[MAC] Solaris Temple Level 2 crash bug

I experienced this in Act 3, but eventually got passed it some how, however it's happened again in act 8.

At some point, not exactly sure where, whenever I approach it the game freezes (0 fps, spinning wheel of doom) and then after 10-30 seconds I get the message "an unexpected disconnect has occurred" and booted to the login screen.

Just being in level 2 causes big fps spikes, but one particular area is so bad it bumps me to login every time.

Here is an image showing roughly where it happens

If I am zoomed out with map open, I get booted before I can even get to the pool just to the upper right. If I zoom in and remove the mini-map I can walk all the way to those doors, but just before reaching them it fps spikes and boots me again.

Currently can't progress beyond this point.
Last edited by Karjalan on Sep 24, 2020, 10:06:44 PM
Last bumped on Nov 27, 2020, 2:35:33 AM
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neohongkong wrote:
you can edit your thread and tag for "Mac client" (the box above "Maximum tags allowed: 1")

Cool, thanks for that :)
The same happens to me. Both in Level 1 and 2.
I have the same problem in level 1. Is there a way to get past it so I can continue progress?

Edit: managed to get a friend to make a portal to the boss so I could go further!
Last edited by 05K4R on Sep 26, 2020, 9:27:49 AM
I have the same issue, both in act 3 and 8, and level 1 and 2 of solaris temple.

At some point I always manage to get pass it, but it takes several tries and a lengthy amount of time each time.
Thank you for reporting this - we'll investigate!
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Queen of Padlocks
Rachel wrote:
Thank you for reporting this - we'll investigate!

Hmmm, out of all the bug reports about crashes and other client issues with [Mac] tag what made you post a reply to this particular one? Please, a genuine reason will help put my shaking hands at ease. Cause right now I got the impression that this is the first one read by GGG support. Not trolling ... but why this one?
deimopro wrote:
Rachel wrote:
Thank you for reporting this - we'll investigate!

Hmmm, out of all the bug reports about crashes and other client issues with [Mac] tag what made you post a reply to this particular one? Please, a genuine reason will help put my shaking hands at ease. Cause right now I got the impression that this is the first one read by GGG support. Not trolling ... but why this one?

I haven't looked through all of the other ones, but there's about half a dozen people confirming this issue effects them. Which might be why they've posted here stating that they will investigate.

Also, just because they haven't posted in another thread doesn't mean they aren't aware of it.
Here's a pastebin with a different error on force-quitting in the midst of a Solaris 2 lockup. Still haven't managed to get very far into the level, but this time I made it to a Delirium mirror right before it locked up...

Mutex issue this time; could just be due to the forced quit, I'm not sure. https://pastebin.com/Hf6VrWwD

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