What We're Working On
I approve the format and to the point nature of this post.
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Skills feedback:
I tried playing hexblast. It's mechanically very clunky currently, with multiple issues: 1) No doom visibility. 2) No way to decrease the 1s wait time on doomsday. And I don't know if it's just my perception but the visual cue for doomsday evaporation seems to take longer than a second, nearly 1.5. Graphics glitch? Sometimes I can get a big damage hit before it goes off. 1 second is a very long time to wait to boost damage, and the boost is not proportional to the time investment compared to other skills (e.g. compare to the damage boost of snipe per unit time). 3) sequential casts also adds a significant time penalty. 4) if you multi-curse, you apparently have to hope that they get removed in the right order, because if you lose your despair first you are extra out of luck on damage. All of these factors lead to below par total dps, particularly given the amount of skilled button pushing required. I have given up this character for now. |
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thx ;3
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Please reconsider the alert thing.
I thought first when i read the notes that the taking away of alert is coming that it will be awesome. Then i played 4 heists and a grand heist, and it is totally dull, like instantly turned off by it. 1. It makes 0 sense thematically to kill everyone when you are in a heist. 2. It makes heist no different than mapping. 3. It kills the point of the alert level. It could have been just a "lootbag" system at this point that you can carry x amount of stuff out, because it has nothing to do with them being alerted to anything thematically. 4. Alert on guard kills was frustrating specially when it juped enormously, but when it was taken away it just feels super super boring and dull. 5. I planned all my stuff when the alerts were on and i knew depending on the amount of guards, and patrolls i face (or can avoid) will be forced to change up my plan on the fly. It was super fun and exciting, and ye again sometimes challenging, but guess what, heists never go as planned. So why can i now preciselly calculate the amount of chests to open and literally not give a shit about the guards? Possible solutions: 1. Give the guards some alert level (less than before) 2. Give only the patrols the ability if they spot you you will have your alert level raised. 3. Have it if you dont kill them fast enough they alert even more. 4. anything but the current system. I was super jazzed about heist league and as i said after 4 runs im so turned off. Its a lot of reward for nothing and there is no challenge in this anymore. +1 literally not being able to take everything i wanted was the spice on this stuff, and now it is all gone...or risking too much and when i open the chest the alert is not quite maxed out but because of the guards that come up it is now and im fucked. There is no more "im fucked" in Heist. Please please fix this. Last edited by Gizdalord#7626 on Sep 22, 2020, 7:49:34 PM
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Just wondering if there is a solution for the following problem.
I rarely have Unexpected disconnect occurs problems but when it happened, it feel so bad when i was in grand heist. Is there any possible solution that acts like an fail safe to tackle issue like this? For example, If player dc/log out during a grandheist, the player loses the item in that particular wing the player leave? not the whole grand heist portal gone as well? P/S : Feel so bad when i lost 2 wings of rewards from a grand heist for server disconnect. Feel so bad... |
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“What kind of f*cking neighborhood is this!?”
“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.” |
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Hi GGG, I read you're looking for feedback on the new skills and I've got some for the new steel stills. I played through the acts with shattering steel as a dual wield champion and it didn't feel great. The skill felt sluggish even as I was investing attack speed. It also felt bad to have to stop between every pack to reload with Call of Steel. Since my attack speed was so high, I had to reload a lot during boss fights which also didn't feel good. Essentially, the more I invested in attack worse it felt. I can see the appeal of having slower, hard hitting projectile attacks, but I would play a slam skill if I wanted that play style. Adding a threshold jewel that makes Call of Steel instant to cast, but removes it's damage capability could allow for a speedier playstyle for those who want it. Also sniper's Mark's splitting effect completely gimped my single target damage and kind of makes it worthless to use.
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Crackling Lance Feedback
I've made my build centered around Crackling Lance, but was leveling with Arc. After playing with Arc, I'm having a hard time switching to Crackling Lance, here's why: Crackling Lance does NOT do enough damage to justify use. At Gem Level 20, Arc deals 145 to 824 dmg, and Crackling Lance deals 270 to 811. While the low end dmg for CL is much higher, the high end is lower. This honestly doesnt matter too much on its own, until we look at the built in dmg modifiers. With 3 Intensity, CL gains 90% more dmg, but loses most of its AoE potential. Arc deals 15% more dmg per remaining chain, with no condition of having to remain stationary, with 8 chains. This gives us 120% more dmg on the first enemy hit, which only gives 3 stack CL an advantage after Arc chains 2+ times. This gives Arc more Single Target DPS, much better AoE, and the ability to move. I was really hoping for 3 stack CL to be lightning beam nuke to compensate for having to stack intensity, and Spell Echo not adding an additional stack hurts as well. I'd really like to see the base dmg of CL increase, maybe along with the Intensity multiplier. Otherwise, I feel I'm forced to never move, take Intensify, and use the Intensity Support. Otherwise, I LOVE the skill concept, and it's made me roll a caster for the first time in years. |
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Reduced the mopbs behind doors my ass. Second time in a row I get ganked by 24653236 mobs behind a fcking door.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."
"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG |
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Any timeline on when we will be able to raise Heist specters? My first build was based on trying them out so I'd like to know.
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