How do you guys save money for economic breakdown due to coronoa virus?

solwitch wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
So called 'psychotic' event. Who cares anyway ....

I feel good and I am getting bored here.

I hope you get better ^.^ btw I have the original F.E.A.R disk when it first came out when GameStop was popular.

Great for you! Beside my GOG version I still got the limited edition of F.E.A.R. (European version with the silver letters) bought the day it was released.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Reinhart wrote:
So called 'psychotic' event. Who cares anyway ....

I feel good and I am getting bored here.

Good to know you're doing well. Perhaps consider playing some Hellblade and letting your docs see it and tell them you're using it to work through your issues. Should be good for a laugh, plus it's a good game anyway. :)

Relevant clip -
Two meals per day.

Breakfast (oats), and lunch.

No dinner. = Overnight fasting (just search overnight fasting).
Im pretty thankful I have the luxury of things being basically the same for me. I already was working from home 3 times a week, now it's 5 times. My job (software dev) is one of the easiest things to transition to WFH environment.

Saving money - I'm not really trying, I think I have a good amount saved to last me through few months here in the bay area, and many years somewhere less expensive - comes naturally from just cooking at home, not going out for bars/clubs/big dinners/birthdays etc. Car obviously pretty idle. Obviously no real need to buy more clothes. I'm not really a big spender anyway.

Being single is both a good and bad thing in this climate. Far less worry to go around since I only need to take care of myself, but also not being able to date/meet girls is kinda of a problem. So far, more of a physical problem, which is manageable so far. Hopefully it doesn't lead to some depression, which is possible if this lockdown lasts more than three months.

Seeing my parents, who are getting up there in age, is a nightmare though. Both logistically and on mental level. I just start worrying that they might catch the rona.

Keep telling my mother, who has major health issues, to not go grocery shopping, and yet she still does. She refuses for me to pick stuff up and drive it to her. Or deliveries. She wants those perfect fruits/veggies she can pick out herself.

The good thing, I guess, is that at least she gets to enter the store in the wee hours (seniors here get dibs in the first hour).
Last edited by grepman on Apr 6, 2020, 9:28:02 PM
I hope you get released soon, Reinhart. I would not want to be in any institutional environment right now. :(

Answer: you don't, I guess, if you are me.

Long story short: we got a few warm days here and I removed the storm windows (mistake as it quickly got cold again and even snowed though it did not stick but oh well). Took hours, mostly because some of them were actually painted on by a dumbass.

House did NOT come with screens. House has over 22 windows. House has custom windows. Many windows are not even same size.

So .... I bought kits where you make your own screens. Ordered the kits as well as the screening mesh. To be done in evenings next week. Not all over 20, mind you, just enough so we can get some fresh air in strategic areas. Place is probably cool at night even in summer. I hope so. We have a central ac unit but I have no clue if it works yet of course. A man came back in December to give the furnace a tune up and said it looked OK but no way to tell until we turn it on. I bought a fire extinguisher for the house. Better safe than sorry.

THEN I bought bushes (I am starting on a long term plan for landscaping). Then I bought gardening supplies that did not come with the house.

I engaged a local boy to mow the lawn. House also did not come with a mower but we don't have a lot of lawn. Mostly ivy and trees under which the grass does not grow much.

I am supporting the local economy at least. :)
How do you guys save Money for economic breakdown due to Coronoa virus?

Hf :)
Everything. Golf membership, Gym membership, eating out, driving. I used to spend like 10K a month on credit cards now I spend like $1200. Can we at least open the golf course? I mean one cart per person.

But since my revenue is zero it's bad. Having to dig into savings to pay bills.

The truth is the people who make policy and the people with large public platforms are all still getting paid. I think we should cut all government workers/media pay to zero too and see how long this shut down lasts.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 12, 2020, 8:24:11 PM
Savings just come naturally without efforf as I am no longer driving, no longer eating out, no longer going on vacation...

The big question though is whether or not I will still have a job in 3 or 6 months time ? We'll see.
MrSmiley21 wrote:
As luck would have it, the dealership is open. I dunno, if they'd give me at least 24k trade in on this truck, I might be rolling out of there with a 2020 Silverado. The one I want will be about $37,500, and I'd like a maroon one, TYVM. I got the cash to just buy that mother fucker. Gotta support the local economy.

Red and black cars are hard to see rust on. Just sayin'. ALthough if it comes down to it, black is easier to spot-coat with the anti-rust marker :P

If you're not absolutely hurting for cash, consider donating your old truck to a group that runs meals and Rx pickups to seniors: Meals on Wheels, Home Dialysis, etc. in your state/region may need it a lot more. You can claim the trade-in value quoted anywhere as your tax receipt amount. :)

Man I remember going over the bottom of my poor benighted black Subaru in the spring and seeing all the horrible ragged holes the ice had torn in places, the anti-rust marker feebly brushing off bubbling paint chips and exposing the rot underneath ;_;

Two months and change into quarantine:

--Groceries are more expensive overall. Our grocery bill has grown 50% since late Feb due to periodic shortages for things like household cleaners, fresh milk, fresh fruit, and meats. If you can manage it, go vegetarian and save; eat fruits that are in season or buy frozen; make soup at home from odds & ends.

--Garden stores are light on bedding plants as nurseries may be closed by quarantine or the prolonged cold this spring. Start your own from last years seed. Take cuttings or runners from a friend. Empty 2L plastic pop bottles are great if you don't have a cold frame or a seed tray. Bagged cow and sheep manure is heat sterilized so dig right in.

--Be careful while cycling. If you're a cycle commuter like me, you add extra points of contact between you and contagion just by being physically active: drinking water and water bottles, safety equipment that you take off and put on whenever you enter a building and leave, even just your higher respiratory rate can put you at magnified risk of picking up or spreading the virus.

Keep trips short enough so that you can eat at home after washing up. Use a mask when you're outside. Have fasteners and clips to store helmet, gloves, and cleats safely instead of having to lay them down on the floor or in a coat room. Clean change of cycling clothes errday, shower before and after, etc. Stay 30 feet (10m) behind or ahead of the next cyclist on the road.

Still safer than public transit, especially now with fewer cars on the road.
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
I’m paying attention to equity firms right now, looking at EPS of companies... Right now it’s chaos as private equity firms are fighting over companies. Not too happy about the dissolution of stocks, nor the impact of employee benefits going down the drain but this is the nature of the beast. Cash is king right now... Always has been.

I’m purchasing lots of stocks right now... So my portfolio is vibrating. I’m not an emotional investor but this pandemic makes it hard to distinguish between logical and emotional transactions.
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
Last edited by solwitch on Apr 30, 2020, 7:30:10 PM

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