Coffee all night.

Sometimes, ya gotta do it.
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Last bumped on Jan 14, 2021, 8:49:26 AM
I think everyone knows what you want to talk about here, and why you're not actually talking about it. Couldn't stop yourself completely though, could you? But of course they can't stop themselves either...
So I had my first can of coke last night in almost a year. When you switch from going out a lot to home delivered groceries and cooking, you tend to leave out crap like soft drink and sweets (they're a budget drain too). But I splurged on some mini vanilla cokes (don't judge me) and, in conjunction with my usual 1-2 cups of pod coffee a day...oh boy. My guts were jumping all over the place. NOT a pleasant feeling. Can't believe I used to guzzle cans of coke so much I came back from the US in the early 2000s with massive cavities and my yet-obstinate pot belly. Christ.

Or, y'know. Maybe it was someone else the past few days had my nerves a-jangling. Combination of both I daresay. Mind you I've mostly just been playing Guild Wars 2, Genshin Impact, and watching Chinese Cartoons. Because:

#TwentyTwentyWon -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Jan 7, 2021, 11:16:12 PM
Gut dynamite! I was once a hardcore Coke guzzler too. The classic version. Seriously, I'd finish a liter or two per day. Ugh. Cut it out completely now, but of course I make up for it with gallons of coffee.

Work was a bear today because of getting an hour of sleep at best, but I cut out early, napped in the afternoon and semi caught up.

#TwentyTwentyWon. Love it!
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The_Impeacher wrote:
Gut dynamite! I was once a hardcore Coke guzzler too. The classic version. Seriously, I'd finish a liter or two per day. Ugh. Cut it out completely now, but of course I make up for it with gallons of coffee.

Work was a bear today because of getting an hour of sleep at best, but I cut out early, napped in the afternoon and semi caught up.

#TwentyTwentyWon. Love it!

I have my moments. I just hate being right about the wrong things. It gets old. But then again, so do we. And then we die. And then it's someone else's problem.

...And that was one of the less-depressing versions of 'hi, how are you?', 2021 edition. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
If Coke can dissolve a tooth in 24 hours, and tooth enamel has a Mohs hardness of 4, think of what it's doing to your guts, which don't even manage to get on the Mohs scale. /s

<3 coffee and tea even if they aren't good for me.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
crunkatog wrote:
If Coke can dissolve a tooth in 24 hours, and tooth enamel has a Mohs hardness of 4, think of what it's doing to your guts, which don't even manage to get on the Mohs scale. /s

<3 coffee and tea even if they aren't good for me.

There's nothing wrong with coffee and tea....Almost all of my family drinks coffee. My grandparents were hardcore coffee drinkers, and they all lived well into their 90s's...

Yea, EXTREME amounts of coffee can give you upset stomach and can cause nerve issues. But 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day are fine...

Tea(without the sugar) is fine as well, especially if you throw in green tea, which has some amazing health benefits that you can read about from lots of health institutions....

even coke is fine in "moderation" unless one has sugar issues. For example, I think 1 coke a day won't hurt anyone unless they are diabetic of course...
The_Impeacher wrote:
...Sometimes, ya gotta do it.

I did it many times in college. It's not... healthy. Unfortunately, there are times when there's nothing else you can do. I don't mean just "cramming for exams" but getting papers done, labs, presentations, etc... I once went a week with nothing but "micro-sleeps" and about four hours total of "sleep sleeps."

Coffee is one of my favorite things. Properly prepared, hot with cream, it's more hydrating than water, alone. (Has to do with the interactions of coffee and milk making it more readily absorbed... or something. Don't care - Coffee is awesome!)

I'm drinking a mug, right now. :)
crunkatog wrote:
If Coke can dissolve a tooth in 24 hours, and tooth enamel has a Mohs hardness of 4, think of what it's doing to your guts, which don't even manage to get on the Mohs scale. /s

<3 coffee and tea even if they aren't good for me.

Coke can't dissolve a tooth in 24 hours... It can, however, eventually contribute to the erosion of enamel and cause pitting, which leads to even more damage over long periods of consumption.

Teeth are remarkably durable. What do archeologist find when they did in ancient sites and all the bones are gone? Teeth...

If Coke could dissolve teeth in that amount of time, say goodbye to the rest of your digestive system. :)
Last edited by Morkonan on Jan 9, 2021, 2:47:45 PM
Totally, PLUS more dangerous to the enamel and overall tooth condition are bacteriae constantly present in our mouths, which use sugars as a main source of energy.

Their products of metabolism are more destructive than the phosphoric acid in coke.

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