Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

I play every league since open beta.

This is the first league that i trully love.

Don't take my baby from me :(
I just came back after about 6 years, I played for 2 years straight (starting in the beta) before I finally gave up on PoE, and I was really happy to see Harvest crafting. The main reason I originally quit was because I was so frustrated with the terrible drops, lack of crafting, and having to play trading simulator all day. Harvest has made being self found actually viable and enjoyable, I've been having an awesome time again since I started playing a few weeks ago.

I'll admit, Harvest crafting feels a bit OP, but removing it all together is really going to sting. You can't give people filet mignon one day and then expect them to be just as happy with ground chuck the next. You guys really need to consider rolling some of the deterministic crafting you've given us into the core game, or you're gonna have a lot of unhappy players again.
At the start of the league, the garden mechanic looked so boring that I just quit for 1 month.
Then a friend told me that once you get over the tediousness of building your garden, you have a proper way to craft your items that's not a RNG shitfest.
So since then I'm playing and LOVING this league like never happened before, please don't let us go back to hoping the exalted slam doesn't fuck up the casually-not-too-bad-stats item picked up from the ground.
For ME the Harvest Crafting is the best crafting available ... but it took some time to understand... meanwhile i love it and the idea of it
ryan17stehle wrote:
Hey guys new player here. Does this mean that I can continue to play harvest in the standard league when harvest season ends? By not "going core" it just means it won't show up in the new leagues like delve/blight/etc. right? Or am I totally wrong here?

You are totally wrong here. Once Harvest league is over, the Harvest crafting is gone. So enjoy it while you can.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
BigAl265 wrote:
I just came back after about 6 years, I played for 2 years straight (starting in the beta) before I finally gave up on PoE, and I was really happy to see Harvest crafting. The main reason I originally quit was because I was so frustrated with the terrible drops, lack of crafting, and having to play trading simulator all day. Harvest has made being self found actually viable and enjoyable, I've been having an awesome time again since I started playing a few weeks ago.

I'll admit, Harvest crafting feels a bit OP, but removing it all together is really going to sting. You can't give people filet mignon one day and then expect them to be just as happy with ground chuck the next. You guys really need to consider rolling some of the deterministic crafting you've given us into the core game, or you're gonna have a lot of unhappy players again.

This. Also called it. In reality it's once more rich vs. poor, the former doing their best to keep the latter from also getting anything worthwhile as we could in Harvest.
I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
Well guess im done, until you realize the need for determinsitic crafting, great season, will finish out the season, but trade simulator 9000 is not very fun, you stripped away the one and only way you have ever made ssf fun. If this is your vision, there are better games to play. If you fix your crafting, ill come back.

Does it need nerfs and rebalancing yes, but until then, not much point as someone who enjoys self crafting gear. Your grand vision is about those "drops", your game hasnt been about "drops" for years, go try playing your game, this season was actually about effort and reward.

Garden wasnt a great league mechanic, but the crafting system was amazing. As someone with over 2k hours played, hopeful you guys get this resolved in the future, so I can want to play this game again.

The genius in your design team was put on full display this season, if you dumpster the whole concept, you also dumpster a large portion of your playerbase.

Steady progression possible is appealing the dumpster fire of pure rng isn't, love the game, hate your loot system when this goes away, enough soo that the dumpster fire makes it unworth playing until its fixed.
Last edited by osirisis42#6327 on Aug 13, 2020, 2:06:26 PM
dzmv95 wrote:
At the start of the league, the garden mechanic looked so boring that I just quit for 1 month.
Then a friend told me that once you get over the tediousness of building your garden, you have a proper way to craft your items that's not a RNG shitfest.
So since then I'm playing and LOVING this league like never happened before, please don't let us go back to hoping the exalted slam doesn't fuck up the casually-not-too-bad-stats item picked up from the ground.

The obscurity and tediousness of building a garden was too great an obstacle for me to tolerate. Everyone's tolerance is different, obviously.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
i hate craft..
just wanna kill mobs mindlessly to relax
jabeleta wrote:
i hate craft..
just wanna kill mobs mindlessly to relax


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