3.12.2 Patch Notes Preview

Heists are so boring now :( The removal of the threat was a bad decision imo.

Maybe have the alert level that a mob generates increase over time after they spot you (with a cap)? That way, faster kills of guards who spotted you are rewarded by adding less time?

As said, now it's just a boring version of maps or delve without any danger where you just run through and open all boxes.
Helldream222 wrote:
if heist isn't going core, I quit the game in protest.

this is the best content in years.

and I mean core as in during story. not just somewhere in maps for the veterans. this is pure gold.

I don't care about the bugs atm. those will be fixed. but seriously: get this into core

some of us can't play 2000 hours per league. I don't want to spend days just to see heist content again in core. I'd be done. this has happened way too often in PoE: gating the best stuff behind endgame (e.g. Betrayal)

this is my third forum post ever since 2015, by the way.

Please not, worst mechanic ever.

Boring af, then if prefer a Synthesis again or a Capture the beast league, but NOT THIS.
Rebalanced the amount of Alert Level that Reward Room and Main Path Chests generate when opened.

Mostly excited for this!

YES, the Alert for killing mobs was too strong... It needed to be toned down a LOT, but completely removed doesn't feel right unless they balance out the chests.
Thank you GGG for the quick patches. It was rough but you guys are doing great. Fycxk the haters.
Fixed a bug where Rogues would sometimes dance in place after placing a bomb near a Demolition job if you were standing too close to the door.

That was slightly annoying when doing the pre-lockdown run but could lead to certain death if the follower does the dancing when a train of rare mobs is on your azz and you dont have much room to move.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Thanks guys! <3
Please fix performance issues when entering Delirium so much LAG.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Sep 24, 2020, 8:09:34 PM
Please fix Skitterbot AI GGG. Its unusable right now.
Unk_Particle wrote:
dear GGG - I'm tired of reading the comments of people constantly crying at the beginning of each new league. But the start of the current league is a real flood of "keyboard warriors"

Every new league you should post an acceptable message before anyone starts playing, similar to the HC league, where when creating a new character you need to confirm the information that as a result of game bug or game lag you may lose your character. With this pattern, everyone who starts a new league should accept the message that the league is new and that players may experience errors in the game for the next 2 weeks. If they want to avoid them, they can just start 2 weeks later when everything is fixed.

People need to understand that with 3 month cycle it is almost impossible to start new leagues without any errors. Its not 2012 where we have 3 acts with final Dominus fight... . The content of the game is gigantic.

People do understand that 3 months is not enough to fully develop a new league of this size. That's why people have been saying GGG should take more time developing and testing their leagues before releasing them. Noone is giving them a 3 month deadline. And people complain because every time a new league gets released it is unfinished and bugged content for the first 2 weeks and it sucks for multiple reasons. Its a valid complaint and you are projecting AF when you call other people a keyboard warrior.
Rakie1337 wrote:
Rebalanced the amount of Alert Level that Reward Room and Main Path Chests generate when opened.

Mostly excited for this!

YES, the Alert for killing mobs was too strong... It needed to be toned down a LOT, but completely removed doesn't feel right unless they balance out the chests.

Well I like the way it is to be honest. Before I could be at 50% alert level half way through a heist just because I killed the guards. The danger should be in the guards swarming in but I want to open the chest to hope for some loot.
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.

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