Account Name: Steven_82
Character Name: Steven_Marauder Time Zone: UK GMT 0 Year/Month started playing PoE: 2021 january i think Highest Level: 77 |
@Steven_82 - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
8 days!
One week left!
Six days!
Account Name:syrach34
Character Name:Tarkual Time Zone:gmt+2 Year/Month started playing PoE:2019 Highest Level:90 |
@syrach34 - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
Account Name: Chefnormous
Character Name: Chefnormous Time Zone: PT or UTC -8:00 / -7:00 Year/Month started playing PoE: August 2012 Highest Level: 93 I've been playing for a long time with no real direction, but I'm finally putting my head down and trying hard for end-game stuff! Looking for a community to be a part of along the way! |
@Chefnormous - invite sent. Welcome to the guild!
Three days, folks, three days!