Path of Building for Mac! 3.25-ready

Mnemonix wrote:
Gah, this is the first league where I can't get PoB to work. Been using this for a few leagues now with zero issues, but now it doesn't work at all.

I wiped all previous versions off my hard drive. I download and follow the instructions as usual (open the zip, move the app to the applications folder), but nothing happens when I launch it. It looks like it wants to launch because the dock bar at the bottom shifts very slightly, but no PoB icon appears at all.

Maybe my OS is too old now? I'm on an iMac, macOS High Sierra.

When I try running from terminal, I get the same error message as user MJHeemeyer above:

dyld: cannot load 'PathOfBuilding' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
Abort trap: 6

Makes me feel better knowing someone else ran into my problem. I'm trying out PoEplanner and it seems to work okay but I can't see how a change will affect my entire build. I am gonna try older versions starting with 2.20.2

Great Tool, ty!
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt#5723 on Jan 3, 2023, 2:30:53 AM
As of Jan 3 midday zip file does not exists on link you provided, can you please check that?
Same as Yark1y - get a file does not exist screen when trying to download latest zip file from link on page 1 today
Thanks for your work with this! If anyone else has an issue where the font seems way too big and things aren't fitting nicely, you need to install these three fonts from the Github repo and then relaunch the program:

Fixed the link!
Thank you, incredible work!
Kapps wrote:
Thanks for your work with this! If anyone else has an issue where the font seems way too big and things aren't fitting nicely, you need to install these three fonts from the Github repo and then relaunch the program:

Where do you install these files. The app itself lives wherever you want to put it (for me I just leave it in downloads). Do I just leave the downloaded files in the same directory as the app ?
BowWizard wrote:
Kapps wrote:
Thanks for your work with this! If anyone else has an issue where the font seems way too big and things aren't fitting nicely, you need to install these three fonts from the Github repo and then relaunch the program:

Where do you install these files. The app itself lives wherever you want to put it (for me I just leave it in downloads). Do I just leave the downloaded files in the same directory as the app ?

You should be able to just double-click the files after downloading them to install them via MacOS' font manager tool.
arciinus wrote:

I added a link in the first post for older versions. You can also try building it from scratch! Unfortunately, I don't have a version of Mac that old so can't debug it easily.

I'm totally lost when it comes to building something like this. I would not know where to begin. Any guides or instructions on how I can build this with the dependencies that are compatible with my computer?

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