I Miss Boem...

I solved the mystery. Boem is Obviously Al_GGG. Say hi to him for me.
Exile009 wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
And no, such talk isn't out of the scope of this forum just cos it's a gaming site.
You're right, it's outside the scope of this forum because GGG says so.

It's not like there's a shortage of public discourse on, uh, the pandemic, or economics. It just isn't happening on this New Zealand videogame studio's website. That's okay.

"because GGG says so" - indeed, which circles right back to my dictatorial point above. And great job minimizing things once again. But all that shows is that there isn't a fundamental counterargument here - you're just content to go along with it. So be it. Others are not however, and you haven't provided a convincing argument for why they should be, because your claim is fundamentally subjective i.e. you just don't feel it's a big deal. Others feel differently.
Well yeah, I'm not trying to convince you of anything, that would be a terrible waste of all our time. You've been bumping this thread for a year and a half, it's abundantly clear that you feel differently.
Well yeah, I'm not trying to convince you of anything, that would be a terrible waste of all our time. You've been bumping this thread for a year and a half, it's abundantly clear that you feel differently.

I am more convinced he is Boem's Secert Agent. Secert Agent 009.
awesome999 wrote:
Secert Agent. Secert Agent 009.

That double spelling mistake is very revealing...

'Tis also ironic that is was your comment that broke the very rules you were defending here.

Anyway, as I said in my now defunct reply to it, I'm not going to let you trick me into giving you what you want. All this is getting too close to the very rules that will see this thread closed, which is perhaps your intention by insisting on bringing up these invalid real world comparisons. Perhaps it's genuine, or perhaps you're just trying to bait me into getting myself probated or this thread locked. It's a win-win for you since you've already made it clear you're in favor of such censorship, so I suppose even self-censorship will make you happy. There's no winning here since the very platform we're on is on your side, hampering my ability to counter you.

Fortunately, as I said earlier, your critique is invalid and a distraction. I've explained why before. So I don't need to engage with it more to maintain this threads' purpose. Hence I'm leaving it here. I'm not going to let you bait me, whether that's your intention or not, into sabotaging this whole thread.

Especially when it's unnecessary to do so. Cheers and a Happy New Year mon ami.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jan 2, 2022, 12:24:26 AM
it's abundantly clear that you feel differently.

I'm not the only one. There are many who've expressed dissatisfaction with the current regime, both in myriad comments on other threads and even occasionally on dedicated threads of their own. For instance, I didn't make this thread - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784982

Indeed it's actually only a few people who I've ever seen support it here, literally enough to count on my fingers. And practically no one on the in-game global chat as far as I can recall that. Just cos the place keeps chugging along doesn't mean people support it. A referendum on it, if ever one were held, would likely go in my favour. Which is of course why one will never be held.

Unlike on Reddit, where community feedback is regularly solicited. And which is the far bigger and more active community for it, even seemingly favored by GGG over their own forums (or at least that's another popular resentment over here).
Last edited by Exile009 on Jan 1, 2022, 11:28:38 PM
Exile009 wrote:

That double spelling mistake is very revealing...

Maybe not a mistake. Now I am gonna call you Secert Agent 009.

Exile009 wrote:
'Tis also ironic that is was your comment that broke the very rules you were defending here.

Anyway, as I said in my now defunct reply to it, I'm not going to let you trick me into giving you what you want. All this is getting too close to the very rules that will see this thread closed, which is perhaps your intention by insisting on bringing up these invalid real world comparisons. Perhaps it's genuine, or perhaps you're just trying to bait me into getting myself probated or this thread locked. It's a win-win for you since you've already made it clear you're in favor of such censorship, so I suppose even self-censorship will make you happy. There's no winning here since the very platform we're on is on your side, hampering my ability to counter you.

Fortunately, as I said earlier, your critique is invalid and a distraction. I've explained why before. So I don't need to engage with it more to maintain this threads' purpose. Hence I'm leaving it here. I'm not going to let you bait me, whether that's your intention or not, into sabotaging this whole thread.

Especially when it's unnecessary to do so. Cheers and a Happy New Year mon ami.

Thought you like baiting. We are under the same sky, the same rule applies to.
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
The_Impeacher wrote:
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.

GGG should not ban steaks and gravy! Okay maybe a steak every once in a while but never gravy!
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Exile009 wrote:
it's abundantly clear that you feel differently.

I'm not the only one. There are many who've expressed dissatisfaction with the current regime, both in myriad comments on other threads and even occasionally on dedicated threads of their own. For instance, I didn't make this thread - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784982

Indeed it's actually only a few people who I've ever seen support it here, literally enough to count on my fingers. And practically no one on the in-game global chat as far as I can recall that. Just cos the place keeps chugging along doesn't mean people support it. A referendum on it, if ever one were held, would likely go in my favour. Which is of course why one will never be held.
Oh I absolutely believe you aren't the only one who shares your views. Indeed, the internet is full of people who yell FREE SPEECH any time someone politely asks them not to do something; there are huge amounts of people on your side of things here. Cool. Okay. Good for you!

As for this hypothetical referendum result/'refusal', is it supposed to seem unusual or a problem that a company isn't running its operations by popular vote among a subset of anonymous customers? I wouldn't put gamers in charge of folding my laundry let alone running a community website.

Exile009 wrote:
Unlike on Reddit, where community feedback is regularly solicited. And which is the far bigger and more active community for it, even seemingly favored by GGG over their own forums (or at least that's another popular resentment over here).
It's my understanding that discussing politics and religion would be against the rules on the POE Reddit too. So it's a little weird to use that as a comparison to hold this hypothetical referendum outcome against GGG's forum.
Turtledove wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.

GGG should not ban steaks and gravy! Okay maybe a steak every once in a while but never gravy!

Find another restaurant that serve steak. This restaurant special feature is you can tease someone with greasy and delicious steak they can't eat.

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