[3.18] 🔮☄️ Aura Stacking - EZ new Uber Content ☄️🔮

Jix_91 wrote:

Hey there,

the build gets most of its damage from converting its damage from lightning to cold and using both parts of nebulis that way.
You can use any spell that is lightning based or can be 100% converted from physical to lightning.
Spells that are behind cold in the conversion chain (fire, chaos) will have significantly lower damage and are thus not favourable. At a good double digit amount of mirrors you can basically use any skill, but most effective will always be a lightning or phys->lightning setup.

Thank you for a quick reply. Could I ask some details about your answer. As far as I understand the "optimised for league POB" is cheaper than the standard one, though it is still at 11.5kk dmg or 23kk Full DPS from 2x spark as stated in POB. Is it too difficult to ascertain how much would it cost on standard?

And another thing - how much damage do you consider unfavourable? I forgot to mention that I'm not aiming at sky high digits, like 1-3kk dmg for me I think is like very good already. So what I'm trying to say is - what sort of damage on skills that are not lightning/phys->lightning based would I be looking at with a budget of lets say around 10 or less mirrors and 5 or less mirrors? Again, as I understand most of the build price goes into defencive layers or am I mistaken?

Lastly - there is probably not much space left for stats on items that I can change, to accommodate skills based on other elements, right?
Bethrezhen wrote:

Thank you for a quick reply. Could I ask some details about your answer. As far as I understand the "optimised for league POB" is cheaper than the standard one, though it is still at 11.5kk dmg or 23kk Full DPS from 2x spark as stated in POB. Is it too difficult to ascertain how much would it cost on standard?

I always argue that any build for 5mir in standard is better than a 5mir aura stacker, since the build shines with higher investment. If you intend to stay at a 5 or 10 mirror budget I would probably make a different build.

Bethrezhen wrote:

And another thing - how much damage do you consider unfavourable? I forgot to mention that I'm not aiming at sky high digits, like 1-3kk dmg for me I think is like very good already. So what I'm trying to say is - what sort of damage on skills that are not lightning/phys->lightning based would I be looking at with a budget of lets say around 10 or less mirrors and 5 or less mirrors? Again, as I understand most of the build price goes into defencive layers or am I mistaken?

Spark dps is very volatile and its hard to gauge the real dps as arena size and proj speed / duration matter a lot to get more hits in... a spark dps sub 5mil would probably feel not great already.

with 10 mirrors you can make a decent aura stacker already, but I would say at 20+ it clearly outshines all other builds at similar investment.

Bethrezhen wrote:

Lastly - there is probably not much space left for stats on items that I can change, to accommodate skills based on other elements, right?

since your auras support the damage from phys/light skills that crit the most (hatred, wrath, zealotry) it is hard to scale dot skills or fire skills...
anger and envy dont have great scaling. lots of increased damage is from nebulis only so its hard to do anything else to a great effect.
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Jix_91 wrote:

I always argue that any build for 5mir in standard is better than a 5mir aura stacker, since the build shines with higher investment. If you intend to stay at a 5 or 10 mirror budget I would probably make a different build.

Spark dps is very volatile and its hard to gauge the real dps as arena size and proj speed / duration matter a lot to get more hits in... a spark dps sub 5mil would probably feel not great already.

with 10 mirrors you can make a decent aura stacker already, but I would say at 20+ it clearly outshines all other builds at similar investment.

since your auras support the damage from phys/light skills that crit the most (hatred, wrath, zealotry) it is hard to scale dot skills or fire skills...
anger and envy dont have great scaling. lots of increased damage is from nebulis only so its hard to do anything else to a great effect.

Thank you for the explanations. I was looking at this build primarily because of the best tankability that I've seen around, and because other tanky builds I found were using skills that I didn't like, and thought there is more flexibility in this one, hence all my questions. It's not so much that I want to stay in 5-10 mirror range, it's that I'm trying to judge how difficult/long it takes to get there (to power thresholds sorta). Since it's standard, there is no time limits so technically I can always slowly farm for more currency and improve the char bit by bit without limiting myself to a budget.

Two last questions, wouldn't want to take too much of your time:
1) Would a pure cold element skill have low damage as well, considering Nebulis increased damage of it seems large?
2) Maybe a noobie question, but - I see that the main conversion from lightning to cold comes from the rings if not mistaken, if I want to make a physical->lightning conversion, what should I take except for a support gem that converts phys to lightning?
Last edited by Bethrezhen on Aug 7, 2021, 12:38:44 PM
Bethrezhen wrote:

Two last questions, wouldn't want to take too much of your time:
1) Would a pure cold element skill have low damage as well, considering Nebulis increased damage of it seems large?

cold skills work "ok", since you then mainly scale the flat damage from your smite, which is a big portion of your flat damage. you can run things like winterorb but using both parts of nebulis is definitely stronger.

Bethrezhen wrote:

2) Maybe a noobie question, but - I see that the main conversion from lightning to cold comes from the rings if not mistaken, if I want to make a physical->lightning conversion, what should I take except for a support gem that converts phys to lightning?

60% from the gem (with alternate quality), 40% from a watchers eye using wrath is probably the easiest way to go.
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Planned to swap to spark after starting as aura srs, but starting version with 4 large clusters felt weaker than med-budget srs, and things like 3x voices don't even scale that much, basically same dps as with large ones, guess it needs double-triple rmr critmulti jewels to shine and there are close to none appearing on trade this league and couple present overpriced af =/

So decided to scale up my srs version for now and try switching next week if I'll be able to get proper jewels.

BTW, does 23 quality on divergent park
makes any sense? :D
Grizone wrote:

BTW, does 23 quality on divergent park
makes any sense? :D

No its the same as 21/20
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Jix_91 wrote:

cold skills work "ok", since you then mainly scale the flat damage from your smite, which is a big portion of your flat damage. you can run things like winterorb but using both parts of nebulis is definitely stronger.

60% from the gem (with alternate quality), 40% from a watchers eye using wrath is probably the easiest way to go.

Got it, thank you so much again for all the information, really helps understand things for me.
I was looking at the gear in POB and another question came up since you also mention watchers eye for damage conversion - what gear is replaceable for something else that I may need to accommodate another active skill, if there's any at all? Like is headhunter mandatory or can I find something else for those attributes (str/dex)?
And if skills use hp like Reap, they just use energy shield to cast with CI or I cannot use it all?
Last edited by Bethrezhen on Aug 8, 2021, 7:12:51 AM
Bethrezhen wrote:

Like is headhunter mandatory or can I find something else for those attributes (str/dex)?
And if skills use hp like Reap, they just use energy shield to cast with CI or I cannot use it all?

nothing but getting enough rmr to get all necessary auras is really required - these setups are just the ones that prove to work best
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Do you think its better to go CI this league or low life?
azndecoy101 wrote:
Do you think its better to go CI this league or low life?

really depends on your budget, LL is better to get your damage of the ground with lower budget
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