[Early Access] <MIRROR> SEA / OCEANIC guild - recruiting now for POE1 & 2!
Guys we have slots for 2 more members for this league (ritual) =)
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Hey can I get an invite.
IGN is LadyPuff Playing from NZ. Cheers |
Hi there, Can i join your guild?
IGN: TelapakTanganBerlubang Playing at sing server. |
of cause guys...inv sent
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IGN: Saint_Braindead
From Australia, been playing since 2013 on multiple accounts across 2 platforms here and there. Last properly played league was Legion so out of touch with some mechanics but learning pretty quick. :) |
sent u an inv =)
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Hi any more slots available to join?
From PH Level 74 Deadeye |
of cuz, ill send u an inv
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Do you guys still have slots? IGN: EncikAbuBakar Malaysian player here. |
inv sent