Names of items and chests suddenly disappear

Yesterday before the latest patch and now, after the latest patch, the names of dropped items are suddenly not shown anymore. Also, chest and the like are then no longer indicated as chests. If I leave the map and come back, all the names are shown again, but it happens that they disappear yet another time and I have to portal once again to have them shown again. This is very annoying. Another way to read the disappeared items is to press L3 constantly, which is a drag. Also, when it happens, slain Syndicate members are not shown with their picture, but with their name only.

Last edited by Myrallin#0891 on Jul 17, 2020, 1:39:55 PM
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2021, 8:06:04 AM
Try toggling your loot back on. Z key if you didn’t change it.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Z key? I'm playing on PS4
Well whatever button you use to toggle loot on and off then. There was a separate forum for console bugs if you can find it and want to try posting there.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Jul 18, 2020, 9:41:17 AM
Myrallin wrote:
Z key? I'm playing on PS4

then you will need to go into options and see if there is a key on PS4 that toggle loot on/off.
Well, I did went into Options and went to List of Item Filters. I chose 'NS 1 Regular', but the problem keeps appearing. Changing the filter had not the desired result, only portelling out of the map and revisit solves the problem, but like i said, it can reoccur easily in the same map. Today, I had this bug like 7 times, occurring in maps and a sacrifice fragment maps. Am I really the only one suffering from this?

My settings at the moment are:
- Default loot allocation: 'Permanent Allocation'
- List of Item Filters: 'NS 1 Regular'

What goes wrong???
It sounds like you may be accidentally toggling the loot off, not sure with the ps4 controller but with an xbox controller you would press down on the d-pad while holding RT.

Edit- On Further research I believe the PS4 equivalent is the R2 button.
Last edited by TheGreatAzbell#8813 on Jul 19, 2020, 10:41:26 PM
TheGreatAzbell wrote:
It sounds like you may be accidentally toggling the loot off, not sure with the ps4 controller but with an xbox controller you would press down on the d-pad while holding RT.

Edit- On Further research I believe the PS4 equivalent is the R2 button.

Hmm, this is new to me, I did not know you could accidentally toggle the loot off using a button combination, perhaps I did do that in the midst of a battle, I will test this as soon as it happens again. Thanks for sharing this, it's much appreciated!
Last edited by Myrallin#0891 on Jul 20, 2020, 5:47:42 AM
The Toggle on/ off Names on PS4 is while holding down the R2 press the Down or up arrow on your pad. I can't remember.
Today after days it happened again and indeed, it's the combination of the arrow pad and the R2 button. Thanks all for your help!

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