DRE001: 1-Week Mayhem

  • Changing your Ascendancy Class has been disabled for the event.
  • Levelling multiple characters that reach the prize-thresholds can help your odds to win one of the random-draw microtransactions.
  • It's possible for players to win multiple of the random-draw prizes with one or more characters.
  • Please do not delete your characters before prizes are awarded or they may not be eligible.

Active Mods
The following league mods are active during this event:
  • Mayhem: Each area other than towns and the Twilight Strand will contain large numbers of dangerous inhabitants of one out of 6 different types: Rogue Exiles, Tormented Spirits, Invaders, Strongboxes, Breaches, or Harbingers. These are consistent within specific area for all players, and change hourly. This race type is voided.

  • The top five players of each of the ascendancy classes by experience will receive a Demigod's Authority (Unique Golden Blade).
  • Players who reach level 50 will receive a Twilight Mystery Box. This prize is available only once per account for this type of event. Levelling multiple characters will not grant multiple mystery boxes.

The following prizes are available to players who meet specific level thresholds. These prizes are shared with the One-Week Mayhem Event, One-Week Mayhem HC Event, One-Week Mayhem SSF Event, and One-Week Mayhem HC SSF Event, on both the PC and console realms. The winners will be chosen through random-draw:
  • 1000 players above level 60 will win the Infernal Footprints
  • 1000 players above level 60 will win the Purple Lightning Weapon Effect
  • 1000 players above level 60 will win the Ghostflame Skull
  • 1000 players above level 70 will win the Necrotic Portal Effect
  • 1000 players above level 70 will win the Spirit Portal Effect
  • 1000 players above level 70 will win the Arcane Portal
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Gore Character Effect
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Purple Character Effect
  • 700 players above level 80 will win the Radiant Character Effect
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Demon King Armour Set
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Viper Armour Set
  • 200 players above level 85 will win the Ultimate Chaos Armour Set
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Wasteland Cloak
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Fire Wings
  • 200 players above level 90 will win the Arcane Wings
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Glimmerwood Wings
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Sin and Innocence Armour Pack
  • 50 players above level 95 will win the Dragon Hunter Herald
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2021, 2:17:46 PM
Change that
will win
into has a small chance of winning...
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Piacevole wrote:
Change that
will win
into has a small chance of winning...

well it isn't wrong. x number of players WILL win. they aren't saying you will win :D
Have you seen the sun exile? THE TRUE SUN?
Change that

The top five players of each of the ascendancy classes by experience will receive a Demigod

into the same group as before only under new accounts will win all demi of each class...
These prizes are shared

This means SSF players share the 1000 items with the trade ones? Isn't this kind of unfair or I got it wrong?
Getting impatient <3
Pudu71 wrote:
These prizes are shared

This means SSF players share the 1000 items with the trade ones? Isn't this kind of unfair or I got it wrong?

Even more, they are shared between PC and console.
Each area other than towns and the Twilight Strand

Is it a bug? My hillock has be possessed by two spirits...
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quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

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