⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

gorduro wrote:
how do i get evasion rating? I only need grace and flask? Edit: How do i get high energy shield? And how do I check agony crawler damage? with all the gems and stuff

Yes, grace and jadeflask and both are multiplied by 100% increased global defences (evasion, armour, es are the three global defences) of Skin of the lords and also by increased aura-effects pathed on the tree and amulet-anoint charisma.

The same stacks for es and discipline, and armour and determination+molten shell+granite-flask. And here you get a lot energyshield on gear, passive tree and ascendancy radiant faith beside.

In the "path of building", best is community fork, the last tab "calculation" shows all the details of all stats and skills. You can choose your own stats or of minions, all factors are listed when you mouse over the special stat.


You need to set correct the "Configurations" too in path of building - for example the HoA uses his "tail-attack" as standard-attack in the drop-down-menue of HoA. Or configured poison stacks need to be counted when you use vile toxins singletarget and nearby allies for onslaught ascendancy buff. Or for calculating ball-lightnings use all bolts in range in the dropdown and not only one for the correct calculating speed of ticks, hits, etc. When you use the pob-link of the build all configurations are already correct settled. Or take a look in the spoiler "path of building" of the build and there into "configuration pob" for all needed checks.


Configure HoA the tail-attack, 40-85 virulences, 15 withers, # of nearby allies 21 and 10-45 poison stacks to get the correct dps.

Add enemy is: Unnerved, intimidated (ascendancies), minion-mastery increased offerings (singletarget) / unholy might (mapping), minions are on full life, spirit offering, grace, discipline enabled, other curses: despair enabled, if used phantasms: 11x, physical projectiles.

For valuable comparing shaper-damage it is recommended to change melee-splash on dagger to multistrike and pierce on body armour to vile toxins or marked predator.

If used, add ignited (raze and pillage), bleeding (vulnerability), moving (knockback).

For even better calculation add the 10 % increased damage taken of shocked/ consentrated ground vessel of vinktar/ bottled faith.

While mapping: 5 projectiles of the scorpion (with helmet enchant: 7) plus anomalous 6x piercing the targets with pierce support, with awakened fork x7, up to 101 targets.

On all dps-calculations first the singletarget shaper-dps is stated and showed.

Pob is not simpel using it the first times and some moments are needed to find all the tabs, stats etc. Perhaps take a "path of building guide" of Youtube, because the App is not so intuitive, hehe.
Then with some experiences it's a great program to calculate everything - damage, manareservation works in these months too (it's sometimes bugged by updates or patchs), defences, gear.
Last edited by Chromino on Jul 24, 2022, 9:21:29 AM
Valsacar wrote:

monik390 wrote:

Actually, not xD Both purities of elements/ice are fitted like a charm, and stampedes are actually a requirement for that xD

I added some new pobs there. Definetely not as tanky as your build, but still able to utilize cyclone with stampede boots. Real downside is a budget tho, but whatever. Some allstar whales probably would be interested.

I definitely will keep in check 3.19 patchnotes for hoag and will share my thoughts here.

Really can't wait for next league =)

Hi monik, hi valsacar and all arachnophilias!

With the new Uber-Bosses - against them large stacks of automatical virulences while moving are great and spirit offering selfcasted to prefer - and in the moment the meta-melding of the flesh I am thinking about to swap the ascendancy from radiant faith (or for defenisive tanks from unwavering crusade) to bastion of hope.

What do you guess? Is it a good idea swapping around 500 ES - that is 10% of a fullgeared set-up which needs only 5.5k - to some uptime of attackblock, the included recovery of aegis aurora, 10% spellblock which allows to push out tempestshield?

So I use the two skill-combinations:


storm burst (lvl1) - (awakened) cast while channeling (lvl5) + divergent frostshield (lvl 21) - (anomalous) ball-lightnings (lvl 1)

Cwdt instead Cws

Anomalous Cwdt lvl 1 - Void Sphere (lvl 1) - Sniper's mark (lvl 5) - Divergent Storm Brand (lvl 1)

With cwdt are some automatical virulences generated which were before part of poisoning blockings of tempestshield.
In my first experiences it's totally tanky-op.

Finally manareservations and sockets become more easy to manage and es is balanced into blocks and recovery. It's extreme tanky with always full frostshield and melding of the flesh 87%-89%. Of course bastion of hope has only 40% uptime. But at last in combination with the also not always continuous buffs of time of need, divine shield, molten shell, wicked ward etc. it's extreme tanky.

Fulllevel and fullgear pob is for example with only for some ubers recommended lethe shade and many free passives to balance individual into prefered damage or defences:


With not b.i.s. gear chaosmastery +1 is used instead 70 only with 65 virulences and a bit spellblock is added in the tree.

Let's wait for the patchnotes, but in the moment my tendencies are to focus on block of bastion of hope when in [3.19] there are again so many permament damagereductions possible.

What do you guess?

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 26, 2022, 6:02:30 PM
Chromino wrote:

What do you guess?

Well, 1st of all, from a perspective of a league-only player, I think those megalos are stupidly good for the build, opening too many possibilities for the tweaking. It would be hard to get anything close to that build using just rare clusters (I can think of a pair 1-3 voices tho).

And here is the issue - it's almost impossible to copy that pob bc of megalos, and it would be extremely hard to get a comparable performance for other ppl.
I mean, it is a lot easier to get smth like mageblood or 1-3 voices, than some perfect megalos bc they are almost one of a kind.

Anyone who will try to follow that pob gear-to-gear would be disappointed.


Accessibility aside, on Uber bosses, you can't get tanky enough unless you have mageblood, 75% spell block, 90% res and 100% spell supression. Since we are not getting 100% s/s, learning mechanics it the way. However, 5k es is... too low for that w/o spell supression.

I was using Bastion of Hope for my aw build, but only with a pair of forbidden jewels. There is no way I would sacrifice radiant faith for that in a CI build. Reason is simple - necromancer is tankier if we have similar es bc it can easily cap attack/spell block with bone offering, which opens some ways to fill missing damage.

New forbidden jewels are really good. Sanctuary of thought is op but costs a lot, while bastion of hope is really good and dirty cheap.
I approve the idea to get it, but only if using those jewels before/instead of sanctuary of thought.

I can understand your position about getting it instead of radiant faith - to take less oneshots from spells, but more ES can save you from dots and bigger hits. Build with 5.5k ES can survive those things that build with 5k es can not.


I have nothing to say about CwC/CWDT bc i was using other things with a different approach.

The only thing i absolutely cannot approve - triggered mark. I prefer 100% uptime on bosses w/o taking any damage to apply it.


Well, my opinion is based on a difference in our builds in 3.16 and Valsacars build and his performance in 3.18, since he was using similar approach and completely outperformed my build from 3.16.

The idea was to get many auras to fill the gaps as easy as possible while getting decent performance in a league.

My AW build started with the same concept, but later i removed some auras and just got more es and block w/o glancing blows.

So i think it's fine to get rid of the tempest shield if you can get 75% spell block with bastion of hope. But you definetely don't want to get under 5k ES, so you have to fill this gap somehow. Or just use forbidden jewels. With either Bastion of Hope, or Sanctuary of Thought which is the best node for any Guardian build.
Last edited by monik390 on Jul 27, 2022, 8:26:53 AM
monik390 wrote:
Chromino wrote:

What do you guess?

Well, 1st of all, from a perspective of a league-only player, I think those megalos are stupidly good for the build, opening too many possibilities for the tweaking. It would be hard to get anything close to that build using just rare clusters (I can think of a pair 1-3 voices tho).

And here is the issue - it's almost impossible to copy that pob bc of megalos, and it would be extremely hard to get a comparable performance for other ppl.
I mean, it is a lot easier to get smth like mageblood or 1-3 voices, than some perfect megalos bc they are almost one of a kind.

Anyone who will try to follow that pob gear-to-gear would be disappointed.


Accessibility aside, on Uber bosses, you can't get tanky enough unless you have mageblood, 75% spell block, 90% res and 100% spell supression. Since we are not getting 100% s/s, learning mechanics it the way. However, 5k es is... too low for that w/o spell supression.

I was using Bastion of Hope for my aw build, but only with a pair of forbidden jewels. There is no way I would sacrifice radiant faith for that in a CI build. Reason is simple - necromancer is tankier if we have similar es bc it can easily cap attack/spell block with bone offering, which opens some ways to fill missing damage.

New forbidden jewels are really good. Sanctuary of thought is op but costs a lot, while bastion of hope is really good and dirty cheap.
I approve the idea to get it, but only if using those jewels before/instead of sanctuary of thought.

I can understand your position about getting it instead of radiant faith - to take less oneshots from spells, but more ES can save you from dots and bigger hits. Build with 5.5k ES can survive those things that build with 5k es can not.


I have nothing to say about CwC/CWDT bc i was using other things with a different approach.

The only thing i absolutely cannot approve - triggered mark. I prefer 100% uptime on bosses w/o taking any damage to apply it.


Well, my opinion is based on a difference in our builds in 3.16 and Valsacars build and his performance in 3.18, since he was using similar approach and completely outperformed my build from 3.16.

The idea was to get many auras to fill the gaps as easy as possible while getting decent performance in a league.

My AW build started with the same concept, but later i removed some auras and just got more es and block w/o glancing blows.

So i think it's fine to get rid of the tempest shield if you can get 75% spell block with bastion of hope. But you definetely don't want to get under 5k ES, so you have to fill this gap somehow. Or just use forbidden jewels. With either Bastion of Hope, or Sanctuary of Thought which is the best node for any Guardian build.

Hehe, thank you monik for the very competent answer and view! Great!

Overall I completely agree and see your points - in details I have made some other experiences or it's simply a question of favourite playstyle.

I am a typical 5-6 button-gamer. I need to try sniper's mark selfcasted again, it need to be casted only 1x. But beside spiders and spirit offering every second spamming virulences is valuable .... hehe, I will try it again!

And I totally agree - with or without mageblood are 2 different gear-set-ups. Mageblood cut in half incoming damage and free so many slots.

100% spell suppression is probably not to complete in CI gear ond placed on our side of the tree as far I can see. Would be totally great to squeeze it in!!

Forbidden jewels are best beside too, or helmet 90% multiplier or some boots are still big upgrades. I think, when melding of the flesh or mageblood are not nerfed too far, 80-85 virulences are really not difficult to use.

But also already solely with melding of the flesh, using 80 virulences, 5k es and low 60% spellblock works totally immortal in simulacrum wave 30.

There are a lot unique clusters allowing to use 1 or 2 passives more. When you get es on an unique cluster you can regret utmost intellect or unnatural calm, with spellblock-notables you reach 2 less needed passives too, with one more sublime form you need less efficiences on the tree or with ailments avoidances you can swap out 4 passives arcane sanctuary etc. For damage cult leader+pure agony simply remain best and most efficient and you need less damage-points on the tree.

It's not that complex and most often the rare medium clusters are impressive the best. I love the b.i.s. unique medium clusters too, but with rare clusters I would not loose 2M damage in the end and 300 es or 5% spellblock are not mandatory, when the other defensive layers, first the +max resistances, are well optimized. It's simpel to path for 80 virulences without unique clusters too.

I think endgame is balanced around 85%-90% max resistances or 100% spell supression minimum now, probably also around mageblood for the ubers - the same like you wrote.

When you feel in 5.5k ES tankier a clarity watcher's eye, energy from naught/ savour the moment/ etc., forbidden jewels or a split personality fills the gap. But perhaps bastion of hope offers more efficient tankyness and revovery, it seems to me a great possibility when time of need, lethe shade, bastion of hope, block, spellblock and evasion are united in their defensive temporal capacities and accompanied by + max resis and not low armour.

Hehe, that are tough balances and extreme interesting choices!


Last edited by Chromino on Jul 29, 2022, 10:45:00 AM
The thing about radiat faith is - we are utilizing it with just 50% of what it offers. While it's a lot easier to get bastion of hope working for 100% of its power. Yes, BoH is a very powerful passive node, but I just can't underestimate how important life/es pool is. That single 5.1k damage 1-shot you failed to prevent still could be survived if you had 5.2k ES. 500es for 5k pool is more important for me (and that is me, who has a video about running juiced 60% delirious/beyond t16 map deathless on 4.4k ES xD).

However, this is not the case if I had, for example, 6.5k ES w/o radiat faith. It is enough for me to get bastion of hope instead of 7k ES.

Next week is the balance manifesto.
I would be extremely surprised if determination/aegis aurora survives that untouched.

Honestly, I expect nerf for both of those. If determination get nuked, i'd probably think about getting missing armor from low life/shavs (I will need to check this for my aw build anyway). If so, radiant faith would be a must-have.

If aegis get nerfed, it depends. If just max cold res removed, than it's fine. Fitting melding flesh would be harder, but that's it. Reminds me of Divine Flesh nerf.
If armor recovery - that's actually easy. Just need a crafted dex/int shield with spell suppression/es on block and whatever.

About spell suppression - to cap 100% would be a bit hard, but getting 60-70% is doable with just boots + shield + flask and some watchers.

In 3.16 I was playing with 25% from just flask and watchers early. It made difference for sure.
monik390 wrote:
The thing about radiat faith is - we are utilizing it with just 50% of what it offers. While it's a lot easier to get bastion of hope working for 100% of its power. Yes, BoH is a very powerful passive node, but I just can't underestimate how important life/es pool is. That single 5.1k damage 1-shot you failed to prevent still could be survived if you had 5.2k ES. 500es for 5k pool is more important for me (and that is me, who has a video about running juiced 60% delirious/beyond t16 map deathless on 4.4k ES xD).

However, this is not the case if I had, for example, 6.5k ES w/o radiat faith. It is enough for me to get bastion of hope instead of 7k ES.

Next week is the balance manifesto.
I would be extremely surprised if determination/aegis aurora survives that untouched.

Honestly, I expect nerf for both of those. If determination get nuked, i'd probably think about getting missing armor from low life/shavs (I will need to check this for my aw build anyway). If so, radiant faith would be a must-have.

If aegis get nerfed, it depends. If just max cold res removed, than it's fine. Fitting melding flesh would be harder, but that's it. Reminds me of Divine Flesh nerf.
If armor recovery - that's actually easy. Just need a crafted dex/int shield with spell suppression/es on block and whatever.

About spell suppression - to cap 100% would be a bit hard, but getting 60-70% is doable with just boots + shield + flask and some watchers.

In 3.16 I was playing with 25% from just flask and watchers early. It made difference for sure.

Hehe! That is my thought too, that we don't optimize radiant faith and so bastion of hope is now better when melding of the flesh is used as permament ehp-increasement. Shavronnes are great also, but in the moment CI still is totally great with many upsides and medium investments, much variable slots and the golden rule. Will get very interesting!

But I guess they did not already said something about if they focus more on balancing long forgotten gear, jewels or skills or all?

For defences I am not afraid - only spellsuppression need more investments to max and optimize best 100%. Somehow 25x4% with the willowgift amulet seems impossible or can we fortify? 15% rare shield, 20% rare helmet (or 30% eldritch gloves), 18% passives instinct when we path lethe shade against ubers, 6% cluster elegant form, 20% boots, 15% watcher's eye with grace, somewhere a last final implicit, benchcraft, 21-22% with impossibble escape or 10% flask - it looks not easy, but also not too difficult, like you wrote, to full arrive early and flexible 100, still without magebane (15%), in exchange for some, not huge, damage, spellblock or es, lol.

Every other stat, aura and layer we can use comfortable too because we max already our damage on the clusters. Rare shields can be extreme strong too, yes, +3 or also +5 max resis are also possible on anointments, boots-implicits, impossible escape or clusters beside fitting purity-aura, so I don't worry about aegis aurora +5 cold, more it's high es and high ar is not easy to compensate on the rares and alternatives. Armour is possible on other slots like granite+basalt-flasks, watcher's eye, defiance banner etc., or endurance charges are also easy swapped in, so I am not worried too much about determination also.

I hope they buff evasion as basic defensive layer or with an evasion-guard-skill more interesting. Ghost Dance is already totally great, but determination and +max-resis are simply 100% and not lower 98% uptime. And I hope they add some true attacking endgamebosses and not every boss centered again around dealing degens and spells.

I hope that dual wielding (cold iron points or wands) or a new allstars-team with physical zombies, phantasms, animate weapons, raging spirits etc. instead spiders revisit and enter in again interesting, valuable and possible.

And then the lake of kalandra- will we be allowed to mirror some stats-stuff as leaguemechanicaward...? Doubling mirrored 20 to 40 spiders?! 2 scorpions?Arachnophilia!! ;-) The finally realized fishing of the new orbs -exalted mussels and clams- out of the waterworld-maps and lake-arenas - that's the speciality of bald old calm slowhanded templars. We carry our lost trousers and guard outstanding high necks perfect dry to the beaches of victory! With our new swarm of already in trailer revealed flying ravens- and harpy-eagles-minions!


Last edited by Chromino on Aug 2, 2022, 10:32:58 PM
Everyone is talking about aegis aurora, determination and armour ..... But nobody is talking about buffed es-recharge and buffed ar/es-masteries and buffed wicked ward in ancient old [3.17].

I am testing apep's supremacy a lot for all possibilities pre [3.19].
Thanks to Humtol again! Great top best arachnophil ideas alltime!

It's extreme tanky and best fitting in the allstar's mix of layers of fullblock (and also in glancing blows perhaps even better), high evasion and molten shell.
With 2.2k es/ sec when wicked ward is buffed with 80-100% faster start of es-recharge buffed in tree, shield and watcher's eye, and with +3 max. resistances it's top. Wicked ward is perhaps the next tendency beside good rares when melding of the flesh or aegis are nerfed too much and nothing else is buffed. You can upgrade apep's slumber in Alva's temple easy and cheap.

Apep's slumber unique spirit shield 3% max resis selfpoisoned with golden rule
Glancing blows - I am still not sure if to take it or not - for more uptime wicked ward or regret for more damagereductions of fullblock, resistances and open jewel-slot/ equal 400 es second split personality.

90-95% uptime of recharging 2.2k es/sec are reached in my experiences.

Facetanking the formed

Far not optimized - around 10 passives are still not maxed

okay, tanking phoenix's at 00:30 full charged explosion was close-call - did he critted or did he got buffed in [3.18]?

Wicked ward buffed 110% faster recharging
100% ailments-avoidances (shield-mastery, eldritch boots).

The Formed
40 sec


Facetanked Phoenix's full charged explosion also.
In lol low minimized 4.7 k es.
Outside frostshield.
(But in molten shell ;-) )

lol :-)

I guess the 3% max-resis are more tanky than a rare shield's 4% es/ on block in red t16 and more...

Last edited by Chromino on Aug 1, 2022, 10:39:35 PM
Chromino wrote:

I am testing apep's supremacy a lot.
It's extreme tanky in the allstar's mix of layers of fullblock (and also in glancing blows perhaps even better), high evasion and molten shell.
With 2.2k es/ sec when wicked ward is buffed with 80-100% faster start of es-recharge and with +3 max. reistances it's top. Wicked ward is perhaps the next tendency beside good rares when melding of the flesh or aegis are nerfed too much and nothing else is buffed. You can upgrade apep's slumber in Alva's temple easy and cheap.

I hope they buff evasion as basic defensive layer or with an evasion-guard-skill more interesting. Ghost Dance is already totally great, but determination and +max-resis are simply more reliable. And I hope they add some true attacking endgamebosses and not every boss centered again around dealing degens and spells.


Actually, both apep's shields are really good and suit for self-poison really well. I'm not sure if upgrade to supremacy is needed, since 400 es/sec regen from slumber isn't bad at all. Esp when scaling regen.

Well, if aegis recovery gonna get nerfed, regeneration/leech/es on hit is the way. Apep's shields are definitely good as starter options before some op crafted shields. Too good for it's budget.

This league I bought cheap ghost dance skin even before I switched to ci. With determination/grace and just 1.2k ES (before ci) it boosted my survivability really well. I personally think, that running skin w/o grace is a waste tho.

Later, yes, I removed grace after I switched to other body armour, got more es and defence against elemental damage, and refunded GB.

As for other minions - they will ruin the build, unless its wolves for cyclone from Law of the Wilds. Skellies won't do, since summoning them requires time and ruins virulence. As for other minions...

As I played AW this league, I can say that too much investment in minion survivability is required. It started to feel good when each of my AW got close to 800k-1m ehp (83% ele res, 75% chaos res, maxblock, 5% leech, 5% life on minion death).

You cannot afford such investment here. So, forget about it. Immortal minions are the best for this build.

Edit: btw by endgame rare shields I mean smth like this:

Last edited by monik390 on Aug 1, 2022, 1:50:15 PM
Hello chromino

This is THE best and most detailed guide i ever find, wow

I never played templar and i think this is the build to do it

Anyone maybe have a more simple pob for leveling and progression ?

Im not english and your pob has sooooo many version

Thanks in advance
Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
eldest-bike4 wrote:
Hello chromino

This is THE best and most detailed guide i ever find, wow

I never played templar and i think this is the build to do it

Anyone maybe have a more simple pob for leveling and progression ?

Im not english and your pob has sooooo many version

Thanks in advance

Thank you very much eldest-bike4!

In the Pob scroll in the dropdown menue up, there are the levelling trees when you level with HoA, storm brands, Phantasms, Absolution.

At the top of the "notes" in pob is also the index to combinate the tree and items-setups. (- Starting with glancing-blows, then the most tanky edition and then the 100% chaosconversion with white trad grip gloves)

In the spoiler "Tipps for levelling" are also screenshots. But the trees in pob are a bit more optimized.

Yes, sorry, there are many trees.

At the one side skin of the lords with different keystones need 4 different passives, at the other side with so much content in poe it makes some differences if you choose 8M damage for farming or 15M against the feared.
In the spoiler "checklist damage" are some thumbed numbers how to balance defences and damage and with them different gloves and different passive trees.

After patchnotes I will organize the levelling skills a bit better in the pob and delete hopefully some not often needed trees.

Let's crawl!
Last edited by Chromino on Aug 2, 2022, 3:40:15 PM

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