[3.21] ❄️ Hopeshredder Frenzy ❄️ [1 to 60+ million SHAPER DPS]

30Creptus wrote:

3.15 Patch notes effects on the build

Lowered base evasion rating
-10% attack speed (barrage support)
-10% increased cold damage, -3% cold damage penetration (awa cold pen gem)
-20% more damage (awa elemental damage with attack skills)
-10% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
+20% mana reserved for mines, high-impact mine support
-10% attack speed, -10% movement speed (raider onslaught)
-7% cold damage penetration (wise oak)
-10% flask effect from Alchemist's Genius
-10% more damage (inspiration support)
-Lots of lost crit from flasks (diamond flask + bottled faith nerf)
-Dying sun one use and requires a lot of charges, less lasting burst damage against bosses

Damage reduction estimate, from 70m down to 30m.
-58% less damage, 133% more damage in 3.14 than in 3.15

This is with calculation done using the same items/tree i had in 3.14, probably couple mil more with different adjustments.

➹➹➹Raider Gang!➹➹➹
My personal favorite build for the last 6 leagues, capable of anything and everything, apart from HoGM. Build updated for 3.14!

- Shaper ✓
- Elder ✓
- Deathless UElder ✓
- Deathless Sirus ✓
- Deathless Cortex ✓
- Heart of the Grove ✓
- Breach Bosses, 4/5 way legion ✓
- 20 Wave Simulacrum ✓
- T16/17/18/19 100% Delirious Maps ✓
- Maven + all invitations yellow ✓

@BreadCasusesLychantropy for all your questions and concerns




- 10% less cold resistance reduction from Frost bomb. Slight damage nerf for single target.
- Non channeling mana cost reduction nerfed by 2. Skills cost a bit more, isn't an issue.

NOTE: My pricing on items can be outdated, since for most items it refers to the prices in previous leagues. Should be mostly on point regardless.


Rare influenced helmets are quite hard to craft now. Your choice will be an unique helmet, unless you decide to craft a synthesis one. Here are some decent choices:

- Stakonja's Head
- Devoto's Devotion
- Crown of the Inward Eye
- Rat's Nest
- Crown of The Tyrant (without ice shot mine setup)
- Farrul's Bite


-Strong single target (up to 60mil)
-Zoom zoom clearspeed
-High Scale Ceiling
-High Movement Speed (195-225% unbuffed)
-Can do all map mods except reflect

-Life Degeneration
-Chaos Resistance -70 to -80, usually not a problem but can be annoying at times.
-Not the tankiest char but does the job (5.0k - 6.3k, depending on gear and level)
-Gets expensive the more you upgrade
-Can't do reflect :(
-Staring out, be prepared to die a lot (a8 reds)




- To use both The Wise Oak & The Dying Sun, your fire resistances when flasks are up has to be lower than your cold resistance.

- To handle degen better buy Darkray Vectors with 100 life regenerated per second while moving.

- To be able to survive bleed without a bleeding flask, get a Lioneye's Fall with "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you. Until you can afford one you can use any other jewel with it. Normal bleed will be outleeched.


My Gear, explanations within each category below.

There are two core items this build utilizes, Hopeshredder and Farrul's Fur.

Farrul's Fur allows us to always remain at maximum frenzy charges, gaining a lot of damage and speed buffs, both from our weapon and gear, plus our tree.

Hopeshredder grants us a ton of cold damage, accuracy, movement speed and some defenses.

There will be no Body Armor and Weapon sections because of this, these two are essential to the build. Grab them.

In case you don't have money for Farrul's yet, buy any other 6L until you can afford one, it will do the job. Farrul's is used to skip frenzy charge buildup, any other armor will do the job although it will lower your movement speed and dps if you have no frenzy charges up.


There are five options that are worthy of a helmet slot.

Option 1 - Starkonja's Head [0.5ex-2ex]
WHY THIS: Cheap, gives decent life, attack speed, some crit chance, overall a very decent pickup.

Option 2 - Crown of the Inward Eye [1ex]
WHY THIS: It's cheap, offers a lot of life, helps with mana and provides a very strong damage boost.

Option 3 - Devoto's Devotion [5ex]
WHY THIS: If you want even more speed, you can grab one of those. Personally, i prefer option 1 & 3, although regardless Devoto is a strong choice.

Option 4 - Custom Crafted, Influenced Rare Helmet [Very expensive, 60ex+]
WHY THIS: This will run you a dollar, you need you awakener's awakened shaper ele pen and awakened cold pen, then roll into high life.

Option 5 - Synthesis base, Rare Helmet[10-30ex]

Very high life option, bit worse dps wise than a double awakened influenced helmet, although brings in more HP and is cheaper to make. My choice for 3.14.


Two options here, endgame pair and a leveling pair.

OPTION 1: Darkray's [ENDGAME]
Very strong, lots of movement speed, frenzy charge, and 18%-22% chance to dodge attacks.

First you start with vaaled Darkray's with Regenerate 100 Life Per Second While Moving vaal implicit. Then later on you can stack them up, run lab for the enchant and vaal them for upgrades. Like the ones i linked here.

OPTION 2: The Blood Dance [STARTER's]
Start with this until you get to around 5k life. They will mitigate almost all (at 8 frenzy), all (at 9 frenzy) life degen you get from Hopeshredder. They're cheap you can get a vaaled one with 6% maximum life as a small bonus.


Some belt examples. Since the harvest nerfs i prefer defensive option res + life, since its easier to make.

For a budget version get a Leather Belt with t2/t1 str, t1 life and fire res. [Up to around 40c]

For a semi-budget version, get a Stygian Vise with t2/t1 str, life and fire res. You can slap a redeemer's orb on it for some extra stats. [2-3ex, not counting redeemer upgrades]


+1 Frenzy Oskarm [40c-1ex]

Assasin's mark. Hexes gives us a good amount of damage, since their effect is no longer reduced when applies to rares and uniques (all that they can apply to now) this is a good thing to have.


A budget quiver without +1 arrow.

OPTION 2- ENDGAME[Couple Exalts]

+Endgame +1 arrow quiver.

Personally, my recommendation is to buy a shaper base with t2/t1 critical multiplier (or t1 life) and +1 arrow mods on it, then you can craft everything else.

The shaper base is around 0.5-4ex, depending on the type of quiver you're buying. The cost to craft everything else should end up being around 10 exalts.


You can choose to make a synthesized or a redeemer amulet. Redeemer is a lot more expensive but gives a bit more damage.

Synthesis example. I recommend any t1 life with one or more damage modifiers. T1 life ones aren't expensive. Rest of the mods you can craft on, i used the Deafening Essence of Suffering, its not expensive and it guarantees a strong roll on added cold.

When it comes to a redeemer ring, you would want to have:
- Maximum Life
- Damage Penetrates (8–10)% Cold Resistance
- (5–6)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge or Added cold damage to attacks or a shaper mod Damage Penetrates (4–7)% Elemental Resistances (double influence)
- One resistance
- Aspect of the Cat
- Critical multiplier


Two circles of fear.

*Lots of possible choices
*Lots of damage

We take cold damage from hopeshredder so cold resistance has to be maxed, also we get cold pen from The Wise Oak, so cold has to stay above other resistances.

* +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges (Damage, movement speed, dodge chance, evasion rating) [MORE DEGEN!!]
* 7-8% Maximum Life (Really good health boost, i recommend it on at least one right)
* 4-7 cold damage per frenzy charge (Very strong damage boost)
* Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on hit with attacks (10% damage increase)
* +19%-20% to global critical strike multiplier (Strong damage boost)
* +17%-18% to global critical strike multiplier (Strong damage boost)

Circle of Fear + Rare Damage Synthesis Ring

This combination costs more but gives more damage.

The ring is pretty simple to make, the base tho is quite expensive, i paid 55ex for the base.

If you run two rare rings you'll have trouble getting cold res above fire, so i do not recommend that. Even if you could do that, you'll end up sacrificing other mods for it, so in the end it would be around the same for more hassle to set it up.



-Have two increased cold damage rolls, or
-Have one increased cold damage roll, and one increased buff effect.
Two buff effect rolls lower the damage gain, one buff one cold is nearly the same amount of damage compared to two inc cold rolls.

For a [Budget] version, get a circle with cold damage/buff and life implicit. [around 30-50c]


LIFE = Karui

- Bottled Faith, at some point you won't need Karui anymore. This is where the bottled faith steps in, in clutch moments it provides some healing as well, it's a very strong replacement. No doubts about it.

MANA = There is no need for a mana flask
Maybe at the start of your build, some help with this will be needed but in general there is no need for this at all, as long as you have Lioneye's Fall.
In case you need one, 3.14 i noticed that i had to use one to keep up single target.

1) Dying Sun, Lots of damage.
2) Diamond Flask, Lots of damage.
3) The Wise Oak, Good damage, helps do maps when we are cursed with elemental weakness. Helps if you haven't capped your resistances yet. [Cold res must be higher than fire res, count in Dying Sun's +50% to fire res]

- As long as you have 5k+ life pool and a corrupted blood cannot be inflicted upon you vaaled jewel, you won't need anti-bleeding to survive. Life Leech will take care of it.

It's not a problem at all.

You can sacrifice one of the damage flasks for an immunity flask. Although personally i am not willing to put up for such a trade. It's not worth it.


It's rather easy to hit stun immune with a this trick. You'll need two items.

With 28% from the tree, another 10% from a single jewel implicit is enough for the flask to take the avoid up to 100%. A good deal for a small investment.




Frenzy outscales barrage HARD. I got around 30% more dps swapping from barrage to frenzy later on. It might happen that at the very start barrage gives more dps, but do not be fooled by this, as you scale frenzy will push it out of the roof. Especially with the new anomalous +1 arrow version of the frenzy gem.

Sometimes a mob might block the boss, sometimes there are two bosses, here's where the +1 pierce comes in handy.

-------AOE CLEAR

You can use anything you like, although i prefer Rain of Arrows and/or Scourge Arrow. Rain of arrows feels really nice if you happen to farm an indoors area map, while Scourge arrow is very good for outdoor areas. Scourge has more damage and will get you killed less.


30% more damage for bossing.

Use ice arrow/split arrow/caustic arrow, or any other bow gem that has a skill cost of up to 6 mana maximum. 7 and up will increase mine mana reservation from 2 mana to 3 mana. Keep the skill gem at level 1.


---Pick 4 of your choice.
- Frost bomb for damage
- Dash + Second Wind for mobility, recommended for Sirus/UberElder/Shaper, etc
- Holy Relic for life regeneration
- Stone holem for life regeneration
- Phase run for running fast [Requires good timing]
- Blood rage for more damage


Level precision to the point where it caps you at 100% chance to hit.
Enlighten 4 if you have money and intelligence needed for it.


These are the alternate quality gems i found so far that are worth using:

- Anomalous Frenzy, +1 arrow. Very good damage boost.
- Anomalous Ice Bite, 2% increased damage per frenzy charge.
- Divergent Precision, very small damage bonus but better than nothing.
- Divergent Swift Assembly, more mine throw speed compared to normal quality.
- Anomalous Enlighten, allows us to use enlighten with low amounts of int.
- Anomalous Charged Mines, good for starting out until you get Farrul's.
- Divergent Frost Bomb, more AoE radius.


Level 60, all skill points

Level 80

Level 90

Level 100

Acrobatics > Phase Acrobatics > Point Blank > Wind Dancer > Frenzy Charge Nodes > Lioneye's Nodes > HP Nodes

Help Alira. Res, crit multi and mana regen are all very helpful to us. Mana regen really makes a difference allowing us to recover based on regen alone in clutch scenarios.


Phasing is pretty bad, don't consider taking it.

BIG SOUL:Soul of Solaris, vision of justice gives 8% less damage taken, which means less degeneration.

SMALL SOUL: If you're still using Karui's flask pick Ryslatha, if you obtained Bottled Faith, use Tukohama or Garukhan.



*Watchers eye for damage. Added cold damage is the cheapest one. I went with it.
*Lioneye's Fall, must have, leech, crit and damage.


Life + Life regenerated while moving to negate the life degeneration. Life % while moving is a suffix, so if prefixes are blocked doing aug life will always give you this mood.

Damage option. Double added cold, life and crit.

Lethal pride is quite useful to get STR required to use farrul's fur. Although that's not it's only use, on top you want to stack some useful node bonuses. I recommend:
- x3 5% chance to deal double damage
- x2 5% chance to deal double damage (budget)
- x2 5% chance to deal double damage + 10% chance to intimidate on hit

Some of the good numbers i know of, although each one requires a bit of overextending:
-14442 15% dd
-16941 15% dd 4% max life
-10055 15% dd


Large Cluster
Best damage is achieved from a bow 12% or a 10% attack base with the following points:
- Fuel The Fury
- Feed The Might
- Martial Prowess
With 1 to 3% attack speed as a 4th mod. Cold cluster isn't as good, it provides less dps.

Medium Clusters
I suggest running the flask one even if you do not run a large cluster. It buffs all of your flasks and provides life, careful with that fire res tho.

Other medium cluster is a projectile base with Eye To Eye + Repeater, best damage, beats crit clusters. Best for damage.

These bases tend to be quite cheap, you can run them for more damage, or you can just use normal tree skill points, there is no need to spend on these. You should if you want to improve your damage, but compare all changes you make to regular nodes in pob.

I currently run x2 large clusters instead of lion's eye, you can see my setup at poe.ninja or by using my PoB link.


One double resistance life jewel. Augment cold for added cold damage. [Caps your resistances]
One life, res and intelligence jewel. Helps cap our resistances and int here is crucial to the build. [CRUCIAL]
Two full damage clusters. Get life, crit multi and projectile damage bases, augment cold for cold damage.

x3 Increased Power Charge Duration, makes our power charges permanent.
x1 10% Chance to avoid being stunned, gives us stun immunity with a correct flask setup.
Rest go with either:
-1% increased movement speed
-0.1% of life regenerated per second


START: Caustic Arrow + Onslaught Support
Lv 18, Swap to Rain Of Arrows
Lv 28, Swap to Scourge Arrow

LV 18 4L Setup:

Drop Onslaught Gem once you finish your first lab. You will have onslaught from there.

LV 31 5L/6L Setup:

Scourge arrow will be capable of killing low tier map bosses once you finish all acts.

When you hit lv60 switch to Hopeshredder + The Blood Dance.

If leaguestarter, use any build with elemental damage until Hopeshredder becomes available. If you start changing to pure cold damage, which you should after finishing acts, buy a bow with added cold damage from somebody. Example:

There is no Farrul's Fur yet, i cant afford it yet, what do i do?
- Use a rare 6L chest, or you can use pseudo 6Ls, 5L Shroud of the Lightless or Hyrri's Ire since they both have strong effects that are similar to having a 6L. Shroud is more powerful though.



Using overall elemental damage to level without trouble. Decent damage.
Grab two rare rings with elemental damage to attacks and added damage of any type, you can craft # to # added cold/fire/lightning from the bench.



[Lab]Raider for frenzy charge buffs, + movement speed from phasing/onslaught.
[Weapon]Hopeshredder for high damage scaling.
[Boots]Darkray's for +1 frenzy charge.
[Gloves]Oskarm with +1 frenzy charge implicit, allows the use of two circles of fear, provides assassin's mark on hit.
[Helmet]Unique helmet of your choice with frenzy enchant.
[Quiver]Spike-point arrow or Piercing arrow quiver. Piercing allows us to not use projectile cluster for +1 pierce, giving more damage.
[Amulet]Rare with t1 life, t2/t1 crit multi, t1/t2/t3 elemental damage to attacks, lightning res t1/t2, aspect of the cat.
[Rings]Two circles of fear.
[Belt]T2/T1 Strength belt [MUST HAVE]+T1 life, Stygian Vise.
[Jewels]Life, resistance, damage. If you're starting out you can cap resistances from here. You need at least 19 intelligence from jewels to run enlighten 3 [MUST HAVE]

--------Short rundown over gems

- Anomalous Frenzy for best single target dps.
- Mines give 30% chance to deal double damage. Can be used an emergency clear if you find yourself in an elemental reflect map. It takes time to get used to, it's only for bossing. Requires enlighten 3.
- Hatred, Precision, Herald of Ice. All 3 are must haves. Precision caps us at 100% chance to hit, don't level it past that point it will eat up mana needed for mines.
- Dash + Second Wind for mobility.
- Frost Bomb for 10% - 25% reduced cold res to enemies.
1) Blood Rage for extra damage burst.
2) Phase Run for extra movement speed when rushing to somewhere, shaper mid phases for an example. Must be used ~1s before you gain Cat's Stealth.
3) Holy Relic or Stone Golem for life regeneration.

--------How to single target
Place 15 mines, place frost bomb & spray.


ARMOR = Rare 6L Chest, 5L Shroud of the Lightless or 5L Hyrri's Ire [~20-40c][Unlinked]

WEAPON = Hopeshredder [MUST MUST HAVE] [~2ex][6L]

BOOTS = Darkray's Corrupted with 100 life regen while moving [~25c]
= The Blood Dance [Early Item] [~1c]

GLOVES = Oskarm with +1 Frenzy Charge [~40c]

HELMET = Starkonja's with Frenzy damage enchant [50-150c]

BELT = Leather Belt [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/KYEd23Lc5] [~20c]

QUIVER = Rare Quiver [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/rGkaDXZUQ] [30-100c]

JEWELS = Volley Fire with Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you [100-150c]
= Volley Fire no corruption if you have anti-bleed flask [1c]

RINGS = Circles Of Fear [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/4MJPLWLS9] [~20c x2]

AMULET = Rare with Aspect of the cat, you can craft the aspect yourself just buy Farrul, First of the Plains and beast craft it into an open suffix. If you lack int get int base, if you need res buy one with res. Must have open suffix! [~25c base + ~12c for doing the aspect craft]


+100 life regenerated while moving Darkrays + Soul Of Solaris (Vision Of Justice) + Wind Dancer.

You can also throw in 1% regen from the abyssal jewel if you feel like you need more, no need for 9 charges.

This build like any other requires investment, you will start at around 1-3m on a budget gear, and the damage will scale as you upgrade. The build is playable with a bit of currency to spare, although there is a lot of room for improvement, that is the reason why you see the 1m to 60m+ in the build title.



Synthesis one, pick up a base with 15% inc aura effect, slam hollow + life fossil for t1 life and abyssal socket, then you can use harvest augments to slap on resistance and additional prefix for life. Keep one prefix open for +1 pierce.

Double influenced, awaken orb awakened shaper ele pen + awakened redeemer cold pen, then reforge keep suffix.


Buy a decent synthesis base, something with double life, life + damage, or double damage, then throw deafening essence of scorn on it. You will need one open suffix for aspect of the cat craft.

If you're doing budget, just slam until you have one prefix and suffix open, use annuls when possible. Craft life and add cat after and you have your amulet, takes around 10 tries.

For non budget, you can go with t1 life + multi from scorn, craft cat on it, annul everything else craft multimod with added cold and damage while leeching.


Either buy a good quiver with an open prefix and throw in a warlord's orb for +1 arrow, which has around ~8%ish success chance.

Or you can buy a synthesis base with +1 arrow, slam deafening essence of scorn on it until you hit t1 life, annul everything else and harvest augment resist. Or slam until you get t1 life and 1 resist, annul everything else and slam another res. Or the best possible outcome, slam until you hit x2 res and t1 life. Throw aisling on top to fill out the prefix and you have a good quiver.


Slap a flask craft for mov speed and stun avoid on a Alchemist's Quicksilver base.

Roll a searching eye jewel with more cold from harvest, or just buy one, not worth to buy augments anymore.

x3 10% increased power charge duration [Permanent Power Charges]
x1 10% chance to avoid being stunned.

Rest is up to you, you can get a bit of life regen or movement speed.

HINT: X to Y resistance garden craft can be used on cluster jewels.


There are two ways to upgrade Darkrays.

1) Double Corrupt
- Maximum Life + Movement Speed [T1]
- +2 to AoE Gems + Socketed Gems [T1]
- Movement Speed + Socketed Gems [T2]
- Regenerate 100 Life + Maximum Life [T1]
- Regenerate 100 Life + Movement Speed [T1]
- Regenerate 100 Life + Duration Gems [T2]
- Regenerate 100 Life + Socketed Gems [T2]
- Chance to dodge attack hits + Chance to dodge spell hits [T1]
- Chance to dodge dodge spell/attack + Life/100regen [T2]
- Dodge + anything else [T3]
- Chance to dodge spells/attacks while moving + anything else [T4]

2) Uber Lab + Vaal
- Movement Speed + Movement Speed [T1] [+20% total implicit, Best possible outcome] [Worth ~25ex]
- Life + Movement Speed [T1] [Second best after 20% mov speed one]
- Life + Attack Speed [T1]
- Attack Speed + Movement Speed [T1]
- Chance to avoid being stunned + life/movspeed/+gems/+dur/dudge [T2]
- Attack Speed/Mov Speed + Spell dodge [T2]
- Attack Speed/Mov Speed + Spell dodge [T3]

Example: My Boots (3.11)

Hint: Don't Forget to 20% quality first!


Double Corrupt only.

Outcome List:
- Life + Frenzy [T1]
- Critical Chance to Attacks + Frenzy [T1][Best][~Worth 10-25ex]
- Attack Speed + Frenzy [T2]
- +2 To Aoe Gems + Frenzy [T2]

Hint: Don't Forget to 20% quality first!


With harvest changes what you will want to do is either buy a double res, double hp belt, or make one yourself, do fossils with life and elemental, or slam a hunter orb on a decent belt for a chance of hitting that % life prefix.

Something like this, instead of the full dps belts i linked in the past.


6L Hopeshredder > Hopeshredder +1 arrow implicit (buy one with high rolls, or make your own, a low roll +1 arrow is the same as near max rolled Hopeshredder without the corruption) > Hopeshredder +1 arrow 6L (You can bench 6S and 6L it for around ~18ex)


This build is quite versatile and can be tweaked in certain directions. Here's some of the alternative setups that are worth mentioning.

Around 1/3 more damage with this setup, int comes from the amulet so that's good, not much use to quality it since it also scales less crit mod. Maybe getting 30 int elsewhere and using a corrupt one is better.

About the anoint, i'm not exactly sure which option i prefer, Constitution for more HP or a good damage node instead.

POB TREE = https://pastebin.com/d0S9r2Ym


Sacrifice damage to move around at even faster speed.
My setup from 3.13. Around 530%-560% ms depending on the gear, full buffed stats.

Note: Instead of this amulet, you want to get a regular karui ward corrupted with movement speed and annoint No Witness, since we couldn't anoint corrupted amulets last league i have replica one instead.
POB TREE = https://pastebin.com/RmgtSgTf

30+M is still doable in 3.15 right?
Tested out my 5 link Hopeshredder character in standard with nerfed damage flasks, still feels pretty zoomy on red tier maps. Boss damage feels worse, but still able to handle red tier map bosses.
Guess I'm going to try to reroll into this build again from my zDPS Toxic Rain char in league.
Garbage-tier Circles of Fear should be affordable at this point of the league, as well as Hopeshredder bow itself.

Honestly, after playing this build everything else feels insanely slow and boring...

UPD: I just realised that unlinked Shroud of the Lightless worth more than 1ex rn. Guess using tabula or 5l Daresso's Defiance should be fine as well...
Last edited by Ultimait#4182 on Jul 27, 2021, 6:51:54 PM
can you link a new pastebin please ? PoB cant read the old one
Ultimait wrote:
Tested out my 5 link Hopeshredder character in standard with nerfed damage flasks, still feels pretty zoomy on red tier maps. Boss damage feels worse, but still able to handle red tier map bosses.
Guess I'm going to try to reroll into this build again from my zDPS Toxic Rain char in league.
Garbage-tier Circles of Fear should be affordable at this point of the league, as well as Hopeshredder bow itself.

Honestly, after playing this build everything else feels insanely slow and boring...

UPD: I just realised that unlinked Shroud of the Lightless worth more than 1ex rn. Guess using tabula or 5l Daresso's Defiance should be fine as well...

Yea, that's exactly how i feel, any other build i play just feels too slow. I think with some changes around, we can still scale damage up to around at least 80% of what it was, with some gear changes and sacrifices.

Less HP and using doppelgangers guise will change things up, although adding windup to our damage, probably worth for bossing.
0b1juan wrote:
30+M is still doable in 3.15 right?


I changed the numbers down from 60+ to 30+ for this patch, although even 60 will be doable with some changes to the build, mostly sacrificing life.
In 3.13 all "Flask charge on Critical Strike" sources was buffed to have 0.1 second cooldown.
I wonder if it's worth going for such modifiers, considering that general flask sustain was nerfed by a lot in 3.15, meanwhile RoA with a lot of attack speed means a lot of potential crit hits...

Btw, new Dying Sun with best possible rolls at 28% lasts for 4.4 seconds and uses 45 charges out of 50.
Will you update the POB and leveling stuff for 3.15?
Ultimait wrote:
Tested out my 5 link Hopeshredder character in standard with nerfed damage flasks, still feels pretty zoomy on red tier maps. Boss damage feels worse, but still able to handle red tier map bosses.
Guess I'm going to try to reroll into this build again from my zDPS Toxic Rain char in league.
Garbage-tier Circles of Fear should be affordable at this point of the league, as well as Hopeshredder bow itself.

Honestly, after playing this build everything else feels insanely slow and boring...

UPD: I just realised that unlinked Shroud of the Lightless worth more than 1ex rn. Guess using tabula or 5l Daresso's Defiance should be fine as well...

Yo, i made a big discovery. Thought you'd be interested, here it is.

You can gain frenzy charges without farruls at all! Very big deal, what you do is, get a weapon for 2nd setup with trigger socketed spells once you use a skill, put in hydrosphere, frenzy and faster attacks, hit hydrosphere, you gain frenzy charges.
30Creptus wrote:
Ultimait wrote:
Tested out my 5 link Hopeshredder character in standard with nerfed damage flasks, still feels pretty zoomy on red tier maps. Boss damage feels worse, but still able to handle red tier map bosses.
Guess I'm going to try to reroll into this build again from my zDPS Toxic Rain char in league.
Garbage-tier Circles of Fear should be affordable at this point of the league, as well as Hopeshredder bow itself.

Honestly, after playing this build everything else feels insanely slow and boring...

UPD: I just realised that unlinked Shroud of the Lightless worth more than 1ex rn. Guess using tabula or 5l Daresso's Defiance should be fine as well...

Yo, i made a big discovery. Thought you'd be interested, here it is.

You can gain frenzy charges without farruls at all! Very big deal, what you do is, get a weapon for 2nd setup with trigger socketed spells once you use a skill, put in hydrosphere, frenzy and faster attacks, hit hydrosphere, you gain frenzy charges.

Or run the alt quality blood rage. Or just use frenzy on mobs as a 1L

Too sleepy to confirm this but there’s gotta be an easier way than ‘run a second weapon’

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