Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

Guys chill! Couple things got nerfed so what? Find an alternative, there are still plenty of other builds to play and ways to get OP sh*t again. So man up and stop complaining.
Dual Wield is dead...ehhh wtf
Last edited by Dagon_HS on Jun 16, 2020, 2:43:47 PM
Hexproof now gives immunity to curses, on top of preventing any curse being applied. This means that if you gain Hexproof, you'll immediately remove any curses on you. This was an oversight that this wasn't already the case, and will mean that stealing Hexproof from enemies will now clear all curses off you.

to be true here... this is bs...

a full juice HH build already sacrificed so much to get going properly...

it sacrificed:

- proper gloves
- proper boots
-a proper amulet
-a proper belt

and with changes from last league...

-a BUNCH of skill points to get the duration going


after all that... the build wasnt even able to kill a T13 boss without HH buffs...

a HH build literally had what?! 300k-500k dps without any buffs and 3-4k life?!
while other builds had 20million and more and 7k+ life...
and thats not all...

a HH build also had to go full juice maps.. means well rolled maps with at least beyond, better double or tripple beyond to rly get going crazy...
also had to choose a build which is fast...
and had to farm/be fast while mapping other wise the buffs ran out...
also limited in gems...cause kaoms roots had no sockets and the gloves was reserved for self curse...means no room for any defense stuff...

at this point...yes...the build went crazy...
but look at all these sacrifices...isnt that enough for a build/playstyle to be good after that?!not even mentioned that the average player had to farm like crazy for days/weeks to achieve one single item.... The Headhunter...

so getting all together for ppl who were crying about HH players and maybe never got one...

The HH playstyle was limited to:

- half of the items you can choose for your build (and even there you were limitited... you had to go full defense... if you ever tried to get your resists to 75% witha HH build, you know what kind of a pain it was)

- playstyle (being fast at all time)

- content (was literally UNABLE to kill any main bosses like shaper, elder,
etc. and also unable to kill maps bosses of u lost your HH buffs...
it was a pure mapping playstyle)

- builds you can rly use (because it had to be fast and no for the build
necessary item in gloves/boots/belt/amulet slot)

- gems (8 gems less then any other room for any defense mechanics)

- maps (the map has to had many rare/unique monsters to get good....otherwise
it was complete bullshit)

- passive skill points (because after the last changes the playstyle has to invest ~20 skill points into curse effectiveness via cluster jewels...)

- have to get a 150ex item!

Now look at all these limitations/restrictions/requirements and say the playstyle did not deserved its craziness...

while there are other playstyles out there like summoner which literally just need 50chaos to do every content in the game while face rolling over the keyboard...

i rly love this game, otherwise i wouldnt have around 6k hours playtime and im surprised every new league how much love and work you put into this game...
never seen this before

but to see this im kinda disappointed...
i will not stop playing the game because its just to good but to cut off a huge part, which made the game even crazier and funnier, will also cut off a part that let the game step out compared to other games...

no whining...

just some words which maybe many players have in their head...

anyways im thankfull to have a game like this!
Last edited by Patte505 on Jun 16, 2020, 3:01:52 PM
Nightmar wrote:

"The Circle of Fear, Nostalgia, Regret, Anguish and Guilt Unique rings that affected Heralds now give lower values of Reservation Cost reduction and lower values of Buff Effect. These rings provided too much power and were too obvious a choice for so many builds."

WTF what about Headhunter, in my opinion its the most unbalanced item in the game.

This. Honestly GGG, how can you be so worried about the herald buffing rings being OP when you allow Headhunter to remain in the game?

Easy solution for the rings, limit them to one ring per character.
That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is that it? It is.
Last edited by JugJugJug on Jun 16, 2020, 2:49:09 PM
Suriv9 wrote:
Dear GGG. Not everyone wants to play the league every time and create new builds all the time. Some people just want to play a successful build and have fun.

You've literally destroyed just about every character I've had fun playing... now I have to repec to your stat-destroying "balancing" act...

No, just no. I've spent a decent amount of $$$ in your game... but not another single dollar will you get. What good is my continuing to support you when you don't support me?


#FACTS I wish I could get refunded the thousands of dollars I spent on this game... I have lost all interest to play this game once these changes are in effect. I would say about 18 of my characters have been destroyed, including my ice crash build which was supposed to be buffed this league but instead destroyed...

Finally someone realized. Even I didn't put that much money in the game, I already did regret. After one and half year of brake I thought there were changes. I was wrong...

The only thing changed that the devs and decision makers became more idiot and careless. Instead of really do some testing and balancing, just pick the nerfhammer and kill every playable build, forcing the whole meta in one direction, so next time they don't need to bother with 5-6 archetypes but only need to nerf one into the ground and problem is solved.

Barely waiting for the patch notes and think time to leave the game again. Even diablo 3 is better than this...
Last edited by Lethalis8805 on Jun 16, 2020, 2:52:44 PM
I'm more than excited about new league and new changes.

My own off-meta build not only dodged some serious nerfs besides some things became slightly more complicated, but actually getting stronger, and also I'm not tied up to a certain ascendancy anymore.

Thanks, GGG, I'm on fire!
All the doom and gloom here because some things were fixed, balanced, nerfed, w/e.
So now your map will take 5 seconds longer once you min/max. I'm going "guild self found" this league instead of chasing an economy or a meta-build. The racing aspect of this game is getting silly. I'm gonna try and have fun. You all should too. It's the point of a game!
Garden of nerfs. :-D:-D
I still want to see movement supports for strikes. Make support gems them work like a leap slam or flicker strike or charged dash, just doing the strike at the target after the movement.
CrawlnBrawl wrote:
Why does "balanced" have to mean unusable? this is very disappointing on all fronts

F cyclone
F HH selfcurse
F pantheon
F archmage

Saying cyclone and dual-wielding in general is gone when it still retains superior clearspeed/defense over any other melee archetype is a bit over the top don't you think?

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