What We're Working On

You addressed the "meme" but you're also addressing a whole lot of other things for the launch having gone so "well".
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Blazing salvo feels quite weak even with decent gear. I feel like it should also have increased area of effect per level to help it feel better as it levels. It most likely needs a damage boost as well, in my opinion. Whether this is flat fire or another mechanic which can help with scaling, I'm not sure.
I really appreciate the things you are working on.

Are there any plans to rework the level requirements of our heist buddies to enter a heist? I am finding that I cannot even engage with the content allot of the time because i am locked out due to heist buddy skill requirements IE needs perception 2. The 25% of heists I can actually enter I have to forgo loot to try and get the end objective to level my buddies skills then try and get out. I have had huge motivation problems engaging with heist because of this.
Last edited by Spontoo#2607 on Sep 22, 2020, 4:12:33 PM
Crackling lance feels underwhelming for the damage and awkward to use.

Spell echo gives only one instance of intensify, and it is outperformed by divine ire/BL/Arc by quite a bit.
Is there no internal testing team for most of this stuff? I feel like if anyone at all played the heists, you would have found most of these bugs.
If you have feedback about the new skills, please reply to this post so we can review it. Including specifics is great.

Curses not applying Doom to Hexproof enemies is very frustrating for Hexblast.

A Hexblast build is already getting a significant damage reduction on Hexproof targets from not having the resistance reduction of the curses, which the character is typically heavily invested in. Losing the Doom multiplier on top of that (300% More for hits, 210% More for ailments on a 30-Doom curse) means that every hexproof enemy is significantly more difficult to deal with for the build. I can't think of another basic enemy mod that punishes a primary skill this heavily.
Last edited by CFD#4151 on Sep 22, 2020, 4:12:06 PM
HexBlast Feedback:

This is my favorite skill that I have played, but I had to reroll because it is not viable.

It's a shame that the most viable part of hexblast is ignite Archmage Trickster, and not the Curse Ascendency.

The biggest problem is not the 2 button playstyle or the clunk, those are unique and can still work. (See ED/C Frost Nova/ Icebolt etc)

All of the chaos skills have scaling. Depending on the skill you have Minion Life, poison, projectile damage, DOT.

There hasn't been a Chaos Hit skill like this before, and it lacks the support necessary to succeed. No great nodes on the tree for chaos hit spells. It's even tough to find good gems to support it.

On top of this, the one way that might have been feasible for scaling (critical strikes) is the tiny base crit of 4%.

This makes what could have been a viable if clunky and unique skill unuseable.

Clear speed at lower levels is ok, but single target basically doesn't exist.

There needs to be a way to scale the damage, so that this cool unique skill is viable.

Champion Bladestorm Super Tank - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785401
no pepeg companions anymore, thanks
This post is exactly what we needed thank you GGG.

Crackling Lance: Currently seems bugged with the built in intensify damage. The tooltip damage doesn't change as you gain intensify stacks. I've tested both with and without the intensify support against various monsters, and the damage is significantly worse with intensify support linked while at full stacks.

I think the skill will do much better once those issues have been addressed. I would also consider always having a small beam shoot out from character and have that grow and the splits get closer as you gain stacks. As it is right now you don't get any form of beam till you reach 3 stacks.

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