What We're Working On
" This. Hard counters / immunities are bad and should be removed asap |
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I've been playing Replica Maloney's build, BEST exploit ever.
https://v.redd.it/5il50yjdzqo51 Been destroyating ALL content with ease. |
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Thank you reddit for systematically destroying anything unique about a league until they’re all reskinned gachas so your peanut brain can get its fix while you slobber all over your keyboard like the crybaby’s you are.
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" PRAISE "All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
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if you guys are looking for feedback on skills, I have to say intensify support is awful in this game and has no place since you just get blasted for like 10k damage if you stand still to cast 4 times. you can build the tankiest hiero and it doesn't even matter. I played blazing salvo with intensify and it was just terrible. the shotgunning doesn't makeup for the terrible added damage effectiveness it has. it seems like you have to use unleash and archmage on basically every self-caster that doesn't abuse crit. I thought you guys were trying to push self-casting intensify builds with this patch and it just fails when you actually play the game at its current pace. maybe in PoE 2 this stuff will feel better, but the game is too fast and irrational. you are better off building a 4k hp raider and rolling the dice which is sad to me.
Next league should be called Betrayal 2.0 with Jonathan as the main boss players must defeat to get their game back. This whale has been harpooned to death until further notice. I won, /vg/ lost.
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New Skill: Crackling Lance
Supposition 1: Showcase videos are meant to show a possible usage of new skills. It is not using legacy items/gems and Should be possible to achieve in the league that the skills are announced. Supposition 2: Crackling Lance was showcased using Both Intensity and Spell Echo Support Gems. Issue: Video shows all casts of Crackling Lance generating intensity, this is not how it currently works on live. Question: Am I delusional and supposition 2 is false? Was this interaction bugged on the client where the showcase was made? So this may seem pedantic but I really think that the spell feels bad currently. I am trying to find other users who may have found a way to make this actually feel good to use but have yet to find them. |
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Reposting from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/ix4qj0/a_hexblast_discussion/
A Hexblast discussion Theory Hello fellow exiles! First and foremost, this is not a "LELGGGSHITBAITNEWSKILLS" post. This is intended as a discussion regarding Hexblast and its avenues. Preface: Before the league, I was divided between Occ (due to Malediction/Profane bloom) and Hiero (that fat mana shield with agnostic). I eventually decided going the Hiero route, as I have more experience with Agnostic characters and I just like the feeling of being somewhat immortal. So, with that in mind, I went ahead and picked up Archmage and have been leveling since then. I'm currently 77, running yellow maps with very, very minor issues. Clearing feels good and safe, bossing is sorta... eh. My profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/gtankbr Character is Mollochai. As you can see, I'm using vixen's for the auxiliary hex support, I am fully aware they won't trigger doomblast or accumulate doom so we don't need to go crazy on the NOOB IT NO WORK!. My doomblast curse is coming from my weapon. Discussion: I currently have an approximate 40k tooltip damage on hexblast. With sigil up at max stages, arcane cloak, tooltip goes to about 80k. With the withered stacks on the target, I'm guessing it's blasting for about 100-120k. Besides getting an Atziri's Foible/cloak of defiance (to boost mana pool -> archmage damage boost), what do you guys see as options? I'm trying an absurd number of things on PoB and I can't seem to push it further than 200k with everything on, all bells and whistles. Granted, I'm not familiar with how the conversions work regarding Eye of Malice/EE and that might be something to explore. I'm not beyond rerolling an occultist, if we deem it to be more appropriate for hexblast. However, I really feel I'm missing something in terms of scaling and I just can't figure out what. So.. let's discuss! Share your findings, let's try to crack this one open and use all the possibilities PoE gives us :) level 1 latenightbananaparty Playing Occultist for profane bloom. The bloom part is real nice. Hell, I don't even dislike having access to a solid 4-5 curses since having two defensive curses is the only thing between me and instant death on this build. I wanted to try and see if hexblast would make a good bane pop replacement. my theoretical dps before crafting optimizations should cap out around 300k PoB, then be amped up to over a million on Hexblast itself based on napkin math, with doom stacks maxed and some other factors not considered, like how far you can really get with EE + Flamability + ES, which is probably farther than I've selected in PoB. There's likely other uniques that can be used to increase damage but I haven't really included any. Thing is, I really do not like what they've done with node placement and investment for this, compared to the baseline power of hex blast. I can map clear great in white maps, and I don't expect it to change either since my hits will be capable of getting close to 1 million as I level, and even 500k is ample damage with profane bloom on your build tbh. Thing is, I've got no room for investing points into tank, and single target is MUCH worse than bane pop was, at least the way I'm doing the build now. There isn't enough chaos damage scaling on the tree, and chaos damage scales too weakly due to the lower base chaos resists on enemies. There's no great double value you get like with bane pop for scaling chaos damage either that seems worth it. Bane pop builds would end up with the potential for very high damage blight/ED. This build does not have that potential, making its single target DPS much lower than ED/C or Bane Pop. It's also more awkward to play than pop, since it's a one-two punch with a delay versus bosses, and bane pop is generally a single cast once in a while, with a second ED cast for bosses, usually. This build might be a lot more viable as a non-league starter so you can go low life and invest in perfect cluster jewels. My experience league starting it was that I died >100 times in campaign when I usually die like 1-10 times, and I couldn't do white maps at all when I initially reached them. I had to grind Blood aqueducts for 3 hours to snag Vixen's and a tabula. I think probably the way to go is to ignore the chaos damage and scale elemental damage instead, and if you can't get more damage doing that, the build is kinda dead. Ideally you likely want 2 six links in order to run a single target skill that deals lightning damage, given that you'll probably be using archmage. The only other idea I have is some kind of converting to chaos damage build I'm not big brain enough to think of. level 2 Exile82 That's an interesting view. I never died on the campaign but felt my damage on bosses was eh. I've died a grand total of 60 times and 55 were random heist explosions that I didn't even notice at first. The only issue comes with you hit a hexproof pack. Oh boy, that takes a while. Scaling elemental damage might be key to it. Also, I was tinkering around with some clusters on PoB and you CAN get some decent chaos scaling tools there, but I'd see "hit" jumps of 1k damage on the avg hit for like 5 skill points. I do have my lightning golem applying exposure (elemental army), but overall I just can't seem to push it further. I`m not sure a 2 handed weapon would be better than just 2 wands with a crapton of added elemental damage. The way I'm running now, with innervate in one of my links, clears basically the whole screen. Bossing is where I see a problem. Especially when I reach A6-7-8 Droxx, for instance, I have NO IDEA how to scale the damage to even break his shield phase. level 1 Anduryondon I am running a Hexblast crit Occultist and killed AL5 Sirus yesterday. My gear is pretty shit, since I am playing in a group ssf private league (play solo, share loot). Overall I feel like Hexblast is a "fair" skill, it requires some investment to feel really good, but two-shotting map bosses can be really fun. Defense: It took me quite some time to get the build to an appropriate defensive level, especially given how rippy Heists are. Getting the cluster jewel that blinds non-cursed enemies with self-cast curses definitely helps against ranged mobs that are not in Blasphemy aura range, for everything in range Enfeeble turned out to be better than Temp Chains. If I get Vixen's I would probably drop Blasphemy and put Enfeeble in the gloves instead. Overall T16 feels pretty safe, but for some bosses (e.g. Synthesis bosses) I am currently lacking sustain. This might be fixed by getting better gear though. Offense: Hexblast felt great starting from white maps to T14, since almost all bosses on that level die to a few Hexblast crits and are frozen most of the time. Right now T16 bosses take a couple of more casts and are not perma frozen anymore, but it is still not the worst build I played. However, one thing where the build is definitely lacking is killing T16 Conquerors with bad gear. Here the lack of strong sustained DPS is really noticable and Baran and Drox took me multiple minutes, Sirus is even worse because of his 66% curse penalty (but since AL5 is mechanically a joke he's much easier than Baran). A good wand, Eye of Malice and Vixen's for Ass. Mark would probably boost my damage by 80-100%, at that point endgame content might feel less painful. Playstyle: Personally I like playstyles that require more than one button. For mapping almost everything dies with curse+HB, for rares dual curse is also an option (but with more gear that should change as well). With very high budget I can imagine that HB on Blasphemy packs is sufficient, so you would not even need two buttons for clear. For bossing an optimal HB rotation starting with two curses up is HB -> curse 1 -> HB ->curse 2 -> HB. That makes it hard to keep up Wither totems; I ran with Forbidden Power until I encountered T16 conquerors, at that point I decided to take Withering Presence instead, because keeping up the totem while dodging and playing with a 3button rotation was just not viable. Map clear went a bit down, because the AoE on power charges is really noticable with Profane Bloom Utility: One thing I really like is how much utility Impending Doom gives you. You can add Onslaught, PCOC or/and Culling, it all works even though Impending Doom is not doing significant damage. SymruinGaming One thing I have noticed in my own play with Hexblast, is utilising Asphyxias Wrath with an ED Con +3 Chaos bow, (I'm still working on the bow) you can proliferate snapshotted doom and auto proc more blasts on the secondary explosion, that being said, this is playing as Occ level 2 binarysingularities Oh I was thinking of doing something like that but was wondering if curses transferred using Asphyxia gain doom or that will the curse transfer at all since Hexblast consume them solomir I opted for Occultist for the wide curse variety and curse effect. My Hexblast is on a 6L with Archmage-Spell Echo-Controlled Destruction-Void Manipulation-Added Cold. The green sockets are non-optimal but I ran out of chroms to fix colors for now. To support the echo'd casts, I have 2 curses with Impending Doom. Currently setup with Conductivity/Punishment for the Doom setup, linked with Void Manipulation and Controlled Destruction. These two curses have high base effects to benefit from additional Doom stacking. I have 2 more curses in Vixen's as supplementary. Currently runnning Elemental Weakness and Enfeeble. I may try swapping Enfeeble with Temporal Chains or Despair, and needs may vary on type of content. These curses don't benefit from Doom, but the added action economy of curses with their boosted effects is very welcome. The tree and gear are built like a typical Archmage-MoM build. I haven't allocated Agnostic yet, but it'll likely happen once I get a Pledge of Hands. I opted for non-crit since Controlled Destruction is one of the few reliable links for Hexblast and scaling Crit on a 4% base chance is difficult. I'm unsure of how to best take advantage of EE in my current setup and I'm not building and DoT or Ignite scaling. I'm thinking about trying Enhance with the alt-quality of not removing Hexes on hit. Together with the helm enchant, I can hit up to 37% chance to keep a hex, which can then be double-tapped (or more with Pledge) for maximum damage. Overall playstyle is to throw a one or two curses out while running and then popping it right away. Just started white maps so clear is very easy at the moment. For bossing, I'll drop both curses, run around for a second, then double-tap the boss. Sigil of Power also adds a ton of damage, but ramping it up is difficult since you don't want to be continually casting. Yesterdark I wish doomsday removed hexes after 1 second so I could auto explode them after a 1s delay. cbasz Check out the Fated End unique ring :) lpskater4886 22 hours ago So question since hexblast can freeze, shock and ignite, if it was brought up to 100% crit would it apply all 3 even if only doing chaos damage? level 2 lylejack Yes, provided it did enough damage to pass the thresholds for freeze. SeeYouAnTee I am following Pohx's build (Hiero Hexblast) - the biggest issues are hexproof and wonky clear. Single target is ok - but this build sucks for clearing. For comparison I have to press 4 buttons (2 curses + 2 hb) 2-3 times to be able to clear the same as 1 button of my last leagues Fireball :( Exile82 15 hours ago So far we've gathered: Occ is less tanky, but has the possibility for much higher damage. Hiero is MUCH tankier but without cospri's will, you WILL suffer vs hexproof mobs. What's the idea with Fated end? It increases the hex effect by twice their doom and makes them expire faster. How's the interaction of that and doomsday? Vaehand I wonder how trying to make HB poison will work since it's harder to scale -chaos rez but it will do dng between the "charge up" of doom. Wish I knew how to make poison builds Kroughfire I feel I just got in the groove of my build: hitting low yellows as an ignite arch age trickster, and the first conquerors die after a couple seconds of dot. HockeyHocki i went heiro archmage hexblast. It was fine but really it was just archmage carrying. There's a few issues with Heiro I could see after getting into it. After 3 or 4 supports theres a lack of decent options Lightning pen doesn't synergise with Hexblast damage, only the Archmage support damage Wither doesn't synergise with Archmage damage, only the Hexblast damage But the main issue is Hexproof mod, maybe there's a piece of gear i don't know about, or cluster jewel or something that deals with it but this mod just made the build unplayable level 2 solomir Lightning Pen is supposed to work with Hexblast if you're targeting Lightning Res. Hexproof mobs are still supposed to rack up Doom count, but the curse doesn't actually have any effect. You'll still get the damage multiplier but not the reduced resistance from the curse itself. level 3 Exile82 I didn't feel any difference removing or adding Lpen. level 3 HockeyHocki 1 point · 1 day ago Not convinced that damage multiplier was working as intended on Hexproof, was night and day difference for me. It's also super common mod on Metamorph organs which was nail in the coffin. Fortunately BV Heiro Archmage is an easy respec and is actually good level 4 solomir 1 point · 21 hours ago Did some testing (and spent some regrets unspeccing Occultist nodes) and Hexproof mobs definitely don't seem to be racking up Doom. That sucks. I'm trying to find the GGG clarification about Doom/Hexproof but am unable to find it at the moment. I think the only way to get past Hexproof for now without being Occultist is Cospri's Will. level 3 alitadark 1 point · 18 hours ago Mark mentioned that you don't generate doom on hexproof enemies unfortunately level 1 Suwoth 0 points · 20 hours ago Just keep playing it until they buff it, I mean really you are trying to get blood from a stone with this, Unless you are willing to spend 20+ ex like cute dog did, which was more than empyereons entire group got, as a solo player. You really aren't going to make it work. |
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You know what bothers me the most ? The thing that you nerfed so many great funny builds till point this game aint funny to play anymore, just look at witch, any of her ascendancies and not just her...also for alrdy god knows how many leagues you implement so many ''new'' and ''reworked'' abillities but thay are completely usless now1 plays them...i was searching whole day to find some fun build but found none so far, literaly...tried summoner after years cos i never did before and its boring as fuck.
So rebalance way many skills, give us adventure mode to lvl up fast and fuck of with half done content, first 2 tips will be enaff to make people happy as ''new league''...You literaly destoryed this game. |
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Just more proof that releasing stuff so quickly without proper testing leads to problems. This happens in every single league. Things that would have been apparent had GGG actually tested their own content.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077519 Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2627521 |
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Crackling lance have multiple problems to be solved:
-intesify support apparently not working -Spell damage overall and beam damage are totally trash -Spell echo support does not give an additional stack -Base cast speed is too low for a spell like this, to make viable at least the double is needed -visual effect problems on certain monsters Please ggg do the miracle and change asap thanks |
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