reading my own post history

LennyLen wrote:
for those who are not american and/or can't count (americans) I would have been 11 in 4th grade. I think. I can't count.

Don't you start school at six in America? Which should make you nine in fourth grade.

sweet that makes the fact that I did a book report on a stephen king novel even worse

Just some info:

"School" generally begins at five-years old with "Kindergarten." It's a very simple sort of education, establishing capability and proficiency with certain tools the kids need like learning the Alphabet and working with a daily regimen and group activities and the like. Kids may be evaluated here in order to determine if they need additional help or have issues that need to be addressed. (Ongoing and varied evaluations, AFAIK, these days in many "grades.")

"Pre-School" is even earlier, at 4-5. It's pretty much a daytime Day Care service. (As is all of "grade school" in the US. :))

"First Grade," Grade 1, is generally going to be comprised of students in/around the 5-6yr cohort.
The above depends highly on your school district's budget and priorities. That in turn varies widely between states and within states.

On-topic: Reading my own post history here over the last 2 years would probably be more horrific than anything Stephen King could come up with. Both in terms of rambling aimlessness and detachment from reality.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
This has been an excellent year for a nolifer.

Moved away into the mountains whole corona and having a good time. I really can't be bothered to not enjoy life. For gamers corona feeds you, it basically asks you to stay away and do your own thing. It basically begs you to have fun instead of duties. Not very hard to enjoy.

You like to write? you like to be creative? Now is the ideal time - the whole world is on pause.

This is a grand time - i'm loving the materialistic life shattering to pieces and all the ants don't now what to do.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Dec 31, 2020, 12:54:56 PM
2021 can't get any worse, right?
Morkonan wrote:

Just some info:

"School" generally begins at five-years old with "Kindergarten." It's a very simple sort of education, establishing capability and proficiency with certain tools the kids need like learning the Alphabet and working with a daily regimen and group activities and the like. Kids may be evaluated here in order to determine if they need additional help or have issues that need to be addressed. (Ongoing and varied evaluations, AFAIK, these days in many "grades.")

"Pre-School" is even earlier, at 4-5. It's pretty much a daytime Day Care service. (As is all of "grade school" in the US. :))

"First Grade," Grade 1, is generally going to be comprised of students in/around the 5-6yr cohort.

actually now that I'm thinking about it, I was a year older than literally everyone in my class due to some preschool shenanigans and my birthday being around some school paperwork date, I was 10 in fourth grade
Not purely on topic, but the subject line of the OP "Reading my own post history and 2020, made me curious about how well I remembered some posts I made over 20 years ago - the subject at the time was PK'ing in the upcoming game Diablo 2, and I remembered going back and forth with Max Schaefer of Blizzard for a couple comments.

Why is this relevant? Reading through all the various posts in the June 2000 thread (In which the discussion of getting some people together to make our own game came up) I saw that Chris Wilson had posted in the same thread. The same Chris Wilson of GGG?

I'm not sure. If Chris is interested, I'll send the link and he can say whether it is him or not in the thread.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Jan 15, 2021, 9:20:26 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
Not purely on topic, but the subject line of the OP "Reading my own post history and 2020, made me curious about how well I remembered some posts I made over 20 years ago - the subject at the time was PK'ing in the upcoming game Diablo 2, and I remembered going back and forth with Max Schaefer of Blizzard for a couple comments.

Why is this relevant? Reading through all the various posts in the June 2000 thread (In which the discussion of getting some people together to make our own game came up) I saw that Chris Wilson had posted in the same thread. The same Chris Wilson of GGG?

I'm not sure. If Chris is interested, I'll send the link and he can say whether it is him or not in the thread.

the coincidence is too uncanny to pass up
I don't have forum posts that far back, maybe back to 2005. I really do not want to read them as I was a shithead teenager
I don't have forum posts that far back

This post from 2002 is the oldest I can easily find. I know I definitely posted on the Blizzard Diablo forums before then, as the forum I linked to above was a splinter group of the Original Diablo Strategy Forum which formed, from memory, when Blizzard restricted access to their forums to people who had a product key to link to their account. This eliminated all of us who only owned Diablo 1 as it didn't come with a key.

For some reason the URL tag isn't working. The address is:
Last edited by LennyLen on Jan 16, 2021, 12:36:26 AM
2020 is not bad if you own stock...I'm up 38%...that said - life and death way more important...can't take money to grave - stay safe
Git R Dun!
Aim_Deep wrote:
2020 is not bad if you own stock...I'm up 38%...that said - life and death way more important...can't take money to grave - stay safe

mild politics beware
torn on getting into stonks, on one hand investment right now is a braindead good idea but on the other hand kinda not into the idea of engaging in this brand of capitalism
but I suppose if it's used to a net benefit it's fine for the time being

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