How important is the conversion part when you enter 6L barrage setup as your main setup? Do you just convert the 40% in the tree? Or just 65% with gloves? Do you skip Iceshot completely at this point?
How important is the conversion part when you enter 6L barrage setup as your main setup? Do you just convert the 40% in the tree? Or just 65% with gloves? Do you skip Iceshot completely at this point?
For me I extra conversion for cold from the gloves craft until my dps raised too high and the "Increased damage while leeching" became better.
It is however important to know your bow. If your bow is like mine which has alot of pDPS, conversion is a huge plus. If you have a bow more like Stealthyy's whcih has allot of cold and not much physical, then you won't benefit from conversion as much and you can go with damage while leeching craft.
Thx for the input, kinda figured had to do the impint cycle anyway, gonna spend my future currency in crafting since its the bigger upgrade! I can do t16, conquerors etc fine with opus, so can't wait to try the new bow
Edit: i managed this bow, would u advice to keep it then later upgrade the tier with harvest?
Regarding bow crafting, I strongly recommend crafting into dex stacking as seen by my bow, as harvest crafting makes it quite cheap:
If you plug in my bow into the endgame pob, it is only ~10% worse than the best bow in the endgame pob, and 2-3% more than the intermediate bow, without gearing for dex stacking. Combined with dex gear from the rest of my gear, my bow will outscale the crafted phys bow.
Also the endgame pob bow had t1 cold t1 speed and +2, while my bow only started with t2 cold and +2 arrows.
Total cost =
3-5 ex for the base with flat cold / +2 arrows
1 hunters orb ( 2ex)
multi mod ( 1 ex)
crafted AS ( 1 ex)
crafted ele pen ( 1 ex)
remove affix harvest crafts ( free or ~ 1ex in TFT)
To craft my bow,
first you need to
1. alt into high tier flat cold and +2 arrows, which you have done, Alternatively, you can buy a rare 6L imperial bow with t2 flat and +2 arrows on RSC right now for ~ 3 ex, which has removable affixes (via harvest)
2. regal into any removable affix , and remove it via harvest crafting (this is the step that saves you tens of ex, as to craft the endgame bow you would need to imprint into t1 attack speed and that takes ~50 ex on average.) You should be left with a rare bow with just flat cold and +2 arrows
3. craft multi mod and attack speed
4. hunter orb it
5. if your hunter orb does not hit ele pen, or cold per 10 dex, then remove it via harvest craft ( all other hunter prefixes are removable via harvest)
6. aug cold (this guarentees the cold per dex mod)
7. craft ele pen
and you will get my bow. As you can see it can be crafted for less than 10 ex and you get a weapon +90% as good as the best weapon shown in this thread.
I always wanted to play an iceshot build, but have always been a melee player. Finally bit the bullet and tried this build out this league and have been loving it.
But also wanted to give huge props to Stealthyy on the tips for bow crafting, saved me a ton of currency!
Regarding bow crafting, I strongly recommend crafting into dex stacking as seen by my bow, as harvest crafting makes it quite cheap:
If you plug in my bow into the endgame pob, it is only ~10% worse than the best bow in the endgame pob, and 2-3% more than the intermediate bow, without gearing for dex stacking. Combined with dex gear from the rest of my gear, my bow will outscale the crafted phys bow.
Also the endgame pob bow had t1 cold t1 speed and +2, while my bow only started with t2 cold and +2 arrows.
Total cost =
3-5 ex for the base with flat cold / +2 arrows
1 hunters orb ( 2ex)
multi mod ( 1 ex)
crafted AS ( 1 ex)
crafted ele pen ( 1 ex)
remove affix harvest crafts ( free or ~ 1ex in TFT)
To craft my bow,
first you need to
1. alt into high tier flat cold and +2 arrows, which you have done, Alternatively, you can buy a rare 6L imperial bow with t2 flat and +2 arrows on RSC right now for ~ 3 ex, which has removable affixes (via harvest)
2. regal into any removable affix , and remove it via harvest crafting (this is the step that saves you tens of ex, as to craft the endgame bow you would need to imprint into t1 attack speed and that takes ~50 ex on average.) You should be left with a rare bow with just flat cold and +2 arrows
3. craft multi mod and attack speed
4. hunter orb it
5. if your hunter orb does not hit ele pen, or cold per 10 dex, then remove it via harvest craft ( all other hunter prefixes are removable via harvest)
6. aug cold (this guarentees the cold per dex mod)
7. craft ele pen
and you will get my bow. As you can see it can be crafted for less than 10 ex and you get a weapon +90% as good as the best weapon shown in this thread.
Descided also to craft a bow since it seems to be best upgrade for me for now when looking for dmg/exalts price. Although im playing my first poe season ever and im totally clueless i would say when it comes to crafting.
1 and 2) Is there different approach if crafting thicket bow (or any other bow base) rather than imperial bow? If I could find from trading site similiar cold dmg/+arrows imperial bow vs thicket bow with same price, i probably should then choose thicket right (assuming crafting those have similiar odds etc.). Also if im choosing rare bow with cold and + arrows & maybe with some random affix, is there reason to check that random affix? By that I mean is there possibility I cannot remove some affixes via harvest and therefore should watch carefully before choosing base?
5) We are looking here probably harvest recipes "Remove a random Influence modifier from an item" and maybe even "Augment an item with a new Influence modifier". Although im wondering if i remove do i have to use hunter orb again? Or if i augment, does it give me again opportunity to hit desired hunter mod by hitting always on hunter mod table? Or perhaps augment could fuck the bow up and change it from hunter influence to elder influence for example?
6) Aug cold via harvest crafting again right? I would assume now that in section 5 we want to choose "remove random influence mod" harvest craft and find aug cold harvest. My intuition here is the item is still treated as hunter item even we removed its hunter mod on section 5, and its possible cold modifiers are drastically changed which will yield to only that dex/cold mod :P
Ur step by step crafting guide seems to be super easy to be followed, even for first time crafter/player. Although I felt still to come to write post here on forum since investing ~10ex is not something i can afford to fuck up and the odds me fuckin the crafting up is probably "bit" higher than finding a mirror during my first season ^^
Last edited by huuliherkku68#3054 on Feb 7, 2021, 11:37:36 PM
Descided also to craft a bow since it seems to be best upgrade for me for now when looking for dmg/exalts price. Although im playing my first poe season ever and im totally clueless i would say when it comes to crafting.
1 and 2) Is there different approach if crafting thicket bow (or any other bow base) rather than imperial bow? If I could find from trading site similiar cold dmg/+arrows imperial bow vs thicket bow with same price, i probably should then choose thicket right (assuming crafting those have similiar odds etc.). Also if im choosing rare bow with cold and + arrows & maybe with some random affix, is there reason to check that random affix? By that I mean is there possibility I cannot remove some affixes via harvest and therefore should watch carefully before choosing base?
5) We are looking here probably harvest recipes "Remove a random Influence modifier from an item" and maybe even "Augment an item with a new Influence modifier". Although im wondering if i remove do i have to use hunter orb again? Or if i augment, does it give me again opportunity to hit desired hunter mod by hitting always on hunter mod table? Or perhaps augment could fuck the bow up and change it from hunter influence to elder influence for example?
6) Aug cold via harvest crafting again right? I would assume now that in section 5 we want to choose "remove random influence mod" harvest craft and find aug cold harvest. My intuition here is the item is still treated as hunter item even we removed its hunter mod on section 5, and its possible cold modifiers are drastically changed which will yield to only that dex/cold mod :P
Ur step by step crafting guide seems to be super easy to be followed, even for first time crafter/player. Although I felt still to come to write post here on forum since investing ~10ex is not something i can afford to fuck up and the odds me fuckin the crafting up is probably "bit" higher than finding a mirror during my first season ^^
U better pick t1 cold flat wiht arrows for 4-5 ex. Then regal it to rare, if it`s magic item. It may hit unremovable affixes for example attributes or reduced attribute requirements, still there many ways to get them away. To be sure, i did imprint first. Thicket bow got more atack speed.
IF you doesn`t hit ele pen or cold with hunter orb, then u just remove it and add cold per dex with harvest cold augment. It`s 100% hit cause all suffixes are blocked with multi mod, so u cannot get cold res for example. Ele pen is a bit harder to gamble with since the weight is shit on hunter base. For better understanding use You can also emulate your craft with
It took for me about 9 ex to craft this bow. I`m also pretty new to poe :)