pianokingx3 wrote:
Batuhan87 wrote:
GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
perma stun- use eye of chayulla.
Beartaps - pay attention to where they are thrown.
Curses - you have them too
perma freeze - use wonderlust or broken dreams or kaltenhalt
molten shell - seriously?
perma curse - use warden flasks efficiently
1-Temp chains + Bear trap= GG
2-I am a melee marauder so don't have 3 curses.
3-And lose 500 armor + 300 life
4-Lose %70 of your hp with it then gg
5-Flasks are not unlimited, curses are.
Lol. You're a melee marauder. In merciless PVP, melee marauders are invincible. PVPers like AuxTheLegend, Jerk, and another lvl 69ish melee marauder destroy everyone else.
Why? Because melee marauders are strong and they're all well geared. IF you're complaining about being a melee marauder and getting owned, then
1. Get better gear
2. Respec your passive tree because chances are, you didnt spec it towards PVP
3. Learn to play melee
4. That is all
1.I got 30 exalts worth of gear
3.I know how to play thus why i am 85 level atm
Posted byBatuhan87#6932on Mar 28, 2013, 5:44:47 AM
LePvPMaster wrote:
i dont get why this is such a big problem
if ure in merciless pvp, theres so many items u can use to counter it
some u dont even need armour for
bear traps can be easily cleared with spells like arc (immortcal call works fine unless its like their main dmger)
curses/perma curses r easily beaten by just havin a warding pot...
if some1s passive skill (perma curse) can be negated by just drinkin 1 dose of potion, i dont see the big problem
molten shell, just cap out on fire resist, and if they rely on it as a main damager and use like flammability and elemental wekaness, just pot a warding
if some1 went perma stun, it means their gear is heavily invested in stun gear, such as reduc stun threshold or stun duration. this would mean they are usually lacking other mods. u can easily counter it with a cthulu, just get more block n stun recovery, or higher block chance or use enfeeble or smth so they miss more
Thanks for the honest advice.I'll be trying those.
Posted byBatuhan87#6932on Mar 28, 2013, 5:46:16 AM
one thing I forgot to mention, quicksilver dispel frozen and chilled flasks if used at the right time are amazing vs perma freezers.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Batuhan87 wrote:
pianokingx3 wrote:
Lol. You're a melee marauder. In merciless PVP, melee marauders are invincible. PVPers like AuxTheLegend, Jerk, and another lvl 69ish melee marauder destroy everyone else.
Why? Because melee marauders are strong and they're all well geared. IF you're complaining about being a melee marauder and getting owned, then
1. Get better gear
2. Respec your passive tree because chances are, you didnt spec it towards PVP
3. Learn to play melee
4. That is all
1.I got 30 exalts worth of gear
3.I know how to play thus why i am 85 level atm
1. That is less than 1 piece of gear for the good PvPers.
2. Then continue to function badly in PvP
4. PM next time you are online if you want to see how a real 1v1 is.
IGN: Aux Last edited by Aux#2409 on Mar 29, 2013, 12:26:04 AM
Posted byAux#2409on Mar 29, 2013, 12:18:54 AM
They will fix all this just be patient.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Posted bylVlage#3413on Mar 29, 2013, 4:06:46 PMBanned
h3rp3s wrote:
They will fix all this just be patient.
fix what? wtf are u talking about?
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Aux wrote:
Batuhan87 wrote:
pianokingx3 wrote:
Lol. You're a melee marauder. In merciless PVP, melee marauders are invincible. PVPers like AuxTheLegend, Jerk, and another lvl 69ish melee marauder destroy everyone else.
Why? Because melee marauders are strong and they're all well geared. IF you're complaining about being a melee marauder and getting owned, then
1. Get better gear
2. Respec your passive tree because chances are, you didnt spec it towards PVP
3. Learn to play melee
4. That is all
1.I got 30 exalts worth of gear
3.I know how to play thus why i am 85 level atm
1. That is less than 1 piece of gear for the good PvPers.
2. Then continue to function badly in PvP
4. PM next time you are online if you want to see how a real 1v1 is.
1.Not really.
3.Sorry Detective Serpico
Wait a minute.Are you the guy that is using 1h/shield build that i destroyed?You RQ'ed before i won the match 5-3.Sorry if i hit a nerve.Seems like your 200 exalted(i am still laughing writing this :P) worth of gear is useless.It must be a bad feeling losing to a guy that is not buying his 200 exalted worth of gear from RMT sites :)
5.PM next time you are online if you want to see how a real 1v1 is.I am online most of the time.
Last edited by Batuhan87#6932 on Mar 31, 2013, 6:47:15 AM
Posted byBatuhan87#6932on Mar 31, 2013, 6:32:16 AM
Ouch :P
Posted byRakatarian#2918on Mar 31, 2013, 6:48:45 AM
Batuhan87 wrote:
Aux wrote:
Batuhan87 wrote:
1.I got 30 exalts worth of gear
3.I know how to play thus why i am 85 level atm
1. That is less than 1 piece of gear for the good PvPers.
2. Then continue to function badly in PvP
4. PM next time you are online if you want to see how a real 1v1 is.
1.Not really.
3.Sorry Detective Serpico
Wait a minute.Are you the guy that is using 1h/shield build that i destroyed?You RQ'ed before i won the match 5-3.Sorry if i hit a nerve.Seems like your 200 exalted(i am still laughing writing this :P) worth of gear is useless.It must be a bad feeling losing to a guy that is not buying his 200 exalted worth of gear from RMT sites :)
5.PM next time you are online if you want to see how a real 1v1 is.I am online most of the time.
You're an idiot. Not only will he own you 5-0, he'll completely shit on you.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
Posted bypianokingx3#0393on Mar 31, 2013, 7:39:45 AM
You're an idiot. Not only will he own you 5-0, he'll completely shit on you.
Oh shit i think i hit a nerve or two :P Sorry fanboy.But he lost 5-3 then ragequited.I am waiting him to pm me so we can do a rematch but this time i will be capturing a video.Pm me whenb you are back Aux.
Last edited by Batuhan87#6932 on Mar 31, 2013, 7:51:28 AM
Posted byBatuhan87#6932on Mar 31, 2013, 7:48:22 AM