hope they manage to fix the desync back to the point that Cyclone is playable again, like it was in the latter half of Heist league, but don't play Flicker. It's just not worth it. Also, you say you don't have the currency to start a new character, but if you do a "league start" build (from a reasonable source), they generate enough currency just through the leveling process to gear themselves. Do you design your own builds, or follow guides? If you're following guides, was the guide labeled as a "league start" guide? Was it tagged with the current league (3.13)? If both of those are "yes", take that person with a big grain of salt from now on. Also, keep in mind when looking at guides that PC prices and console prices and availability are *way* different. I googled "PoE Flicker Strike 3.13 League start" and the guide I landed on was an Oro's Sacrifice Raider. This guide, despite being labeled as a "League Starter", has a specific section warning you that the gear might be very expensive at the beginning of the league, and that it would quite difficult to league start SSF. It says you basically need 2ex of gear to do red maps. A safe rule of thumb for PS4 is to quadruple PC prices. So that's 8ex worth of gear to do red maps. Definitely not a good league start. Even if it worked on console, which it doesn't. Or on some PCs. The guide also specifically calls out that Flicker is not for everyone, and that can suffer from sync issues, and that you should try it on low content before committing to it. Maybe that's not the guide you looked at. Or maybe you made your own build. My point is that console players need to be very careful when choosing a league start build, especially if they have limited play time. I strongly suggest using a guide that's labeled as "SSF", as that should save you from guides that presume PC-levels of availability and pricing. A set of "cheap" uniques on PC that will cost a total of 5c at the end of day 1 might well be 90c on PS4 after the same amount of league time has elapsed. A boss drop that would be 1-2ex on PC on day 2 might well be literally unobtainable on PS4 (until later, and will still cost 4 to 10 times the PC price). If you definitely want to make your own builds, try them out in Standard first, or go with something you already know for your league start, and make a 2nd build later. Leagues are 3 months long. There's plenty of time to start over if necessary. | |
GGG thank you for still supporting PoE on a crappy of date machine.
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On PS5, this game is pretty much unplayable after this update. GFX stutter every time I cast a skill, often with delays up to a second. Its maddening. I've lost half a level's worth of XP in a t15 I was running with no hiccups pre-patch due to getting leveled by mobs who aren't even on my screen.
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This patch has made the game play like crap on ps4 pro. Was fine before this patch. Now it runs like hot garbage. No idea how you could have reverted the game to how it played last year after so much progress forward.
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how many more chances do u think players are going to give you?? you release a league its turns of dog turd issue wise for a month or more then release a new league and rinse and repeat ......its almost like you dont want console players money lol .............remeber console lives matter not just pc xd
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