Our 3.12 Expansion Timeline

Wissle wrote:
Please make a race so the achievement
"Reach level 8 in a race" is obtainable

HealNForget wrote:
I'm desperately hoping for an expansion of multiplayer features or anything that encourages or at the very least doesn't lock player progression in parties next league. Here's to a good launch next month!

+1 to that

-10 to that
TreeOfDead wrote:
ggg pls start banning bots

and make 3/12 league without bots

remove bots!

If they remove bots, the poor casual players that can only play few hours a day wont have a chance to buy currencies online and progress the game.
Exotrax wrote:
Wissle wrote:
Please make a race so the achievement
"Reach level 8 in a race" is obtainable

HealNForget wrote:
I'm desperately hoping for an expansion of multiplayer features or anything that encourages or at the very least doesn't lock player progression in parties next league. Here's to a good launch next month!

+1 to that

-10 to that

Care to elaborate? :)
Only just recently got into this game and im loving it! Can wait to see whats coming in the pipeline!
Wissle wrote:
suitto wrote:
Our intention was to develop our 3.12 expansion on this 12 week timeline but due to the ambitious scope of the league, we feel it is a lot safer to consume a 13th week.

Thanks for always trying to bring in new contents to the game,
and making constant patches to improve game experience.
I understand many bigger issues need to be addressed but below is my personal tiny wishlist for 3.12 and future expansions, from perspective of new and non-24/7 player.

1) Please review Labrinyth experience and ascendancy system.
e.g. only first character needs to go through full labriyth,
acquiring waypoints along the way.
Subsequent characters just need to kill Izaro.
A) Players gain ascendancy by either
reaching certain levels, e.g. 30, 50, 70, 90,
B) or killing 4 league bosses each with matching ascendancy level.

2) Revise death penalty
Not a flat 10% going to a whopping max 60% that makes players quit the game.
How about incremental 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32% pertaining to each area/map.

3) Review cluster jewels.
For large cluster jewels only 8 passives have value.
How about adding an extra notable for cluster jewel with 10 or more passives.
Drop rate also needs to be looked into.

4) Make item level visible by default.
Why hide it in the first place since it is an important attribute?
If item level is searchable by limits it would be even better.

5) Add comment to skill gem stating added effect for quality.
Have to always google for what the 20% quality adds.

6) Atlas progression.
Up to A5, it is 3 maps required to spawn and kill Conqueror each time.
For 21st watchstone onwards, it becomes RNG, and you can get like 9-9-9-9 if unlucky.
That's a lot of freaking maps needed.
I understand you want to stretch the endgame but going from 3 to 9 instantly is too much.
Please consider moderating (nerf) it.

7) Moving the watchstone around in the atlas for sextant buffs is just tedious.
Consider making some improvement please.

8) Improvement to the current skill points respec system?

9) Please remove the line highlighting to the next node in skill tree.
It is annoying and make it appears I have taken that skill node.
Something like POB is viewer friendly.

10) Add death log.
e.g. You were killed by cold spikes piercing your ass dealing 29687 damage.
If I die and lose that precious 10% after hours of hardwork,
at least tell me what or which monster I die to.

11) Please remove or nerf the humming sound from Conqueror portals.
I have to quick spawn a map just to kill the annoying humming now.

Thank you and looking forward to 3.12

Many good points were made

Completely agree, some excellent points in there and I am that he echoes a ton of us in the "average" player base. Sadly, I doubt any of it will be listened to. Sensible critique seems to be ignored unless it is accompanied by a massively upvoted shoutey reddit post. Moreover, most of what gets posted in these forums without any upvote system seems to get completely ignored altogether.
I loved Path of Exile.
I do not love Path of RNG.
Bloom gives me migraines, the over usage of darkness strains my eyes.
Save our game, remove all of the constant RNG and allow us to turn off Bloom or give us an in game brightness control!
Not Flashback League?
I have to reply here as well.
Played harvest for 1 week casually, crafted a few levelling items ... then completely lost interest.
I followed a reddit post to setup the garden, hoping it would make it interesting somehow ... but it couldn't, really.
Normally, I enjoy the leagues and try to get the top bosses, but this time it felt like a chore. I stopped when I hit tier 14 maps. In other leagues I go for Awakener and try the top content, but this time it just felt boring, tbh.
To me, crafting is a bonus. Something you do to optimize gear gaps - the rest I have always bought from other players, depending on the league content.
I may be thick, but I never really understood why the garden setup has to be this convoluted ... I mean, even casual players should be able to get decent setups without 3rd party websites and detailed maps.

Sorry, but adding crafting to standard league is just no enough for me.
No offense to people who enjoy this, but well, I just didn't.
Coolmer wrote:
snowmittens wrote:
What will new league bring??

After tower defense and Farmville what will we see next? Tetris or floppy bird ?

I suppose minesweeper is best bet that will not be too hard to implement with so much of nonsense layers (bugs) of insta-death, u know motto "less work more gain" ... same story like last year.
Who needs real development in 2020... you can sell everything in micro-transaction shop... it is cosmetic decade, making content is obsolete, shiny spin to win, look my HO and look me, GG.

Wasn't Delirium already a minesweeper implementation?
Awakened Combustion Support when?
(I guess I missed a close tag but the rest of the text isn't even there to edit. Never mind I guess. Delete.)
Awakened Combustion Support when?
Last edited by NoIguanaForZ#0035 on Aug 5, 2020, 6:41:43 AM
cant w8 for it!

and would be nice if next league will less bots or even 0 bots if possible
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