⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

Chromino wrote:
a2b12 wrote:
just wanted to say thank you for the great and insanely detailed build guide. So much fun to see what kind of potential builds in this game can reach.

I grabbed some stuff i had in standard and traded some to test this build.
Not quite done yet, need to buy some gems etc.

Would any of you experienced players of this build mind and check my guardian out for what to improve next? The upgrades are all kind of expensive I guess, so I'd like to know some experienced opinions on what to upgrade next.
Sadly some items cant even be found in standard atm, e.g. the right armor, shield enchat etc, or just for 40ex+...

Anyways cheers for the guide, and thx for incoming advices and tips :)

Hey a2b12, 20d22 great wishes to you too!

Thank you a lot, it's a big compliment for me!

Yes, especially in these weeks the gear for the build is expensive. These weeks are not well in trade I fear without much trade-offers. In standard some gear like +2 skin of the lords or helmetenchant on eber's unification is almost never traded.

So I would in this situation in standard priorize:

- activate keystone divine shield (when pob shows correct you still miss it)

- in maps use "pierce" for the HoA. Use minion mastery mapping: unholy might and singletarget increased effect of spirit offering

- Mana: uncompromising: 2x 6% efficiencies on the transferpoints (instead ar) on your small cluster will make your manamanagement easier.

- Use also fertile catalysts on circle of nostalgia

- When you use fullblock you need tempestshield. To max spellblock is the most important defence against spelldamage. Try out glancing blows before, I guess you die sometimes too much of spelldamage.

- Don't add despair without whispers of doom for 2 useable curses. Use only sniper's mark before.

- It's hard to decide: your eber's unification is great for damage, but helmet HoA-enchant would be best to activate tempestshield for defences. You can workaround with presage, a rare high es-helmet including enchant, run the labs yourself, use self-control on another cluster etc. Balancing damage and defence is the thing, I would switch in your set-up probably to another high-es helmet with the enchant and to 2x circle of nostalgia as long as you don't use whispers of doom - but I am not complete sure, eber's unification is for damage great. When you have not much defence-problems keep it.

- take + dex in utmost intellect anttributes mastery, regret +30 dex passive. Regret weaker manapassives when needed too.

- more pure agony on medium clusters will be your most easy damage upgrades in the moment. The awakened gems, empower 4 or divergent HoA 21 are more expensive but with more currency best for HoA lvl 31.

- the anomalous/ divergent gems helps a lot and are often not expensive (see end of spoiler "gear, skills, links)

- reckoning is also only usefull in "anomalous" gemquality, without change it out and there are overall better skills

- for red t16-maps you need a little bit more es probably - on a better, beltjewel, split personality or rare boots you can improve most fast

- +2 skin of the lords with best keystones is highprized in standard - a cheap +2 skin of the lords with other keystones like you have with ee takes another tough decision: try out 4 passives pathing to ghostdance for some more recovery or the watcher's eye discipline es on hit (expensive). Often your aegis aurora will serve enough substain, but in endgame you need more armour or another source of recovery likke ghostdance or es/hit

Overall your gear is already great! With some levels (for more pure agony) and helmet-enchant (for tempestshield and fullblock) you will upgrade a lot. Then after look out HoA lvl 31, a watcher's eye and more castspeed or poisonchance for more and better continuous singletarget-virulences.

Thanks for the very detailed answer. You're a treasure to this community.
I'll see what i can get my hands onto :)
So yeah, I'm trying out this build in standard and i have this ring
. No catalyst and has 78% on it. So is one of this enough and just get a different ring with despair curse? Thanks!
If you can't control it, STOP.
dagul23 wrote:
So yeah, I'm trying out this build in standard and i have this ring
. No catalyst and has 78% on it. So is one of this enough and just get a different ring with despair curse? Thanks!

Yes, that's an perfect ring in standard! Use also fertile catalysts on it!

Despair in combination with other fullchaos is best, yes, like unholy might buff, eber's unification etc.
Take probably also another helmet enchant like added HoA-projectiles, for high density content like blight or delve, or instead or increased spirit offering-effect-enchant for example. I advice to despair, but you need then 4 passives whispers of doom for 2 useable curses also and add the 20% poisonchance of the cursemastery for virulences. You could regret serpentine spellslinger because the HoA-buff on the ring raise your poison-chance much or regret weak mana-passives. And you not need chance-to-poison-support-skillgem (you already switched it out).

The HoA-skill-efficieny will not stack much higher because of it's dimishing returns.
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 8, 2022, 8:14:38 PM
Last edited by livejamie on Jan 9, 2022, 12:02:43 PM
100 Congratulations to xxSelfInflicted!
Congratulations also to 37/ 40 challenges completed!

Great tanking through all content also in rare armour with 100% increased global defences (ar, ev, es)!

Fullblock, 46k armour, 8.2 k es - reached without skin of the lords.

(Skin of the loyals, Lionseye vision, Brass dome or the Coming calamity are also capable of lvl 100 when Skin of the lords are not much traded in these weeks of end of league)
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 12, 2022, 4:30:59 AM

Thanks so much for your guide, I coasted to lvl 95 !!!!! Please if you have a chance, let me know if I can upgrade ... to finish Sirius 8. Sirius 5 is no problem, but seems to slow me down sometimes, go figure. I dont think I can buy the iron reflexes and idea sockets. thanks, Andy




Best build ever. My first A8 Sirius Kill deathless. Came close to dying 1-2 times. I love this awesome playstyle!
RGVsUrTexas wrote:

Thanks so much for your guide, I coasted to lvl 95 !!!!! Please if you have a chance, let me know if I can upgrade ... to finish Sirius 8. Sirius 5 is no problem, but seems to slow me down sometimes, go figure. I dont think I can buy the iron reflexes and idea sockets. thanks, Andy





Thank you a lot too RGVsUrTexas and coast on, hehe!

I take later with desktop PC a look on the pob, on mobile device I can check only some gear.

Also with ghostdance Sirus A9 is no problem, but you need movement to dodge manually some beams and avoid the meteors and use molten shell of course.

Most important is:

Corrupted blood immunity on a jewel
Burning-ground-immunity pantheon (and move out fast when he spawns degen ground sometimes in new sequenzes)
75% spellblock
Movement: with ghostdance his meteors and beams can kill you. Move when he shouts "die" etc., use more 3x storm brands to move better and in his last phase he teleports much. Take storm brand quality 20 for some more virulences
Take "flasks gains charge when you are hit"- it makes all boss-fights much easier with more charges.
Take look into "boss-hunting" and "flasks and sulphur" for all tipps like a anti-freeze-flask-suffix, automatic triggered "when you become freezed", against his freezing-beam.


You get nice 2r-2b-2gr skins of the lords Iron reflexes for Sirus in trade around 5 exalts in these days

Take in a Rumi's Concoction Graniteflask for more armour, blockings and es on block with high block-stats

I would priorize a better manamanagement to activate tempest shield.
75% spellblocks against Sirus are best.
Without activate glancing blows.

B.i.s. is the (expensive) amulet aul's uprising with grace - but a rare amulet with skil-efficiencies, or on small clusters uncompromising/ sublime form/ self-control with 2 transferpoints 6% efficiencies or a cheaper Aul's uprising with determination/ discipline are fine too. You need then a bit dex somewhere elso. All variants are shown on page 50 section amulett and mana-clusters and in spoiler "manamanager" too.

Change against sirus spells frostwall to divergent frostshield.

Without whispers of doom you can only use 1 curse, against sirus and other bosses sniper's mark is best and hexcurse despair is much less efficient
For Sirus A8-9 switch also some weaker mana-passives and Wicked ward/ righteous army out in your lvl 95 to improve your damage much with clusters and 4x pure agony for 60 virulences
Last edited by Chromino on Jan 10, 2022, 3:28:10 PM

With my gear Siruis A8 easy kill. But die all the time on Crystal King, so only option for me is to buy amulet. I`m levelling other divertgent HoA for vaal on lvl21, until now only bad luck.
Any other tips for upgrade character?

Question, how do you get +4 for Skin of the Lords? Isn't it just +2?

So I understand you can get L28 HoA. L29 with Chaos Mastery. How do you get 31?

+4 Skin of the Lords 2× +2
+3 empower max. lvl 2-4
+1 HoA gem level 21 (b.i.s. is Divergent HoA lvl 21)
+1 awakened minion damage HoA
+1 awakened void manipulation

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