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hi guys,
just started the league 3 days ago, got 3 lucky ex dropped today. should i prioritize getting a 6L Cloak (5L rn), or Watcher's eyes + stun immune flask + large cluster jewels?
im up to t10 rn, killing speed and survivability are not a problem. im sure by the time i got to t16 ill be able to afford all of those so its just a matter of which ones first for now. Saying that i definitely feel like i need to get a stun immune flask as its been interrupting the detonation sequence quite a lot.
Last edited by hahahahoha on Jul 27, 2020, 2:05:07 PM
Sigthorne wrote:
When should I switch to Heirophant? I just got my second medium cluster jewel and I feel like I don't have enough skill points at lvl 92 while having all those passives allocated near the shadow wheel.

Personally, I swapped around 86/87. If you're following the end-game passive tree, then you may notice if you compare, that you currently have quite a few passives around the Saboteur node area that would have been refunded by now and respecced into filling up cluster jewels. I'm also at 92, and I've had completely filled 1x large and 2x filled mediums since 91.

The other thing I'd say is look at places where you're allocating early, that could be better spent into the cluster jewels. Personally I've been ignoring the 3 nodes with a jewel slot above the Acrobatics notable until I have enough spare passives to allocate most of the cluster jewel all at once, and am instead using it to temporarily add %Mana from the small passives to the right of the Chaos Inoculation notable.

But that second section should be pretty unnecessary if you're at 92, a simple reallocation would set your tree in a better order, with additional points to spare as well if you don't have a Thread of Hope to grab Assassination and Blast Cascade.

EDIT: It's worth noting that PoB suggests better general results with removing the Thread of Hope allocations, and removing the 5 nodes after Heart and Soul up to Annihalation, then allocating them into the Saboteur/Assassination section you're currently specced in - but, I've only ran those PoB numbers against my current build gear. The difference isn't huge, and I can't say how much better it is if you aren't recouping the spell crit and damage elsewhere (like on the endgame weapon craft). If in doubt, import your character into PoB and run the numbers!

Thank you! I will change to Heirophant. I allocated that second cluster jewel passive because I didn't get a large cluster yet, but I think I can get that soon and just put my 2 medium clusters and large cluster through just one cluster node.

EDIT: I see that the Heirophant gives you Arcane Surge pretty much all the time. So is there any point in keeping the Arcane Surge connected to Arcane Cloak?
Last edited by SarahTeddyToasty on Jul 27, 2020, 2:41:07 PM
hahahahoha wrote:
hi guys,
just started the league 3 days ago, got 3 lucky ex dropped today. should i prioritize getting a 6L Cloak (5L rn), or Watcher's eyes + stun immune flask + large cluster jewels?
im up to t10 rn, killing speed and survivability are not a problem. im sure by the time i got to t16 ill be able to afford all of those so its just a matter of which ones first for now. Saying that i definitely feel like i need to get a stun immune flask as its been interrupting the detonation sequence quite a lot.

Whilst I would say the 6L is probably the most necessary upgrade (Watcher's Eye is a hugely optional bonus, and getting the rolls we ideally want is a big amount of luck or being stupid rich) I'd say you shouldn't spend your money on that (will cover why later on). I also wouldn't say the stun immune flask is hugely necessary, I was running Enduring with a beastcraft affix for most of my T16 mapping, and only recently swapped to Catarina's crit flask mod when I unveiled it. If it's bugging you a lot, then trying to get a good unveil may be worth it, but I don't think it's especially necessary.

Getting good cluster rolls in my opinion are going to be near the top of the priority gearing list though in my opinion.

My honest recommendation would be to buy a near perfect or perfect mana rolled Cloak with any sockets and links, then try to link it yourself in the background. Your 3ex will buy an okay 6L if you spend it all, and you'd be missing out on some easy extra mana compared to if you were patient with it. Buy the clusters you need, or get some bases to start rolling yourself, and save most of the ex. You're gonna need it for gear crafting, especially weapons later on, far more than you need to splash out on things at the moment.
Last edited by Sigthorne on Jul 27, 2020, 2:45:01 PM
Hey guys, I was getting annoyed with the process of modifying the "# of Mana Spent Recently" config value in PoB to properly sim things, so I've added a fake affix we can use instead to have that value calculated automatically. This approach also means that when comparing gear or looking at passive point values, it will actually give correct numbers that take the Indigon mana spent recently bonus into account. This method only calculates mana spent recently from Arcane Cloak, which is fine because that's almost all of our mana spending.

Put 0 for "# of Mana Spent Recently". Don't use this field from now on.

On any of your items (I chose my chest because it will never change), add the following lines. The first line is just a label, you can exclude it if you don't want it:

== Indigon Mana Spent ==
25% increased Spell Damage per X maximum Mana, up to 2000%

You will need to replace 'X' with a calculated value that will be different for each person.

Don't care too much about accuracy and just want a number to put in?

You can use the affix line as follows with this number for a reasonably accurate value assuming you don't have the helmet enchant, and use a level 20 Arcane Cloak:

== Indigon Mana Spent ==
25% increased Spell Damage per 318 maximum Mana, up to 2000%

ArcaneCloak%OfMaxMana = (Unreserved Mana / Total Mana) * ArcaneCloakManaConsumed

X = 200 / ArcaneCloak%OfMaxMana

The first part of that formula will be exactly correct when you first do this calculation, but will become slightly inaccurate over time if your total mana changes by a huge amount. If you do make massive changes in gear, I recommend recalculating it. For me, ArcaneCloakManaConsumed is 0.84. This comes from a level 25 Arcane Cloak which consumes 69% of unreserved mana, plus 0.15 for the helm enchant.

So walking through the rest of the calculations with my numbers, that gives
ArcaneCloak%OfMaxMana = (6408 / 6513) * 0.84 = ~0.826
X = 200 / 0.826 = 242 (must be rounded to nearest whole number).

That 242 number is correct for me, but is very unlikely to be anywhere close to correct for most other people, don't use it.

If you use Arcane Capacitor, you'll need to account for that as well because it keys off the same config value that we've zeroed out. We can just assume it'll be maxed out at all times, so add these lines:

== Arcane Capacitor Fix ==
50% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
Last edited by Dolmur on Jul 27, 2020, 3:52:08 PM
Yalpe wrote:
Davwader wrote:
Hey Guys, I just started playing this build , passive tree is coming together still.

could you guys look at my equipment and tell me what I'd upgrade next ? I know the Belt could have higher life, working on it. Appreciate your thoughts.

Your first goal should be to reach 5k mana ASAP. Why?

- Cap Omeyocan (you're missing 10% attack and spell dodge)
- Improve damage (do an experiment, add 900 mana on any item in pob and check the difference, you should get at least 20% from arcane cloak alone, and another 20% from indigon)
- Improve survivability (almost double the buff from arcane cloak)

You can get 500 mana just by taking the battle rouse wheel. Another 300 with arcane chemistry. Arcane will is another 250. Primal Spirit another 250 (plus you can drop Physique for an extra point). Druidic Rites another 300. The node next to heart and soul and next to dynamo is another 150.

Drop the life flask and use Atziri's Promise to compensate the damage loss from the tree updates plus you get a ton of Chaos Resistence for survivability. You won't need it with 5k mana trust me.

Doing just this with the flask is a sub 10 chaos upgrade and it will make a world of difference trust me. https://pastebin.com/BayjyZZS. I had to drop the second medium cluster jewel setup and swap the mediums to keep liquid inspiration, remove thread of hope (caps your lightning resist) to replace the jewel lost. You can put it back once you get a double socket large (can't you vendor it to upgrade btw??). Also dropped physique and crackling speed wheel.

After that you can start on gear. Jewels should have 10% increased mana not life. Getting another liquid inspiration is another 150 mana or so. You probably want at least one scepter with a 100+ mana roll (T5 I think). That should get you to 5000 easy. Get an indigon with 25% damage roll. Its huge.

This was increadible advice dude ! On ingame paper I lost some "damage" in the progress but looking at pob with the effective combat stats I gained like double the dmg I did before while being super tanky :) Thank you for your awesome help !
Whew just started on crafting the fingerless gloves. Sold a spare 6L CoD for 4ex, which immediately went into getting an Awakener's Orb - then I checked trade site and saw hunters and warlord i85 fingerless bases were 150c-200c each.

Influence-less were 1c and I had 3 "Add random influence to armour" crafts, first 2 crafts rolled hunter and warlord respectively! No dupes on the third for profit unfortunately, but still happy with that. First alt rolled culling strike, don't think I've had a craft go this smooth all league haha.

Getting t1 mana on stuff is a strug. Because there's no seeds that give you mana or let you upgrade a shitty mana tier, I'm struggling to get to 2k.

Short of buying other people's naturally-rolled t1 mana items and trying to work around the prefixes can't be changed issue, is there some garden-based way to elicit and protect mana / mana regen on non-ring, non-amulet items?

fwiw I've unlocked the mini-Revelry syndicate craft. Compared to other sources of mana recovery this build has, it's probably "too little, too late".
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game

i m lvl 94 now.

This build is crazy, anyway i followed AKANE build with 2 anscendency RANGER + TEMPLAR

Down Sirus deathless
Down Hall of GrandMaster deathless
Down Elder,Shaper ..... deathless too

It s tanky as fuck, good clear and u dont care about any mod map.
crunkatog wrote:
Getting t1 mana on stuff is a strug. Because there's no seeds that give you mana or let you upgrade a shitty mana tier, I'm struggling to get to 2k.

Short of buying other people's naturally-rolled t1 mana items and trying to work around the prefixes can't be changed issue, is there some garden-based way to elicit and protect mana / mana regen on non-ring, non-amulet items?

fwiw I've unlocked the mini-Revelry syndicate craft. Compared to other sources of mana recovery this build has, it's probably "too little, too late".

Your passive tree is a bit all over the place. If you fix that you get close to 3.5k.
well, got my gloves finally, made a big difference (DUH)

I can now tank pretty much anything I've run so far, very few issues now, even t16 harvest bosses (but they take a couple min to kite and kill) how much fukkin HP do these guys HAVE? Sirus goes down a lot faster!

SO, that's kind of IT, great build, power grows A LOT with ~30ex invested, not much else to do

I have about 600 saved crafts, no idea what to do with them, I might just sell for rest of league

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