Community Racing’s Relay 2 Raise - Racing for a Cause - September 5th, 2020

NoAimNecessary wrote:
jzstyles wrote:
One way I could see of circumventing this which would kind of work since it's a shorter race would be adding the no stash mod.

Firstly keep an eye on Poe-racing, if there is 16 teams then there should only be 16 active characters (Mule characters should be named MULETEAMNAME)

Second, you could have each relay in a different private league. This way you could monitor 2,3,4 to make sure no characters are created.

It's actually fairly simple to discourage, but not impossible to eliminate shenanigans.

The next relay member will be manually added to the league when the previous one is starting the Dominus encounter. With the phases, that should theoretically give you enough time to join the league in the client, make a character, and set up your first screen shot for the /whois. We'll have support staff dedicated to this. We can also scale our support crew to accommodate if the event gets far larger than anticipated.

There is technically room for shenanigans, but it will be minimal. With this time frame it's probably faster to run the Den than try and do an extra Tidal in order to "get ahead" while your team mate intentionally draws out the Dominus fight.

Lastly, its worth noting that PoE Racing's "Online" indicator does not actually indicate someone being online and present in the league, simply that their account is online/connected. Someone hanging out in their normal league killing time waiting on the relay would cause a false positive. The API is not currently exposed enough for Faderon/Llaw to be more accurate than that.

Corrison wrote:
There did not appear to be any mention of this applying to console payers? I would assume we can not enter the race since we don't have the ability to do private leagues. But what about MTX by viewing?

The MTX Codes generated are for PC Accounts as they use a different generation system IIRC for Console. I will inquire with support. Hopefully I am wrong.

Dalrend wrote:
i'm a little sad it's a team-based league. EW, sucks when you have no friends i guess.

I set up a LFG channel in the racing discord to help folks connect to form a Relay that may need one or two more people for their group and vice versa. Don't give up yet!

Check me out on Twitch!
All of my builds are here:
Amazing idea!!

Thanks for it, exiles!!

Sorry for my poor english!!

Very neat idea and I'm looking forward to watching it! Sadly, too many hoops to jump through for me to participate, but good luck to all racers/streamers out there!
I like my loot like my steak - RARE
I personally don't like to donate to these "charity" events SIMPLY because I don't know who and how the money is managed. And I know about human nature. Other than that, I hope the best for participants and thanks for another cool race!
I'm trying to donate but the form isn't working. It says "Please complete all fields below." but I have filled out everything. Anyone else have the same problem?

Edit: Turns out, the comment field can't be more than 80 characters, which it tells you with a very tiny grey message at the bottom, while the big red one at the top is a lie.
Last edited by gehirnmutant#1462 on Sep 1, 2020, 12:32:53 PM
brittleknee wrote:
SoftGiving, GGG, and AFK Creators have supplied over $1200 in MTX for viewers! Incredible!
These giveaways will take place during the cast, so be sure to tune in to the big day! Half will be automatically awarded randomly to those who tune in, and otherwise will be up for grabs at key donations thresholds. Winning any of the prizes does not require a donation and will be 100% open to everyone.

My question is that how will MTX worth 600$ be awarded randomly on Twitch. If we are viewing via ZiggyD's cast does that mean GGG has given authority to ZiggyD to access Twitch with the linked account of POE for distribution of the MTX?

Also what is key donation threshold?

Sorry i'm not a streamer so i didn't understand the wordings above.
Really hate Maven as a boss and its mechanics! pls give us something cool like Elder/Shaper
yea that gonna work for me... the race is playing by
and ME
AND just me
so nice to do race lol.......
lotting2782 wrote:
yea that gonna work for me... the race is playing by
and ME
AND just me
so nice to do race lol.......

There's a 'looking for a group' channel in the discord:

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