[3.21] ❄️ Hopeshredder Frenzy ❄️ [1 to 60+ million SHAPER DPS]

I want to try out this build, but the only problem is I can't find a corrupted hopeshredder for sale where someone is online. :c

if anyone is selling one, I'd be more than happy to buy.
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
darciaz wrote:
I want to try out this build, but the only problem is I can't find a corrupted hopeshredder for sale where someone is online. :c

if anyone is selling one, I'd be more than happy to buy.

They are hard to find, esp with good rolls. Try making one yourself. Takes some patience but in the end it works out.
Last edited by 30Creptus#0534 on Aug 3, 2020, 4:01:11 PM
Hello! Do you happen to have a clearing video?
Would like to see some gameplay, am totallly interested in this build tho
drigorin wrote:
Hello! Do you happen to have a clearing video?
Would like to see some gameplay, am totallly interested in this build tho

Sadly no, i do not have any recorded gameplay footage.

If you're good at visualizing, imagine a very fast, semi invisible raider zoom zooming through a map while arrows rain from the sky, or spray in front (depending on the setup).
Thank you! Just wondering if the frenzy skill gem would work to replace barrage as the skill gem? Especially if i have a helm with frenzy dmg per frenzy etc

and I noticed alot of hope builds taking wind dancer, what's your stand on wind dancer?
Last edited by drigorinx#1002 on Aug 7, 2020, 5:36:51 AM
Hi there, i have an issue with this build, just got lvl 60 ang equipped hopeshredder + blood dance. However by achieving about 3-4 frenzy stacks i just result in killing myself. Have 75% cold resistance, dont know where the issue could be...
Pastebin doesn't work, could you check on that ? Thanks
drigorinx wrote:
Thank you! Just wondering if the frenzy skill gem would work to replace barrage as the skill gem? Especially if i have a helm with frenzy dmg per frenzy etc

and I noticed alot of hope builds taking wind dancer, what's your stand on wind dancer?

You can do that. Frenzy is less damage than Barrage, although it is something that can be done.

Wind Dancer, up to you. For me it felt like there was no need for extra defenses from it. If you feel like it would make you overall more comfortable and safe while playing, then go for it.
Maccay wrote:
Hi there, i have an issue with this build, just got lvl 60 ang equipped hopeshredder + blood dance. However by achieving about 3-4 frenzy stacks i just result in killing myself. Have 75% cold resistance, dont know where the issue could be...

You have 4 frenzy charges, that is very low. I assume you have like 1.8k HP, which makes degen hit like a truck and boots provide no regen benefits since your HP is really low.

Get a pair of boots with regenerate 100 life while moving. That should help. Apart from that skill into HP and start scaling it with the gear so that the degen doesn't wipe you out.

If you're unable to scale your HP to at least 4k, use a budget rare bow until you can get better gear.
88ierdna wrote:
Pastebin doesn't work, could you check on that ? Thanks

I've just checked all 3 pastebin links i have in my guide, each one is functional. Perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

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