Trade Board - unwanted items exclusion from list option

pra-lima87 wrote:
ilya138 wrote:
I think it has something to do with the current backend architecture. Seems like it was way easier to request all the items from "server" and highlight them on "client", instead of reworking the backend to return only items in accordance with the specified filter. So I don't think they will rework this anytime soon.

I don't think is a problem of development. Is more about the game grind philosophy. Wich makes things even more dire. Basically GGG don't want to make trade more approachable. The longer you stay in the game, the best it is for them, is a way to make the playerbase bigger.

This post is was the first one for days, and never got even a reply from GGG. So now I'm not at all hopefull that trade will be made better even on POE2 :(

So this.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.

I don't think is a problem of development. Is more about the game grind philosophy. Wich makes things even more dire. Basically GGG don't want to make trade more approachable. The longer you stay in the game, the best it is for them, is a way to make the playerbase bigger.

This post is was the first one for days, and never got even a reply from GGG. So now I'm not at all hopefull that trade will be made better even on POE2 :(

Many people saying that it’s done intentionally to make trading “hard”, but idk, it’s just doesn’t make sense to me.
I mean trading is not hard it’s annoying. But if you have currency and you really need some specific item to progress, you will go through 200 tabs and find it, if it does exist. Doubt many people thought “welp it’s just to much bother. I’d better spend next 20 hours trying to farm/craft it myself”. Rather, i imaging, many thought “welp it’s not fun to press trigger for 20 mins and check highlighted items, i might wait until they fix this and play in something else meanwhile”

So i’m hopeful that as part of POE 4.0 / POE 2 they’ll fix trading
This is a UI problem, which means console specific code would have to be written for each platform. I'm guessing poe was just a straight port to consoles from PC and the easiest way to handle trade board when it was released was just to do minimal filtering to make it work on both xbox and ps4

We are seeing alot more console specific code written in the last couple of patches, so maybe they might get around to updating the trade board UI soon.
Arigam86 wrote:

Many people saying that it’s done intentionally to make trading “hard”, but idk, it’s just doesn’t make sense to me.

Go read the Trade Manifesto:

It's definitely intentional, and it's definitely supposed to be "hard".

Now, we can have discussion over whether or not that is a good thing, and over whether or not "hard" trading is implemented well on either PC or Console, but that is the context in which those discussions can take place.

The people who are just begging for trade to be "easier" or "faster" are missing this key information.

Now, personally, I would argue that PC trade has gotten too easy.
Balancing out game mechanic by making it inconvenient and annoying to use doesn’t sound as a good solution to me.
Same way they can put dsync, dc and crashes in manifesto as challenge elements of the game.
IMO they should balance the difficulty of the trade by gameplay itself, something like introducing trade tokens, that allows you to buy one thing. And making them rare drop or mandatory drop in some kind of lab trial. That will make trading more difficult, yet you still will be playing ARPG and not some form of “corporate audit minigame”

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