[3.10] HOWA Anyskill Split Personality Juggernaut - Beyond expectation! (3000 INT, 13000 ES)

Been slowly building up this character. Saved up to start out with 5x int/es splits before actually making it. Started as hollow palm for levelling, its just too easy. My first and only death on this character was to the enslaver due to ignite and feeling too invincible. Level 93 atm. 2600 int. 11.5k es. Still need enhcant on helm. Level 95 will add another split that gives +62 int. Not sure if I want more es/int splits, i might go for int/str to gain immunity to ignites via cyclopean coil mod

Current gear:



Got really lucky with the ammy snipe. Had 3 open mods, slammed 2 prefixes on it got mana and lightning damage to attacks. Could be better, could be worse.

Basically invincible. Does Sacrilum and face tanks wave 20 Kosis and the fat boy at the same time easy peasy. Very very nice build.

I really like the Sirus gloves. I'll be going for ones with the same ele hit and attack speed but also maybe +1 gems, es %, frenzy, something else to add to the puzzle.

I stalked your build in PoB and your Wildfire jewel isn't getting the +2 projectile boost, switch it with Watcher eye and it will work :D

I'm similar level as you so you give me some ideas how I should build. Sadly it seems I won't be able to convert to this yet, from some PoB testing without any ES splits, my ES will only reach about 5k, which doesn't seem viable :(
Any advice, rerolled to do uber lab runs, not fully geared or jeweled up yet but sitting on 5.3k ES and near 1.6k int and just getting one hit by argus and izaro.


I feel you right here, man. I'm still levelling this build and just at level 56, but i've never been one-shotted by bosses THAT much. Damage is decent though. Patiently waiting for endgame, hope things will change with INT and ES-stacking gear/jewels. But I always got a feeling I'm missing something important, that brings that incredible tankiness everyone talking about in this thread...
DixuMixu wrote:
Any advice, rerolled to do uber lab runs, not fully geared or jeweled up yet but sitting on 5.3k ES and near 1.6k int and just getting one hit by argus and izaro.


Good question, how is the physical mitigation in this build and do is it needed? We have 4 endurance charges and some armor and block, but maybe that isn't enough for you?

I'm not sure ES build's which rely on leech more than on regen good at Uber :) but!
First of all I think u need a bit more then 5k ES. What CWDT are u using? Do u use Stone golem?
Second thought - there few spots on the three where u can pick Regen for endurance charge. ‰t Regen, Watcher Eye with Regen aura, pantheon on Regen, enchanted boots with Regen, enchanted gloves with Consecrated Ground when someone crit you, regen base amulet, fast recovery ES nodes and so on.... Just pick how much Regen us u like to feel comfortable in lab.

Thanks for the guide, the build feels pretty solid with decent gear.
I read inspiration is good for remplacing AC for solo target, is there
something else good ? (can be any color) How good is lightning pen support ? Sorry i am not good with poebuild to make the tests.

Also, what is best enchant boot between 10 ele pen and 160 lightning damage ? Keep the good work, thank you !

Mm I think inspiration is enough. Yes u can lightning pen, fortify, concentrated . ..
About boots - whatever u like. I prefer Regen for sustain)
RockyScream wrote:
Any advice, rerolled to do uber lab runs, not fully geared or jeweled up yet but sitting on 5.3k ES and near 1.6k int and just getting one hit by argus and izaro.


I feel you right here, man. I'm still levelling this build and just at level 56, but i've never been one-shotted by bosses THAT much. Damage is decent though. Patiently waiting for endgame, hope things will change with INT and ES-stacking gear/jewels. But I always got a feeling I'm missing something important, that brings that incredible tankiness everyone talking about in this thread...

I'm think 34 points kinda do the work) builds work on their 80-90% on higher levels. Be pationed)
I am playing on ps 4 and can't use PoeBuilder now, maybe u can give some advice to me, my profile
Trying to build str stacking hp based BLS Scion, reach 2.1k str, 7k+ hp on 89 lvl, need much more currency for better gear to reach 2.5-3k str and advise from guys who know true😉

Kinda different concept that we have here. Can't provide you the right information) look at the Baron builds and how they stack STR. I think it would be helpful.
WinKeeper wrote:
DixuMixu wrote:
Any advice, rerolled to do uber lab runs, not fully geared or jeweled up yet but sitting on 5.3k ES and near 1.6k int and just getting one hit by argus and izaro.


Good question, how is the physical mitigation in this build and do is it needed? We have 4 endurance charges and some armor and block, but maybe that isn't enough for you?

I'm not sure ES build's which rely on leech more than on regen good at Uber :) but!
First of all I think u need a bit more then 5k ES. What CWDT are u using? Do u use Stone golem?
Second thought - there few spots on the three where u can pick Regen for endurance charge. ‰t Regen, Watcher Eye with Regen aura, pantheon on Regen, enchanted boots with Regen, enchanted gloves with Consecrated Ground when someone crit you, regen base amulet, fast recovery ES nodes and so on.... Just pick how much Regen us u like to feel comfortable in lab.

Would regen help though? I'm fine with traps its literally the Izaro & Argus just one shotting me from 5.3k to 0.

I'm using the links you provided in POB, CWDT + IMMORTAL CALL plus the second CWDT links.

Without pumping 30ex+ worth of jewels plus mutliple ex into other items i'm not sure how I will get my ES much higher. I kinda thought this would at minimum be able to do uber lab on a fair budget.
DixuMixu wrote:

I stalked your build in PoB and your Wildfire jewel isn't getting the +2 projectile boost, switch it with Watcher eye and it will work :D

I'm similar level as you so you give me some ideas how I should build. Sadly it seems I won't be able to convert to this yet, from some PoB testing without any ES splits, my ES will only reach about 5k, which doesn't seem viable :(

haha yeah i pulled my jewels out to link for the forum post then threw em back in before going to bed, misplaced them. thanks for catching it though as i would have been playing today with them in the wrong spots.

es stacks like a mother from the splits. If I change nothing and just pull out my 7 es/int splits im at 5,277 es while with them in im 11,567
Seems very nice build, but how much currency is about needed to make this work reasonably well?

Just crafted this bad boy, now to get a Hunters orb for % int =D

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